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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Granted. You receive someone's pet dog named "Rover". He's in a space suit. I wish for work to end soon
  2. The only other one who may be able to defeat her...
  3. ...fraught with Grendlers and Terrians. This steakhouse...
  4. Banned for not realizing that's the original 'chute for a PM-2.
  5. You call THAT a heavy-lift vehicle???? Pfft.
  6. Two fish are swimming, one bangs straight into a concrete wall. The second one says, "Dam!"
  7. full of ships a yard long. The building is a derelict brick townhouse...
  8. Banned for same opinion as Kim Il-Sung
  9. Damn bird is sick. Vet said it's chirpies, and it's untweetable. My greyhound is going to be on TV this week, he's hoping to become a star...no, really, he's Sirius.
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