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Everything posted by KerbMav

  1. "I cannae change the laws of physics!" Can you only just make orbit and thrust at Ap to lower Pe just into the upper atmosphere?
  2. There is a mod that will let you do something you wouldnt be able to do by hand (that fast and evenly). http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25823-0-21-1-TAC-Fuel-Balancer-25Jul You can set the payload tank to "balance out" so it refuels ANY tank of the craft - like you could do by yourself with ALT-right-click, but not in the required perfect manner - it is one of the rare occasions I might concur to saying a certain mod does at least have a slightly cheaty game-simplifying option/possibility - but in this case it would be more like a workaround I think. It can also be used to refuel all cans and tanks of a multipart ship at a refueling station - which would just save time and lots of clicking and rotating.
  3. If even from your earliest save you cannot get a good aerobreaking position to get into an orbit with help of thrusters - not even a decaying orbit to make an emergency landing to be rescued by another team - try to sling around Duna and burn for an encounter with Kerbin to abort the mission. Kerbals before mission!
  4. As blizzy78 said, angle some of the sepratrons at a slight angle to give it sideway momentum away from your drop zone. The action groups should give you the option to cut the chutes as you separate the thrusters - so use an action group and not staging for this. Do you want to keep (and repack) the parachutes on the rover for any reason? Else I would put them on the center stack below the drogue - and Id add two drogues and more chutes on the thruster modules - shoot it all straight up high on Kerbin and test its stability as the chutes open, could be to much force this way. You might at least want to put the tanks in the middle - mass will be more centered that way which is also good during ascent and travel and it might also flex less when the chutes open. To test the various stages you can also save the craft in a different file, take it apart and e.g. let it drop from launch clamps to test its stability when dropped from a few meters. Aesthetics question: Do all the struts start out from the parts that will detach from the rover? Else they will leave pock marks. Asked just to be sure.
  5. If people would invest this amount of "dedication" and energy in "pointing out" what todays governments call "equality", "justice", "security" ...
  6. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/tac-self-destruct-2/ Just find a way to let it attach to the debris - free docking port or somehow using KAS to make the package part of the debris "vessel".
  7. As can I. Another thing: Buying of Steam will push a game on the sales lists and put it into focus for more people - so it might be bought more often than by just mouth propaganda?
  8. Install Kerbal Alarm Clock - it can automatically slow down and stop (even pause if wished) on SOI changes or maneuver nodes.
  9. Would the savefile parameter of the tower-vessel "Landed at =" do anything here to prevent the removal of the tower when launching something else? It doesnt always seem to work flawlessly: I beamed a rover - more switched one on the Mun with an upgraded one from KSC - by copying everything from "Vessel" in cluding the partID to right above the first part of the vessel. But the second time I did this, the rover was standing on its tail buried some feet into the ground and with some parts exploding shooting upwards - it landed with no damage on its remaining two heavy landing legs though.
  10. The zip-file is somewhat stuffed with files and doubled folders - what do I really need?
  11. My main question at the moment is, can I run one pair with 2.1 and the other with 1.8 Volt - and if not will undervolting mess up latency or anything?
  12. Hm, warp drive without some means of propulsion isnt really worth much - the warp field only bends the space-time in front of the ship to shorten the "distance" it has to travel, but something has to push the ship through the bend space - but it was only a test, so no fast speed was required and I think for the story in the movie the signature of the warp field would have been enough. The real question is: How did they get back down to earth?
  13. Landing on a preselected spot - that is where again the fun comes in! On bodies with no atmosphere - tried it on the Mun only yesterday and only once - lower the orbit so that the flight path leads into the body a few kilometers "behind" your target and the craft flying 10-20km high over the target - then burning for a horizontal fullstop right above your landing zone, so that the craft falls vertically instead of landing "like a fast plane" - basically aim to get the retrograde marker on top (middle of the blue half) of the navball - you then can slow down your decent, tilting the lander a bit while thrusting to gain horizontel speed to get closer to your desired location as needed - the retrograde marker should be very close to the (blue) center of the navball before you touch down.
  14. Could I (under Win7 64bit) safely use these 2x2GB with my left over 2x1GB on this mainboard for 6GB of RAM total? 4GB 800MHZ DDR2 NON-ECC CL5 Kingston HyperX KHX6400D2B1K2/4G DDR2 2048MB (2X1024) PC1066 Corsair TWIN2X2048-8500C5D P5K/EPU S775 P35 ATX DDR2 ASUS 90-MBB67A-G0EAY00Z
  15. So, what did we really gain for our voyage/orbit after using the oberth effect? If adding 10 m/s just adds 10 m/s to our orbital velocity regardless of planetary mass, height of the orbit or initial velocity - then what is the extra gain in energy doing for us?
  16. On a similar matter: Wasnt there a mod that lets you set maneuvernodes into the future/a following orbital pass? I thought Maneuver Node Improvement would, but though being really helpful, it doesnt do this.
  17. The Madness is strong in this one! I started a Mun base project - first crew is up in a provisional habitat - the rover was designed badly ... so I used quantum technology to make changes to the design plans in the past ... well, edited the save file and switched the two crafts positions to cover my failure, I am an editor of save files ... but the most damning thing of all - I think I can live with it - and if I had to do it all over again ... I would. Jebediah was right about one thing: a guilty consience is a small price to pay for the fun of a Munar cruise - so I will learn to live with it ... because I can live with it - I can live with it ... computer, erase that entire forum entry!
  18. I crashed my Munar habitat - no inhabitants, luckily - five times while trying to land near my other base modules ... the crane and the heavy crew container where maneuverable as a pregnant cow to begin with - but using fine controls during orbital alignment, tabbing out, disabling caps lock to chat ... returning to game and wondering why the thing wouldnt turn with fine controls/caps lock led "off" ... *wilhelm*
  19. Weeeell, I wasnt talking about the positioning of the hatch on the pod - as some seem to think - I meant the initial orientation of the part when selected in the VAB.
  20. I use mostly cosmetick mods or mods that add more structural parts - I dont trust modded engines etc. because I cant decide if they are op or in line with stock specs. I also use a bunch of UI mods like Protractor and Engineer - and will try out the data output of MJ when the new version is finished and use the autopilot whenever -> I <- see fit. Yesterday I installed Fuel Balancer for the first time and this morning I wondered if it was a bit cheaty in MY eyes - I used it to balance the fuel in 10 orange tanks of a Mainsail first stage with four Skipper boosters so they flameout at the same time - I wondered if the mod did something I myself would not be able to do by hand or design - I came up with a complicated yet probably working design of fuel ducts and cross-fuel-disabled parts and will try this on the next launch of the same vessel. If I can solve the problem with a part intensive built, then the mod gets greenlighted for ME. The 100% balanced distribution of fuel in itself cannot be accomplished (without lots of patience and wasted playing time) stock, but that I dont care about, at all. And if there never will be a way to automate the transporation of mined fuel to a refueling station i orbit, then Fueltastic will stay in my mods folder.
  21. Change the standard orientation of the Mark 1-2 Command Pod while building in the VAB - the hatch is at an odd angle and although one could just rotate it until the hatch faces one of the "standard" directions (north, east, ...) it would just be easier that way.
  22. Have fun moving your orbit in a 3D "space" with a 2D input device ...
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