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Everything posted by Clamps

  1. The stock drag model adds up the total drag of every part, while FAR just counts the exposed parts. So using fairings and nosecones helps. It makes a lot of sense that rockets are easier to get into orbit that way, since the stock drag model makes the air as thick as pudding.
  2. Someday we will have... Kerbal space program 2!
  3. Not the first time KSP has shown up in the news.
  4. I didn't mean to come off that way, it just seemed silly that you would totally disregard the option of hiring. I know it's expensive, but ksp has sold a lot of copies. I wish they would publish the actual figures so we know how much they made.
  5. I'd like to see the poll again but with more specific age ranges.
  6. I'm pretty sure you're now on a list somewhere.
  7. You say they have nobody with the skills or enough people. That's why "hiring" is a thing. Maybe you've heard of it?
  8. That's why a custom homebrew engine would have been the way to go. Only issue with that is time and budget. Here we are, not even at release, and we are heavily limited performance wise with no fix in sight. That doesn't make me very optimistic for release. I suppose we do have a long way to go, and I hope to be surprised. I just wish the game would use my video cards!
  9. Last night I dreamt that my PC watercooling was leaking from the CPU waterblock onto my video card. Problem is, my video card is vertical off to the side and not horizontal directly under my cpu! Boom, lucid dream. Having non-conductive coolant wasn't enough to fool me into thinking that it was normal it hadn't shut off/failed yet. This is the first time I've had this dream. I've woken up in my dream room lucid plenty of times, but never had it triggered by my computer before. All the tubing was the correct shape and color and everything, just the motherboard rotated differently.
  10. Heh, I was wondering when you were going to post. There's not much left to discuss. The poor performance is caused by Unity not supporting current technologies, and was overall a poor engine choice for ksp. Hopefully the Unity devs step up their game.
  11. It's silly to perform floating point physics calculations on a CPU when GPUs were designed to do them 1000x faster and more efficiently. Switch to a modern 64 bit game engine please, before it really comes back to bite you.
  12. I wish I could rep you again. Thank you for completely destroying his claims, this was a delightful read.
  13. Just tell him that you can out engineer him. Worked for me. We discovered the game at the same time and had our own space race.
  14. This poll explains a lot about the forum, that's for sure. 27 years of staring into the cosmos every clear night here...
  15. Tried this. Made no difference. I even overclocked higher after turning off hyperthreading.
  16. I got it straightened out I experienced the KSP freakout with the Hello world ship title and no parts list, that was interesting to say the least. Thank you for the instructions though! I just happened to do all that right before you posted it. Repped.
  17. But I did that. I downloaded the game again and overwrote the parts folder, then installed the new FAR. Right when you first released it because the b9 drag was driving me crazy. Good explanation. I like using the ramjets, I just want a wider variety of engines to choose from. Single player and all that, you know how it is. Now that I just overwrote my parts folder from my backups(and will edit the cfg again), will I not have the ramjet anymore? Because I still want it. That's why it's frustrating not having an actual part folder like I'm used to dealing with. Edit: Got it working. No ramjet though I renamed the jet in both fields of the part.cfg(before i only did one) so now i'll load up the unedited modulemanager cfg and see if I can get both with a non renamed jet folder present. Could you please upload the part.cfg of a proper turboramjet so I can put it in my parts folder? I'd like to get everything in order. Even with the unedited far cfg it won't make a ramjet, I just have two regular stock jets. NEVERMIND I got it working right. Too bad it didn't load a bunch of my planes in orbit since I changed the name of the stock engine and gave it the ramjet velocity curve and power. That was definitely a mistake not just making another folder. I guess once the "wasn't loaded" message pops up its gone forever right? I never saved any of those planes I had in orbit. Oops.
  18. Doesn't mean I don't want the option to use the proper jet engine. The FAR engines are really weak. They'd be better with a velocity curve adjustment, even if you kept the 140 thrust. I edited the FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg and it's still turning my jets into ramjets, what else do I need to change to make it work? Delete module manager? Because my fixes worked fine in the last version, when there was no module manager. Tried to copy stock engine files into another custom part folder, and changed the name. Still gets turned into a ramjet. This is annoying. here's my edited cfg: //This file will overwrite necessary stock values to make wings and some other oddly shaped parts behave properly under aerodynamic loadings // //Powered by ialdabaoth's ModuleManager @PART[AdvancedCanard] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 @ctrlSurfaceRange = 0 @ctrlSurfaceArea = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 0.5 e = 0.9 MidChordSweep = -15 maxdeflect = 15 b_2 = 2 TaperRatio = 0.1 } } @PART[StandardCtrlSrf] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 @ctrlSurfaceRange = 0 @ctrlSurfaceArea = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 0.5 e = 0.9 nonSideAttach = 1 maxdeflect = 20 MidChordSweep = 0 b_2 = 2.8 TaperRatio = 1 } } @PART[CanardController] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 @ctrlSurfaceRange = 0 @ctrlSurfaceArea = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 1.1 e = 0.8 MidChordSweep = 20 maxdeflect = 20 b_2 = 1.6 TaperRatio = 0.5 } } @PART[deltaWing] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 2 e = 0.75 MidChordSweep = 22 b_2 = 3.5 TaperRatio = 0.1 } } @PART[smallCtrlSrf] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 0.5 e = 0.9 maxdeflect = 20 nonSideAttach = 1 b_2 = 1 TaperRatio = 1 } } @PART[sweptWing] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 1.7 e = 0.9 MidChordSweep = 10 b_2 = 4.9 TaperRatio = 0.78 } } @PART[tailfin] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 1.4 e = 0.75 MidChordSweep = 22 b_2 = 1.3 TaperRatio = 0.4 } } @PART[wingConnector] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 3.3 e = 0.7 MidChordSweep = 0 b_2 = 1.7 TaperRatio = 1 } } @PART[winglet] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 1.1 e = 0.7 MidChordSweep = 25 b_2 = 1.5 TaperRatio = 0.2 } } @PART[R8winglet] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 @ctrlSurfaceRange = 0 @ctrlSurfaceArea = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 1.3 e = 0.8 MidChordSweep = 10 maxdeflect = 15 b_2 = 1.5 TaperRatio = 0.6 } } @PART[winglet3] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 @ctrlSurfaceRange = 0 @ctrlSurfaceArea = 0 MODULE { name = FARControllableSurface MAC = 1.4 e = 0.8 MidChordSweep = 15 maxdeflect = 15 b_2 = 1.5 TaperRatio = 0.6 } } @PART[structuralWing] { @module = Part @maximum_drag = 0 @minimum_drag = 0 @angluarDrag = 0 @dragCoeff = 0 @deflectionLiftCoeff = 0 MODULE { name = FARWingAerodynamicModel MAC = 1.7 e = 0.8 MidChordSweep = 45 b_2 = 1.8 TaperRatio = 0 } } I just removed anything dealing with engines, why did this not work? Where is it even getting the ramjet part? It's not in any of the folders. Would restoring my backup of my parts folder and deleting far entirely, then editing the cfg before reinstalling work?
  19. Edited them out, thanks a ton! Hopefully I still get to keep the TurboRamJet as a part option.
  20. Install hyperedit and find out.
  21. How do I get my stock jet engine back? I overwrote the folder with the backup I had and it says all the right things in the SPH but when I go fly it, it has turned into a TurboRamJet engine. No amount of folder deleting and replacing helps, sadly. This also breaks any action groups relating to the jets. How is it loading the ramjet once I've put the regular engine on? Because this ramjet sucks.
  22. Couldn't you just look in the part.cfg?
  23. I'll support Nintendo when they make games that appeal to me and not 5 year olds. Awesome use of editing to justify your $500 halo game. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
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