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Posts posted by Clamps

  1. You still need to always have internet and check in every 24 hours.

    Buying a console for one game is pretty silly. Also, sony encrypted their users CC information so no personal banking info was compromised. Yet everyone freaked out. That's not really a good arguing point against the PS4 since it's simply untrue.

  2. You don't have time to learn how to do it but you have time to watch the game play itself for you? It's duna. Deploy drogue chutes. Then deploy other chutes. Fire rocket near ground if needed. Pretty easy.

    If lots of parts make you lag then that sounds like a good time to see what the smallest number of parts you can use to get somewhere is. I'm not sure how Mechjeb is making it so your game doesn't lag, so I won't even touch on that.

    Have you turned terrain detail to the lowest you can? Disabled terrain scatters? Done the ocean lagfix?

  3. He brought a bunch of people to this forum that don't even play KSP. It started big fights and got multiple threads locked. How is that a good thing? Remember that he lied to everyone about his sex for attention?

    Also, making something's skin green doesn't make it a kerbal. He argued this incessantly, even though he was wrong and the people calling him out on his 'art' not being kerbals were right. Why do we need a memorial thread for someone that the forum is better off without?

  4. Every 45 minutes to an hour I get a crash. Sometimes I notice things right before it crashes such as the sky turning black, poor framerate, or the screenshot function not working. A lot of the time it crashes when clicking end flight, or SPH/VAB. Crashing upon pressing launch is also common. I hope that Squad can track these bugs down in the next release.

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