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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Mysterious the ways of the Elevator are....
  2. Get trapped with a wide variety of people from various age groups who slowly get picked off one by one while they frantically try to find out who the killer is?
  3. isFairing controls (or used to control) whether the shroud/fairing stays attached to the decoupler or the engine. Default value is True: Fairing detaches with the decoupler. IIRC, the way False used to work is that it would stay attached to the engine until the engine was staged. Sort of the way the interstage between the Saturn V first and second stages worked. (stage sep -> stage 2 rockets fire -> little while later, interstage detaches from stage 2). You've seen videos of that right? That's sort of how isFairing used to work. Sort of.
  4. Minmus. Because that was what spurred me to abandon the demo and buy the game. I'd been playing around with the demo, getting things to orbit. At that time, I was under the impression that there was the sun (Kerbol), Kerbin and Mun. And that was all! After I'd gotten good enough that I was consistently getting rockets into orbit and was on my way to planning Mun missions, I began consistently noticing a small green thing on the horizon when I was in orbit. At first I thought it was space junk from previous launches. Then I started wondering if the game had actual UFOs in it. (which would have been ironic in a game about little green men) I started trying to find it on the map so I could intercept it and became confused when I was able to SEE it in map mode but it had no visible orbit. Then I accidentally zoomed out enough to reveal Minmus orbit and was shocked to realize there was an entire new moon for me to explore. Then I zoomed out a bit more and realized there was an entire STAR SYSTEM!!! So I ended up buying the game because of Minmus. (Until then, Minecraft had been the game that I consistently spent all my time playing, so it's also Minmus' fault I don't Minecraft anymore)
  5. It's a stock issue with thin parts. If the part snaps but stays red, very slowly move the mouse downwards. Sometimes changing camera view such that the cursor stays on the part at all times helps. (and yeah, proc fairing sides won't connect to the stock bases )
  6. Yeah, just tested for issues with spaces by renaming a part that I had been cloning to have a space in its name ("ionEngine 2") and that wasn't enough to stop it from appearing in the editor. So that still works at least...
  7. At first glance, the only thing I see wrong here is the spaces in the name. That can cause you problems but AFAICR it wouldn't stop it from showing up in the editor. But if something changed in KSP 1.x in how resource URLs are dealt with then the name could be too similar with everything after the first space being truncated. I did a diff comparison of the two and none of the other changes should be a factor but I'll look again and see if I missed something. (as far as the name goes, instead of spaces use either periods or underscores, but even underscores are an issue and are actually internally converted to periods, which you will see if you ever look at a part in a save file that had underscores or spaces) EDIT: Also, stupid question, but did you search EVERY page in the Utility category? Depending on where your config file for part #2 is, it might not be sorted with part #1. (for instance, if part #1 was in some other mod that you're working with and you created a second mod folder to do your work on part #2 in)
  8. try it first and then adjust it if you still want it harder. (I keep mine at 120 usually)
  9. Stock maxTemp and skinMaxTemp values are often higher than they need to be. DRE rebalances those values to saner levels. Pretty much all stock and a lot of parts from other mods are handled as well. Anything not caught gets run through caught and has its maxTemp clamped if it's too high. But just increasing the reentry difficulty isn't really enough (except maybe for a neophyte who doesn't know how to really play yet) Decreasing global conductivity would have more impact than increasong the difficulty slider. (reason is that a lot of incoming heat ends up conducted into the interior. Therefore, decreasing conductivity causes it to buildup to higher levels at the skin.
  10. How can I put this.... which way would you like your Kerbals? Crispy or Original Recipe?
  11. For basic model exportation, the latest PartTools with Unity 4 should work just fine to export models that can be used with KSP 1.1 Model exportation is all you really need Unity3d for unless you plan to use the included MonoDevelop for coding plugins, and as above, the version that comes with Unity 4.5 will do fine.
  12. Yeah, not happening, but we can dream can't we?
  13. Every single sentence in your post is wrong, demonstrates a complete lack of research on your part and betrays the very pretentiousness that you accuse me of. This is pretty much one of the most ridiculous things I've seen on these forums. Firstly, the WarpEngine that you yourself mentioned has been part of KSP since at least KSP version 0.23 . It simply isn't used in any parts. But it is coded in the game. It's just a matter of creating a cfg file or copying one from an existing part. Change one line to change it from an ordinary part to a WarpEngine part. Remove any other existing functionality (such as engine modules, FX, etc).
  14. I'm taking it in the context of the overarching conversation which is very much about exactly what I said. This thing about whether or not steam players are or are not good/better testers is a tiny fraction of the conversation which has devolved into entitlement and acrimonious twisting of words into things that people didn't really say. This thread has about run its course and nothing constructive is coming out of it, don't you think?
  15. I've tested a preliminary patch and it DOES work but the rotation animation is wretchedly fast. Vomit inducing fast in fact. So as soon as I figure out a proper animation speed to patch in there I'll post something. (might not be until later as I do have thing I have to be doing today. Edit: OKAY. Apparently the animation speed thing is ONLY an issue if you set the centrifuge spinning in the VAB! And then launch it when spinning. Animation speed then jumps from 1 to 80 (!!!!!) so.... don't do that Here's the patch to fix the centrifuge: Everyone should download this if they want to use this pack with 1.0.5 Oh, and if you DO have Layered Animators installed in KSP 1.0.5, you can go ahead and delete the LayeredAnimations folder. Totally unnecessary. Probably isn't hurting anything but not needed. @PART[centrifuge1] { @MODULE[ModuleLayeredAnimator],0 { @name = ModuleAnimateGeneric } @MODULE[ModuleLayeredAnimator],1 { @name = ModuleAnimateGeneric } }
  16. It's not wrong for them to want that opportunity. What's wrong is reacting as though Squad is just arbitrarily singling out Steam players for preferential treatment when the fact is that it's just not feasible to bring non-Steam players into the opt-in at this time.
  17. Looks like I need to further update my instructions on the previous page. (assuming of course that you looked at them ) I forgot that .41 was actually packaging LayeredAnimators which is both obsolete (in KSP 1.0.5) but might also be broken because it extends the stock animator and adds a 'layer' field to it. It's broken because KSP animators now have the layer field stock. It's probably throwing an exception in there. I'll post an actual working fix for it sometime today. (which basically means going back to using ModuleAnimateGeneric, if you want to try fixing it on your end yourself. It already has the layer field in the module)
  18. Clarification: DRE only ever displayed part temperature if debug mode was enabled. (along with a bunch of other debug information). Except for the long lost defunct buggy inflatable shield. Snapping and attaching the shield rightside up is NOT impossible. You just need to try harder and use some finesse. It's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. The reason it acts like that is because thin parts attachment is a little buggy. That's a KSP issue and not a Deadly Reentry issue. It has to be fixed in KSP and there's nothing I can do about it to make it not-buggy. You just need to keep trying and not give up. (seriously, I can do it at will first time, every time) When KSP 1.0 came out, Deadly Reentry was updated to use the new thermodynamics model. The first post KSP 1.0 DRE version modified the stock thermodynamic system to introduce the concept of skin heating vs internal heating to better model how parts should be affected by heat, especially convective heating. KSP then adopted the skin system that I had introduced so Deadly Reentry limits its thermal involvement to balancing of temperature tolerances to prevent unrealistic or unbalanced behavior. Other thermodynamic enhancements are fire damage and better handling of ablator depletion in heat shields. Non-thermodynamically, it also introduces G-Force damage
  19. Pretty pathetic that all this is being viewed as is 'early access' instead of TESTING which is the point of the opt-in. To maximize exposure to weed out bugs and speed up the process of getting the game into the hands of the player base. Otherwise it sits in Exp for a longer period of testing before the players actually get to play it. Or, worse? More bugs.
  20. Yeah, I've tried making use of the WarpEngine a few times. 'worked fantastically' is not a phrase I'd have used to describe it. It broke action symmetry and physics in every individual part on the craft. Possibly because it pre-dates the current PartModule system; probably because it was something someone coded for fun and never finished. Yeah, it's in the game, sitting there unused, even by modders. Nobody even tries to do anything with it except in private. That last bit was just plain weird. I'm selling the game short and limiting my imagination? Because I said that they're not going to take the game in the direction of having starships and whatnot? I don't even think a rational response is possible to that part of your posting.
  21. Hasn't started yet I don't think? Announcement was just advance notice
  22. If you've got Steam you'll be able to get in the beta. It's open beta.
  23. Not happening in stock. Mods, yes, stock no.
  24. I'm pretty confident that this game is not going to have stock starships or stock starship building shipyards and probably never going to have the improvements that you seem to want unless you bring your expectations down because they're a bit lofty. Maybe you might pick something that you enjoy doing and then go do it?
  25. Your text mentions 'RealHeat' in several places, which is entirely different than and unrelated to the link provided for 'Heat Pumps'. Heat Pumps has nothing to do with Real Heat at all
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