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Everything posted by _Zee

  1. Hi there, thanks for your work on this mod. I'm having an issue with the skybox dynamic dimming settings. If I leave DOE's Skybox dimming check on, then altering the skybox's brightness works as intended. If I check DOE's skybox dimming setting off though, then the brightness settings no longer have an impact, dimming still occurs, and the skybox becomes very dark and can rarely be seen. I'm trying to turn off the dimming while keeping the skybox nice and bright, and I can't seem to get both things happening at once. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Hi LinuxGuruGamer. Thanks for all your work on this mod. I'm having the same issue as Jiraiyah above, in that every time the VAB is loaded, the Mods List window is open by default and placed in the top left corner of the screen. The window is also incredibly small and the scrollable items can barely be read. Here is my output log, please let me know if you need more from me. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lhvp9umvpprb1im/output_log.txt?dl=0 Thanks again for your time and help.
  3. This is a fantastic idea and it makes you wonder why something like this wasn't implemented in the stock game. A meaningful and repeatable endgame functionality is never a bad thing. Can't wait to try this one out!
  4. Is this set up to integrate across the CTT's nodes? Thanks for maintaining this mod.
  5. Ahhhh. That's definitely a strange way of presenting it. Makes sense though, thanks for clearing it up. And yes, it seemed like the flag planting bonus wasn't given because the game considered the strategy complete before it got to that bonus.
  6. So I haven't managed to grab a screen of the milestone bug during the Mun Probe mission, but it turns out its there for the Manned Mun mission as well. Here's a screen showing an 80% bonus.
  7. Will do. Might need to start another career since I've finished the probe part of my Mun program and now on the manned part of my Mun program. So it might take me a little while but I'll be back with screens. Thanks again for everything Nightingale.
  8. This'll be my 3rd bug report in less than 12 hours, so I figured I'd group them up together here. In addition to the bugs above, I'm also having issues getting To Boldly Go to pay out any bonuses. Tested this watching my funds like a hawk after landing on the Mun for the first time. Figured I should also share my log and game data folder. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qbrbz435z9ghmgc/output_log.txt?dl=0
  9. Ya I have no idea why its doing that, because other techs added in that you just left to default work just fine, like Dmagic for example. Anyway, I figured out how to correct it. I added this line to the UnmannedBeforeManned-TechTree.cfg @PART[RTPassiveAntennaTech]:NEEDS[RemoteTech,!SETIctt,!ETT,!OpenTree,!RP-0]:FOR[UnmannedBeforeManned] { @TechRequired = unmannedTech } I'm not entirely certain I used all the right tags, but it's correctly placing the perk into the correct node and researching it gives the correct intended results.
  10. I stand corrected, you are right, Remote Tech's default config is that the 3km omni is unlocked further down the tree on unmannedtech. However, your mod places this tech in the start node, but doesn't actually put the effect into affect, which means it can never be utilized during a career. The fix is to either put the tech back in the unmannedtech node, or make sure the perk is actually applied to all the probe cores at game start. Either way is fine I suppose, given what both your mod and RT are doing. I have not installed ProbeControlEnabler btw.
  11. Yes, and before you posted update, the tech perk was listed in the Start tech node. RemoteTech intends for that perk to be something you have from the start, so that probes can talk with the KSC from the launchpad and other local craft without real antennas. This becomes even more important with the changes your mod makes.
  12. Hello Yemo, thanks for all the work you put into your mods! I'm running into an issue with Unmanned Before Manned and Remotetech. Whenever a new career is started, the very first probe core you're given does not have the 3km Always-On Omni antenna. You can slap one of the actual antenna parts onto the ship and those will work, but the probe core itself does not have a connection to the KSC when sitting on the launch pad. By contrast, starting a new Sandbox mode game DOES give the same probe core the 3km omni antenna. I'm not sure where the problem is or how to fix it. Appreciate any help you can provide!
  13. Thanks for your work on this Nightingale, I posted my results on Yemo's thread today.
  14. Hey guys, sorry for the delayed response. Squad is releasing so many patches and it generally takes me a full day to comb through all the mod threads to read and understand all the updates that they have to make since I have so many, that I've kind of taken a break from playing and visiting the forums until things seem to settle down again. At any rate, I downloaded and installed CC 1.5 and retested my control save. I can definitely notice an improvement, but I wouldn't say the problem has been completely solved. I went from experiencing maybe 10 microstutters in the space of 5 seconds to roughly 3 microstutters in the space of 5 seconds, if I try and quantify it (which is obviously kind of hard to do). Monitoring the performance window shows an obvious improvement though, and as far as the overall "feel" goes, it went from completely unplayable to barely playable. It still shows that the problem is there however when manually completing the contract, as those microstutters then drop to 0. Thanks for all your effort on this Yemo and Nightingale. At the end of the day "barely playable" is still playable, so I greatly appreciate the fix.
  15. Sorry if it's already been asked, but does anyone know why the "Robotics" tab in the VAB would have suddenly vanished? I'm using the KAS/KIS mod and that's apparently supposed to add its own tab as well and, that too, is missing for some reason. It's actually made finding and using these items impossible short of hunting through Squad's extended filters list.
  16. Sorry if it's already been asked, but does anyone know why the "EVA Items" tab in the VAB would have suddenly vanished? I'm using the Infernal Robotics Rework and that's apparently supposed to add its own tab as well and, that too, is missing for some reason. It's actually made finding and using these items impossible short of hunting through Squad's extended filters list.
  17. I'm confused on what your asking about on the Infernal Robotics point. I have both v0.21.2 of Infernal Robotics and v01b of the Model Rework & Expansion installed. I am using both and they are already the newest versions available? Alright, thanks for moving the issue over to Nightingale's thread. Should I just keep an eye on his thread for info on this problem from here on?
  18. Yes I get the same KSPAPIextension.dll warning as well, and its from MSI. I was under the impression that, that .dll wasn't something that could just be copy/pasted to update. I thought that users have to use the .dll that comes with whatever mod is redistributing it as the mod that is using it as a dependency had required info baked into it. Did I just misunderstand the OP in the KSPAPIextensions thread? And I am using the Infernal Robotics Model Rework & Expansion already. The one in this thread, correct? And correct, KSP-AVC is not installed. I don't need it, do I?
  19. Here you go! Everything you need should be in there. http://www./download/7rjrgakoc5bz8vn/_Zee_Mirrored_Install.zip
  20. I downloaded and installed the newest ContractConfigurator yesterday with the same hope that it might resolve the issue, but to no avail. As I said before I could put my GameData folder and my Save folder into a zip if you'd like to test it that way. If an exact mirror like that doesn't reproduce the problem for you then that would suggest there's a problem with my install or maybe even my hardware, although I can't imagine that's the case. But then again I'm no expert. I tested the problem with the specific "Minmus & Kerbol" contract like you asked and the problem is there just like all the other "Flyby/Landing/etc" contracts.
  21. I'll definitely try the force dx11 option if I start running into RAM usage problems in the future. Thanks for sharing that! But to reiterate, I have narrowed the problem down to Unity's Garbage Collector, and only when accepting specific contracts from SETIcontracts. You'll notice in the image of my gamedata folder that most of my mods are actually plugin's with a relatively low number of RAM-eating parts. My RAM usage has yet to exceed 1.5g. If it were a RAM overage, CPU, or GPU issue, then using alt-f12 to complete the contracts in question would not cause my FPS to immediately jump back up to 60 when experiencing the problem with only a 50 part ship loaded in the scene. Yemo if you're still around, have you had a chance to look over my game data picture yet? Any ideas on causes or fixes?
  22. Thanks for the recommendation but I've already gone over how I narrowed down the problem to SETIcontracts. In my case, Mechjeb is not the problem.
  23. Thanks for the replies Yemo and Nightingale. To Yemo, you'll find my GameData and ContractPacks image below. The problem was occuring on and off (presumably because contracts that were causing the problem would eventually be completed) for a while without my knowing the cause until just recently. The 3 contracts that I know for sure were causing it were the Duna/Ike flyby contract, Eve flyby contract, and Duna Landing contract. In the interim I've just been accepting the contracts, completing them immediately after accepting via alt+f12 if I notice a frame drop, and then making sure I do what the contract asked of me. So far it has only been SETI contracts causing the issue. To Nightingale, I do not have the Field Research Contract Pack installed. Should I still try your patch to see if it helps the SETI contracts? Edit: Almost forgot to mention this important bit, the frame rate drops aren't noticable until you load a ship in. Frames remain solid during the KSC overview, or when inside the Tracking Station. A simple 50 part ship in LKO with nothing else in the scene will demonstrate low frames when there is no other reason for jittery/low frames besides the GC not playing well with the contracts.
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