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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Locating one's self in a questionably bad pun is CHEATING!
  2. Granted, but the programming goes awry and vaporizes all oxygen molecules in your vicinity. You die of asphyxiation. I wish to leave work early today!
  3. Mater of the World: Everyone's favorite tow truck takes over the world. Lead character voiced by Vincent Price.
  4. Because it's a lot smarter, silly! If oranges were blue, would we rename them?
  5. Banned for representing Magnesium as a user name.
  6. ...that used to make left-handed smoke shifters. And you wonder why they went out of business? THis rather small pizza shop...
  7. Because sun went nova. If oranges were blue, would the name change?
  8. Do I look like a dishrag to you? Hmpf.... Waiter, there's an unknown heavy element in my soup!
  9. New rule: all rules must be typed with left hand ONLY; no right-handed typing allowed.
  10. So, you're essentially stating they "forked themselves over"? BTW, the vending machine is falling upon from a height of 37 meters. Hope you brought your umbrella! I wish for tuna
  11. ...inside-out. We keep the normal people corralled, much easier that way This steakhouse...
  12. We'd have to redesign EVERYTHING, silly! Is Jupiter buoyant?
  13. Mephisto Walt: Disney does us all a favor and does NOT create cartoons; he instead decides to pursue his childhood dream of becoming a circus magician, albeit a second-rate one at best.
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