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Xorth Tanovar

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Everything posted by Xorth Tanovar

  1. Bro ke engli shspo ke nhe re.
  2. Pay close attention to tag on side of Magic Boulder: "DO NOT EAT"
  3. Banned for claiming to be in SPAAACE when actually isn't
  4. Xorth Tanovar's Journal 12 October, 1894 (Spite) [Permalink] "Determination" You find your way to the fourth door in the maze-like cellar by the usual method of following a servant's guiding candlelight. But finding the way to the fifth is as difficult as all the first four combined, and it's a rather impatient Rattus Faber that emerges from your pocket when you get there. But you remembered to bring snacks, and soon enough he's happy to get to work on the lock. His commentary is far more detailed than anyone could need, and it's a long time before he gets the lock open. But finally it swings back with a tortured shriek. You hold your candle up. There is nothing in the room. Nothing living. But a sort of sack is flopping emptily on the floor by the door. It's shiny and puce. Maroon veins snake across the surface, and a caul of slimy white fat sits round it like a net. Protuberances reach towards the door like arms. But it's just an empty sack. You won't be able to stand this smell for long.
  5. Granted, you receive a collage made from a ton of Prince photos from the late '80s. I wish for a good curry
  6. 1459: A darkened room, lit by a lonely candle. In its light you see a comfortable chair, in front of which is a large scrying mirror and a single raven's feather. "Do what thou wilt" written on a small card next to it.
  7. Rogal Dorn and his forces level your mountains, build an impenetrable Imperial Fortress upon it, and hand me the keys. My hill.
  8. Hell, they could release at 23:59 CDT and it would still qualify as "today" :P
  9. Die Sonne scheint mir aus den händen kann verbrennen kann euch blenden wenn sie aus den Fäusten bricht legt sich heiss auf das Gesicht Sie wird heut Nacht nicht untergehen und die Welt zählt laut bis zehn
  10. "Irrational" and gaming mentioned in one statement....immediately brought to mind System Shock 2. What a great game that was. As for Subnautica, it's well worth the money I spent in Early Access. Otherwise, I've been spending much time and very little $$$ playing Fractured Space over the last week or so. EDIT: Anyone try out Extrasolar? http://www.whatisextrasolar.com/ EDIT 2: or Fallen London? http://fallenlondon.storynexus.com/
  11. Jar Jar OK, shoot me, but someone had to do it eventually!
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