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    Curious George
  1. Heh, even making them out of parts is tough That's awesome! Looking forward to it Yeah, I read a lot of this thread and I guess took away the mistaken impression that you'd relaxed that position. Ah well.
  2. Blackheart612, I love this mod! Your cockpits and engines are exquisite, and enable warplane modeling where the planes are the spitting image of their real counterparts. On your poll about future parts, I'm firmly in the cockpit section. If you're taking cockpit suggestions, I'd particularly like to see A short version of your MK1 Caged Inline Cockpit, particularly if it's cropped to the front 50% as in the P-40 Warhawk or P-51A Mustang. A steeper version of your MK1 Caged Inline Cockpit, closer to the angles of the F4F and F6F. MAD Aerospace has a cockpit that has the right steepness but the wrong front face called the T40. A bubble canopy in the style the US used in WW2 and Korea, with a frontal angled cage similar to the MK1 Caged inline's in front of the pilot and then a single teardrop piece for the rest. But I was also wondering if you would be open to making radially attached versions of cockpits. Some planes, like the P-40 Warhawk, the F-5 Freedom Fighter, the Dassault Mystere, and the Dassault Ouragon have fuselages that begin to taper underneath the cockpit - no single part can model that properly. Some other modelers - notably strykersm of the Stryker Aerospace mod - made cockpits that attach radially, which avoids the problem altogether. Is that something you'd be interested in making in the future? I think it would be a big help!
  3. Do you have any idea how much I needed this? No? Good. It's a lot more than I care to admit. Downloading the heck out of it.
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