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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. It's buckshot broth, silly! Waiter! I found grass in my soup!
  2. 2/10: Trumped by the Ringworld's meteor-defense laser....manipulated magnetic fields cause a solar flare which then lases in violet. A gas laser on a stellar scale!
  3. Granted. But someone just tied on some more thread.... I wish this thread would never end!
  4. Banned for assuming I hate cattle...they are quite tasty after all!
  5. Napalm broth, served extra hot and spicy. What's the problem? Waiter! There's an iceberg in my soup!
  6. Me misspelling My name? Well, you're banned for totally missing the correct spelling of LeVar Burton.
  7. Attempting to fit round pictures in a square avatar is considered CHEATING!
  8. 404 Wish not found I wish for inverted inverted twisted colors.
  9. Because chucks would chuck wood. Why is it inadvisable to put oil on the brakes? It reduces squeaking!
  10. There should be. Wouldn't be soup without the soup, now would it? Waiter, there's a small collection of antiprotons in my soup!
  11. Granted. You receive a bowl of yourself as Bouillabaisse. Let's watch reality implode as you consume yourself. I wish for a new laptop.
  12. Tangled yarn posing as proteins, CHEATER!
  13. You are now fired, as you included no pic.
  14. Banned for appearing as a tangled mass of yarn
  15. Hell, if his claim were true about being "punishable by death" were true, then the entire staff of Analog Magazine would have been in front of a firing squad back in 1979. They ran an article, complete with plans, entitled "Build your own A-Bomb and Wake up the Neighborhood". What they left as an exercise to the reader was exactly how to obtain 16 pounds of U-235...
  16. It's the Howard Wolowicz matzo-ball soup. Waiter, there's a 16GB USB thumb drive in my soup!
  17. ... or "strain relief" I used to do this back in the day: or this: Both low-cost and effective....if you want, you could even use a hot glue gun, just ensure your wiring's insulation can handle the short-tern thermal load.
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