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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. I have the same issue; google search came up with the idea of removing an eVGA application, but I don't have any installed. KSP just never gets anywhere. What did you find to fix yours? EDIT: NVM, I found the culprit. Needed to move the KSP folder to another HDD location and allow full read-write access. Never had THAT crop up before!
  2. IT's a large chunk of topaz, most likely a rogue moon captured into the Kerbol system; that's my story and I 'm sticking to it!
  3. Planet killer and it's fleet enroute to deal with that minor annoyance...
  4. ...when you long for someone to arise in Hollywood with the talents of Ray Harryhausen, John Dykstra, Doug Trumbull, and Harlan Ellison all rolled into one...
  5. Ah, how quickly we all forget the days of hyper-sensitizing camera film, and long-term exposures of same thru a telescope with attached camera and color wheel, hours spent in a darkroom developing the resulting images. You can indeed see the "natural" colors of nebulae in this fashion. You cannot see it via naked eye because the light itself is so weak. At best, you MAY get a glimpse of bluish tinge in Orion's nebula on a dark night with a large enough 'scope and a wide field eyepices and using indirect viewing.
  6. Granted. You receive cheese in quantity. In fact, an entire Moon's worth (cue Wallace and Gromit theme)... I wish for something insubstantial.
  7. Meh...recording studio. How about an entire microwave system?
  8. Grant revoked, no new wish added. Also, if Trump wins the candidacy, then it's a safe bet Hillary will be the next President. I wish we could FIRE all of CONgress and start over, doing it right this time...
  9. ...when your dream is to score a job at Virgin Galactic or Scaled Composites...
  10. Have that fixed for ya in 8 or 10 hours...
  11. 4/10, similar problem the Bren gun has, mag is in the way of the sights...
  12. Forbidden Plane, a tale of people held captive at an airport by TSA workers Mobile Sit Gundam, a demolition derby consisting of folks crashing into each other while sitting in wheeled office chairs Lien, the Xenomorph loanshark. Pay up your mortgage or else! Light of the Navigator, a 3.25 hour view of a lighthouse on a stormy night. Word War Z, the last in a 26-part docu-drama detailing competitive crossword puzzle solving.
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