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Everything posted by _Zee

  1. I went into my BIOS and there weren't any options for clock speed. Sad Panda. I'm fairly certain a clean boot isn't necessary. I keep my process list pretty clean. Only forms of antivirus I have running are SpyBot and Malwarebytes. Again, it's not like I'm having general performance problems. Things run smooth as butter when there's a single object in focus. It's just specific problems, like large stations or bases.
  2. Allow me to go a bit off-topic here then, in the hopes that maybe I can see an improvement in performance. In the interest of being specific, my current CPU is an Intel i5 2300, at 2.8ghz stock. I run my computer with the tower panels removed and a simple external fan blowing on the motherboard, and the ambient temperature surrounding my tower is always cold (75 degrees or less). How high could I safely OC my CPU and whats the best software to do it? I have experience overclocking my GPU with MSI Afterburner, but for some reason I always strayed away from OC'ing my CPU.
  3. Sure, you're absolutely right. But my clock rate is 2.8ghz on 4 cores. By no means state of the art, but certainly not "slow". A reasonable upgrade would be... say... a 3.4ghz processor with 6 cores. Now running that CPU on any other game, would potentially cause noticeable increases in performance. But going from a SINGLE core at 2.8 to a SINGLE core at 3.4, really isn't going to make that big of a difference. It certainly wouldn't justify purchasing a new CPU. And fair enough, Squad didn't design the engine that they are using for their software. But why in the HELL would ANY software company choose to use an antiquated engine that can only utilize a single core?! It's 2013! Do stores even sell new single core processors anymore??? Excuse me for ranting, but that's f***in ridiculous.
  4. I don't see how overclocking or buying a faster CPU would help in any way, shape, or form, if the engine is only utilizing one core from the CPU. Buying a faster CPU, would mean increasing my core count. So instead of having 3 cores completely un-utilized, I would instead have 5 or 7 un-utilized. If Squad designed the engine... how is changing the engine out of their control?
  5. I'm so frustrated right now I can barely see straight. I just spent the past 3 days designing, launching, landing, and connecting 3 separate modules meant to establish a base on the Mun, using Extraplanetary Launchpads and Kethane. By the time I got the 3rd module in range of the 2 that were already on the Mun waiting, my framerate dropped so hard, I could barely navigate the terrain with the rover. After finally getting it to its destination, I connected all 3 modules together, and VOILA! I finally have a fully functioning fully self-sustaining Shipyard on the Mun. This is a huge moment of triumph for me. But now, EVERY single time I try to load this base up from the tracking center, the game lags so hard and the framerates are so low, that it can't properly render the base with the terrain, and after waiting for 20 seconds for the game to finish loading everything, the entire base just randomly explodes and flies everywhere. I've tried everything, cranking every single setting down and up, nothing helps. My base is just gone now, because that quicksave can't be loaded. The same sharp drop in framerate occurs with my Space Station as well, but for now, it has yet to start randomly exploding. This is so freaking irritating because I have a very solid computer that should be entirely capable of running this game on max settings with 60+ framerates. I can do this no problem with any other modern-day game that is 100 times more taxing than this one. When are the devs going to update the way the software accesses the user's hardware, and what can be done to ease these problems until then? I absolutely love this game, and I'm furious that it can't be played the way I want to play it.
  6. Is updating this supposed to overwrite the old resource locations with entirely new ones? I was using 0.6.1 and had a base on the Mun harvesting both Ore and Kethane in the same location using EL, and when I updated to 0.7.2 that location no longer has either resource.
  7. So basically these, already, wonky and difficult-to-stabilize parts HAVE to have wheels and the structural scaffolding to support said wheels on them, in order to connect together?
  8. I'm so confused on how the hell all the parts are supposed to link up together. I understand that the launchpad consumes Rocket Parts, Fuel, and Electricity. But how are you supposed to connect all of these things to the launchpad when it has no connection nodes, besides the one for the workbench tower that converts Metal to Rocket Parts? The Smelter can't be connected to either the Tower or the Launchpad, and I have no idea how you're even supposed to have enough room to store all the Rocket Parts you would need assuming I could even connect the storage tanks, considering that even basic 4 stage rockets require like 5000 Rocket Parts and the largest storage tanks only hold a little over 200? How are you supposed to effectively route ore to the smelter, and then ore to the tower to be processed into metal? These convertors only hold 10 of each unit within their internal storage tanks. And I'm not even gonna bother asking how these things are supposed to be launched and landed yet. I'll take it one step at a time, and the first step... how do all these things connect together!?
  9. My current project is building a low orbit space station. It is in the very earliest stages, and I've run into a problem. I'm launching the pieces up one by one, and then using a "tug boat" to pick them off the launch craft, and then place the piece onto the station. I got the piece into place, but now I can't get the tug boat to disconnect from the piece that I've added to the station. If I try to disconnect the tub boat+solar array from the station, then it works just fine. But it won't allow me to simply remove the tug boat from the solar array. Pic included. Thanks for your help.
  10. My current project is building a low orbit space station. It is in the very earliest stages, and I've run into a problem. I'm launching the pieces up one by one, and then using a "tug boat" to pick them off the launch craft, and then place the piece onto the station. I got the piece into place, but now I can't get the tug boat to disconnect from the piece that I've added to the station. If I try to disconnect the tub boat+solar array from the station, then it works just fine. But it won't allow me to simply remove the tug boat from the solar array. Clicking on the Undock button does nothing. Pic included. Thanks for your help.
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