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Everything posted by Spyritdragon

  1. Try what the person above me said. As long as you have Kerbals in your pod, rescource transfer should work. Try transferring some electricpower from the Oscar-B battery to the main pod battery and all the other empty batteries, and see if that works. If you can't transfer, try right-clicking the command pod and controlling it from there. Once you have power in your command pod and probe core by manual transfer, try turning on all the batteries again (the ones with the red circles next to the rescource amount, which i assume are blocked ones). Most importantly, check if a transfer from the oscar-B battery to other batteries works.
  2. I use tab too, and that works fine for me. Try switching it to a random key that won't do anything else specific when pressed on its own in KSP, like the tab key, and retrying - it might be possible that the native function of your caps lock, the shift-locking function, is interfering.
  3. Maybe they developped photosynthesis and the ones that didn't died? That would explain why Kerbals can survive so insanely long in space.
  4. Wouldn't we have antigravity Kerbals then rather than Jumbo tanks and mainsails?
  5. Hmmm... what timezone is everyone in? As i said before, i might livestream my multiple failures in this (after Rocketsciences module goes up) if enough people are interested in watching.
  6. Yeah, there was an option to get your name in the game. Someone probably added Jeb
  7. I just had an idea. Your lamps. I don't know how well those are attached, but maybe you can clamp onto those :-)
  8. Stock parts are going to be hard, yes, if not impossible. With KAS or LAZOR it'll be alot easier, although you will need to find some way to trasport enough fuel to get into orbit to the Mun though, then get back with the lander craft. Try to maximalize your efficiency, and consider refuelling the rescue craft with a third craft in Munar orbit. That'll help alot already.
  9. Under your central stack is a structural decoupler. That seems weird, but more importantly does not allow for fuel crossfeed. And right now it even seems to me from the picture you actually have a fuel line leading to that decoupler. Make sure all your fuel lines are exactly symmetrical, and try leading them from the pancake tanks to the orange tanks, going from the first asparagus stage pancake tank to the second stage orange tank, then from the second stage pancake tank to the central orange tank. Then allow fuel crossfeed on your central stack decoupler before launch, and you should be fine. The problem is most likely related to fuel flow, so you want to lay the pipes with in mind that fuel always comes from the farthest tank first. You want asparagus-1-orange to be the farthest, then asparagus-1-pancake, then asparagus-2-orange, then asparagus-2-pancake, etc. Alternatively you could assign an action group rather than using the spacebar to stage, with in the action group the decouple command along with the 'engine shutdown' command.
  10. The problem with my crafts and abort systems is, when they fail either i have several running mainsails breaking off which will keep pushing my command pod in place unless i have a whole bunch of sepratrons attached, or they fail in such a way that its safer to stabilize with ASAS, then manually decouple my pod. In general, either abort is not an option, i have rocket parts wizzing past my crews ears, or i have the time to abort in a more controlled fashion, such as when i have a single engine breaking off.
  11. Banned for banning the guy who showed me my avatar location was written wrong (P.s. thanks )
  12. Banned for naming a glass after the material it's made of.
  13. 7/10 Nice colours and concept, but it looks like a triangular face with a big nose in my head which kinda ruins it in my head .
  14. I am horribly immature at times . There's also plenty of craziness abound here. Only most of the time, here, we focus it in a good way. Because science and rockets are awesome ^-^
  15. Go generally anything that is in atmosphere when i decouple it, will thus experience an accelleration and prevent the space centre option, so it will be deleted. How should i drop boosters then (or crates in this situation) with parachutes so they can be (re)used?
  16. I'd start by getting a Kerbal into orbit and returning safely. Then i'd aim for the Mun and return safely. Then you can either try to build a small space station and learn to dock, or go to Minmus and learn about inclination change. This: Mun landing tutorial is one of the best i have seen as of yet on the forums. I advise you give them a visit to learn the basics. It's beautifully illustrated too.
  17. I'm not sure wether to put this here or in gameplay questions. Correct me if i'm wrong. I had a few questions though, mostly general space questions: After a conversation about space debris in KSP, i looked into the Kessler syndrome, which led me to the 2009 sattelite colision (Iridium 33 and Kosmos-2251). I came up with a few questions about space mechanics along the way: Direct measurements of negative gravoli particles indicate Kerbin has the same gravity as Earth, 9.81 m/s. Yet, Kerbin is much, much smaller than Earth actually is, Earths equatorial radius being about 6.300 kilometers, 10.5 times Kerbins equatorial radius, which is 600 kilometers. Looking up about LEO, i came up with "normal LEO orbital velocity of around 7.8 km/s". Low earth orbits go between 150 km up and 2000 km up. I'll take a reasonable 700 kilometres up, quite a bit more than 150km, which gives me a radius of a circular orbit of 7.000 kilometres. Why do we, around Kerbin, which has the same gravity as Earth, go only about 2.3 km/s for a height of 100 km, so we'll have a radius of 700km in orbit? Usually you tend to go faster on smaller orbits, right? Also, question 2: looking up Iridium 33, the article says 'an ascending node of 230.9°'. Between what exactly is this angle measured? I don't really see how the angle of your ascending node can go over 180 degrees without becoming the descending node. Thanks in advance :-)
  18. It would indeed be fun to have a way of dropping supplies onto the surface of Eve. Why do you find the crates keep disappearing though? I've never had any debris randomly disappear when it hits the atmosphere that i know of. I've had launch stages floating steadily on a 50 by 100 kilometer orbit and they didn't disappear.
  19. Open Broadcaster Software is usually used for streaming, but it's also nice for recording i think :-). Else, fraps is easily the most common and reliable software from what i've heard online, especially for getting steady FPS on games, which you should note here because KSP is already processor-intense itself. For editing, if you just want to cut and place different parts of videos, just go for Windows Movie Maker :-). CS2 sounds like a good idea too
  20. Be careful of poking large rods of girders into planets at high speeds. I saw a video a small while ago of someone who tried to brake a pod with a big beam. He ended up destroying the entire planet he was flying into .
  21. Are there any differences in the craft files themselves? I.e. would i be able to nick a few crafts from my old savefiles and plug them into my new one?
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