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Everything posted by Spyritdragon

  1. Dont you dare leave. I fully support you in this but if you dare leave i will fuse 4 titan cards together and copy your design then put the smallest tank extra on it. Then you will have to come back to beat your own design. Good luck
  2. If you have parts leftover you need to fill, i had two ideas other than my mass relay i skipped over. First my massive fuel tank, which i dont think we'll need. But more usefully, second, i repurposed my "Mission Minmus" Mun and Minmus lander to be an orbital fuel shuttle. I can bring it back to... hopefully 20 parts. Maybe 25. Itll hold a full orange tank of fuel - possibly more if i go over 20. It carries 3 crew, remote operatable, 5k battery with 2 small panels for emergencies, NERVA powered and supports twin-ring RCS for docking. Adaptable to 4 crewmembers depending on wether you want a std or a sr clampotron on it. Sadly, current design does support both on easily dockable positions in one cravt. Still, its awesome for 20 parts.
  3. Do you lose electric charge when you hit the drive button? And will your wheels still turn when you hit the keys even though youre not moving? Try right clicking and making sure the motors are enabled. Also try randomly hitting all your movement keys. Ive had spaceplanes that refuse to budge on the runway after i turn off brakes untill i nudge all direction keys a bit, maybe you have the same with your rover. Also check your action groups making sure your brake action group does what its supposed to.
  4. Try it . Make sure you have enough chutes and thrust to slow down on duna and enough RCS for docking.
  5. Make a rover with fuel and two opposite facing engines. Point one engine at the items untill they overheat and explode :-). The other engine will prevent your rover from flying away at horrible speeds. Else just drop an IPBM on the pile.
  6. Even now, i consistently design my rockets, put them on the launchpad, go back into the VAB for Launch Stability enhancers, put it back on the launchpad, put it back in the VAB for winglets, then launch it. My asparagus staging will then consistently nick off parts of my remaining asparagus stages, so i go back into the VAB to put sepratrons on them after trying three times.
  7. Just go to your tracking station and look for the planet Eeloo by yourself - find it in its orbit, then double click it to zoom in on it. If its not there, try temporarily moving all your mods out of your 'GameData' folder and running it again. If Eeloo is actually there, check where your probe is. Maybe its a problem related to your autopilot mod. Also, are you actually entering Eeloo's sphere of influence? You can check this by selecting the probe in the tracking station and hitting the square 'I' button on the right side of your screen. If you actually just want to orbit Eeloo, simply wait untill you're a minimal distance away, then fire retrograde. If you're heading straight for the planet, you should adjust that before you get too close so you have a periapsis outside the planet. Anywho's i advise to do this manually once you get closer to Eeloo since your autopilot seems to have problems. Some screenies would be useful :-)
  8. As everyone here said, try a 13km aerobrake :-). Quicksave beforehand though. I once aerobraked a probe at Eve, ended up having to preform a hefty burn to prevent spontaneous collision-related disassembly of my probe.
  9. Heres a hint: It involes my trusty Seelorf, and i'll probably put Kirrim in it too if Cooly agrees.
  10. Im still in favor of the base + orbital service station combo. Will keep individual part counts down too. Also, after Goose puts up his module, i'll put up mine, i have a... project in mind. It shouldn't harm the science station. I'm not so sure about the universe though - who knows what else Seelorf comes up with, once he notices whats going on. Ill do my module quickly after Goose, then i'll post the persistance file so you can get to work, and i can work individually on my video while the project still continues. If it turns out the way i hope it will, it'll be awesome.
  11. Hey everyone, A few weeks ago, i had my physics exam. Now, i reasonably like physics, mostly orbital physics, but i tend to be more involved with the complex ones, and studying basic statics and mechanics gets me bored reasonably quickly. On this exam, i was faced with a horrible problem: I had forgotten the formula for angular accelleration. Yes, the very important one, the one to calculate the accelleration acting on a body rotating at a specific angular/normal velocity. I had a few vague ideas, but nothing concrete enough to solve the exercise. I thought i couldn't solve the exercise, but then, i remembered something. I play this very fun game called KSP. I wrote down all my potential formulas. Then i thought. I knew the radius of Kerbin. I knew that i'd need my velocity somwhere around 2200 m/s to orbit in a 100 by 100 altitude orbit. I knew the approximate acceleration due to gravity on Kerbin. I came out with v^2/r . I got 10/20. KSP likely saved my exam. Thank you, Squad
  12. Heeey :-) With the time the forums are out, i was unable to get to the persistance file and launch anything. As shown before, the module is still ready and built though. I'll just wait for Hoojiwana and Goose then i suppose. Although, after recent attempts at our lives, i might redesign the thing while im waiting for improved safety. Oh and, Leax, yousa going downsa ;-)
  13. Taking the plane home today - long flight. Ill probably get to work tomorrow or the day after :-)
  14. Hey everyone, Just here to say im still following this thread and still very interested. Im currently over 6.000 km from my laptop, but i should be back on KSP in 10 days. Exams are over, time should be all open. If my spot is still open ill orbit it right then and there unless anyone else is busy. Ill do some hopefully funny video editing to make up for the delay if i make it. And um... anything we're doing about the fact .22 will actually have science parts?
  15. I think we have an open spot on a station roster somewhere, but with all these people working here we havea few strict gyidelines. For the time being, all we're woking on is the two stations in Kerbin orbit, so no cities/airports just yet. Also, everything is completely stock, and i dont really see how you'd go around building an airport or a city out of stock parts.
  16. Go back to SPH, and bring up your Centre of Mass and Centre of Lift indicators - compare the size of the arrows. My guess is that, indeed, you need more lift. I use slightly more power. I like having the leftover.
  17. If you go for a clean KSP install, then take a liquidfuel engine, a tank on top and a command pod on top of that, does it launch okay?
  18. Launch when your target just starts to rise over the horizon. That's what Scott Manley says at least - i tend to pretty much always save fuel for circularisation.
  19. You'd have to have a very very light ship to accomplish that. Are you sure your calculations are right?
  20. Nauthy, i'm very sorry, but all my time has suddenly been taken up. I have something i really need to do before September 19'th. Since im leaving on vacation soon, i won't have time to launch my module for about two weeks. I'm very sorry :-/
  21. Probably is remote control, since i've also seen him get run over by moving planes while in a rover. Also, anyone have an idea how he threw Gilly at Kerbin?
  22. Pretty much not at all. I'm surprised this forum has relatively little activity for the reasonable popularity it has. But i generally reply to alot of the threads i visit and find interesting
  23. Banned for admitting incompetence at rocket science
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