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Everything posted by Sirrobert

  1. Personally I'd put a seperate module, not attached to the rest for habitation. Like 2 hitchhikers with a lander can ontop, stacked upright
  2. Well that's my suggestion than. A dedicated habitat core. Ofcourse you can't actually make anything, but stack some hitchikers ontop of eachother or something, and it LOOKS like something they could live in. Better than having them straped in a seat for 2 months EDIT: OR mods. I believe there are some mods just for this
  3. DAMN you are good at selective reading Allow me to lay out the key words you missed again: is still data coming directly from the source. There is no data coming out of a black hole. Per definition, all data entering a black hole is lost forever And I'm glad you have your awesome definition. I'm just going to stick to what the rest of the world is using
  4. Indirect discovery. Kinda like when a bat flys past the moon. You don't see the bat, but you see it's shadow, so you know SOMETHING just flew past the moon. After the discovery, we can point more sensetive things in the directly to try and capture direct proof
  5. What I concider way more interesting is that while seperated, the SRBs and the shuttle keep going at the same speed. If I seperate a booster from the main rocket with it's engine still on, almost always it will accelerate aLOT faster suddenly, having been freeed from the weight
  6. Telescopes, with or without a computer, magnify photons so you can see them. Infrared, or any kind of radiation is still data coming directly from the source. How about you focus on the 'define orbserving' part, instead of dancing around the point?
  7. Put them on the sides of the side boosters, pointed sideways so that they push the booster AWAY from the main rocket They should go where I proffesionally put red smears with paint on your picture, on both side of each booster. Maybe several per booster
  8. Interesting. It makes sense ofcourse when you think about it, but I never concidered such a thing
  9. Very well than. Define 'orbserving' Cause until you do, none of your arguments matter For me, observing means the same thing as what Moon Goddess talks about. I can observe the objects rotating around the black hole. With knowledge of what a gravit and orbits are, and deductive reasoning, I can come to the conclusion that the opbject I see is orbiting around something, but I can not directly see that something. There is no data coming directly from the black hole. If it was a muder case, they'd say you only have circumstantial evidence PS: 'the effect they have on photons' is my definition of seeing something. Just as hearing something is vibrations in the air interecting with my eardrums
  10. That one went to orbit like a rocket though, not like a plane
  11. That's what I mean yes. And I imagine it'd be very dificult to work around, as you basicly pull 1 gigantic part out of the loader. So you can't have every single possible connection point out already. Also I think the tree build mechanism of this game basicly means you have no other option
  12. If you load something from the subassambly, you can only attatch it to something else at the root of the craft. The root is the part you started with. So you might need to rebuild the rover, or the rocket. I'd rebuild the rocket, since you can reuse the rocket for different crafts
  13. Don't forget putting the landing legs on backward. I think alot of people did that one It's a nice looking satalite btw
  14. Ballancing RCS is done in relation to the center of mass. You can check the CoM in the vehicle assambly building
  15. Right click the engine and check that it is activated. A switched off engine still consumes fuel, but doesn't show animation
  16. You could theoreticly do it with just 1 RCS thruster (if it wasn't all on rails). It's simply take longer than our own sun has to live
  17. Sure, if you just ignore it, it should be fine. But hit it, rotate it, throttle, RCS, do ANYTHING with it, and you need physics
  18. Did you serieusly necro a thread just to complain? Lag is caused by your processor having to calculate physics for each part. More parts=more work. More work=more lag
  19. You see the stats if you right click the science part, but they are really just for show. There are some easter eggs on the Mun if you want to search for them, but basicly: it's a sandbox. You explore because you want to drive a rover around on the mun PS: The next time you try to land this: You don't need it's landing legs to land, you can land perfectly on the wheels (as you noticed). Activate the breaks to prevent from moving. The landing leggs on that rover are to prevent tipping over
  20. You can put a fresh kerbal on Jool, he'll have a new flag
  21. The main problem with pulling is that you can't stage like normal. Ofcourse you can have the final orbit stage a pull setup, while the liftoff stage a push setup, but that'd still make the top very heavy during liftof
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