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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. I am reading it, i happen to type slow...get over yourself and deal with it. As stated previous in this thread by YOU its a public conversation and I will post what I have to say..


    assistance and cheating are NOT the same word yall...go look em both up.

    So if I got "assistance" on my SATs that answered every question for me as long as I showed up to take the test, and I scored better than everyone else resulting in a full ride scholarship to Harvard, that wouldn't be cheating? Different words can have the same meaning. It's all about the context.

  2. I don't think it's fair for someone that made it somewhere using an autopilot to demand the same respect as someone who made it there manually, actually playing the game themselves instead of watching it. The two experiences are nothing alike.

  3. I reinstalled FAR and it's still not working. New Kethane breaks it. I only have one modulemanager. Whoever said that they had them working together, I don't believe you.

    Hey Ferram, how about a non modulemanager version since MM obviously sucks?

    My modulemanager.dll is in the gamedata folder where it should be, I'm not using remotetech, I have the latest version, so WTF?

    Going back to old kethane versions is obviously not going to happen, yet is the only solution.

    That or deleting it, which I just did, and it fixed my FAR! Woohoo!

  4. I've got a 120hz monitor with the nVidia 3D built into it (came with the glasses and everything). I've tried the 3D in KSP, and I agree - it made docking MUCH cooler. The problem, however (at least with the nVidia 3D, I haven't tried anaglyph glasses), is that the game UI and star backdrop are NOT made for 3D. I don't just mean that the UI elements were at a different depth from everything else either - they were all rendered twice, making the whole experience rather dizzying. If there was better support for it, I'd be playing KSP in 3D all the time...because the actual 3D rendered objects looked AWESOME.

    Hopefully Squad gets this fixed upon release.

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