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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Banned for not demanding TWO sandwiches so you can give me one!
  2. Until they release the meat-grinder that was Galliopli, I'm not interested....
  3. "Immanuel Kant was a real p*ss-ant who was very rarely stable..." Monty Python, as quoted from "The Philosopher's Song"
  4. I hear ya on that, but as I originally had those on my Amiga 1000, I use the Amiga Emulator...one less piece of hardware to maintain! Otherwise, I play the following in between KSP sessions: Subnautica, Factorio, The Long Dark, Eidolon, FSX with a bunch of add-ons, XCOM... I was involved in beta testing of Carrier Command - Gaea Mission; that could have been so much better than it was, even after modding. It seems to have died a quick death after release.
  5. Granted. You receive a set of micro-Lego I wish legoclone09's Mosin to become a better firearm, preferably a Lee-Enfield SMLE
  6. "There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me'." - Phillip K Dick Remember this next time you (or your kids) are playing Pokemon Go.
  7. Dunno if it's ever been mentioned: http://www.scifiairshow.com/ " The images you see here on the site are photographs of practical miniature spaceships digitally blended with actual air show backgrounds. It is a fantasy air show that only exists on line, but appeals to many of us who, at one time, believed that these ships of fantasy really could fly."
  8. Hell, I forgot another oddity, the animated movie "Fantastic Planet". And probably my all-time "modern" favorite, Babylon 5.
  9. Martin Schweiger created this in his free time and made it available for free; there's forums available where's there's been code re-writes, new graphic engines, and a host of add-ons. An according the his website, there's something new in the works, check it out: http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/news.html
  10. Well, at age 50 I may be younger than some others here, but grew up watching a *LOT* of 50's/60's/70's science fiction flicks, both good and bad. There was something about the general unfamiliarity with the effects of space travel, radiation, new discovery of things unknown at that time that lent itself to a myriad of story lines. Yes, even some "cult classics" I can think of...anyone recall "Kingdom of the Spiders" or "Food of the Gods"? I kept hoping that Gerry Anderson's "UFO" would have gotten the big-screen treatment it deserved, but it looks like Matthew Gratzner's trilogy project for it just dried up. I has a sad over that.... Ranking right up there are the science fiction/fantasy novels and short stories that have YET to be made into any type of move or TV show, and are simply CRYING to be done. Hollywood, wake up and stop giving us re-hashed vapid reboots of things already done twice over! The technology is here to do a proper version of Niven's "Ringworld", Ellison's "Phoenix without Ashes" (we'll ignore the poorly done Canadian treatment of that!), or with a proper rewrite perhaps E.E. Smith's "Lensman" series, A.E. van Vogt's "Voyage of the Space Beagle", Rick Cook's "Wizard's Bane" (and the rest of the "Wizardry Compiled" series)... EDIT: what inspired me? Space:1999, UFO, Thunderbirds (the 1960's series), Rocketship X-M, Master of the World, The incredible Shrinking Man, Forbidden Planet, the original War of the Worlds, The Time Machine (and just about every other Harryhausen-effects related tile, like the Sinbad movies or Verne's Mysterious Island), Silent Running, Logan's Run; in the interest of brevity I am capping my list here!!!!!!! " Science fiction used to be a dangerous literature. Now, it is a very commercial genre, and whatever dangers might still lurk within seem to have been safely sanitized for the marketplace. The real crime is that the lobotomy has been self performed. " - Harlan Ellison
  11. Granted. TV feels YOU now! I wish for random numbers, all integer.
  12. Hem! - Story of a young girl working in a Chinese sweatshop making pants.
  13. Because lack of space ends up being terribly crowded. Why is water bottled?
  14. I purchase your hill from a shady character at a local swap meet. My hill.
  15. Granted, but it's party favors. Nothing but paper hats and confetti for you! I wish to leave work early today.
  16. Because you're in space, where no one hears you. Why do we eat, wouldn't being powered by fusion be more efficient?
  17. Granted. You pick up the habit of jamming them into your ears, using them as pencil holders. I wish to stop losing my mind.
  18. Granted. But your dog ate it all; you are now looking forward to cleanup in a few hours! I wish for beer to go with my pizza
  19. Because it cannot make ice cubes. Why is the alphabet not pronounced the way it's spelled?
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