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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. hey I missed this earlier. conduction = 5 sounds suspiciously like you installed an older version of Deadly Reentry which did indeed set conduction very low. can't look at the log; on my iPad. I'll look at it later. do you get ANY reentry effects at all? if so, what altitude and velocity before you see them?
  2. so, what are you going to do then? just live with the errors? or post the log file in its entirety so that you can get help or potential bugs fixed?
  3. sorry, still no update for Animated Decouplers yet as they decouple without animating. Also? There is no Starwasher here; only Zuul.
  4. both try to modify fuel tanks so there is a real possibility of conflict. KW issue really. RF does not change the category and KW is using propulsion which used to include engines and tanks
  5. Yeah, you know, I don't use it either but your tone and attitude are unacceptably hostile. Is that really the image you want to convey of yourself?
  6. Sigh, was 3/4 of the way through a reply when I hit backspace. And these new forums don't seem to save draft content? (It's perfectly content to throw old quoted text and replies into my composed message) Those thrust/Isp numbers sound right for high end engines depending on how hot the core gets and how much propellant you throw into it. Not really that OP. Don't forget that engine mass for those engines can be high and some of the numbers see see quoted might be sans shielding. (Unmanned missions might get by with less shielding but not manned) Denser propellants will have higher thrust and lower Isp. Delta-V will be marginally higher for the denser propellants but still less per kg than H2. Originally as far as specific thrust and Isp, I had set it up such that TL 5 would yield the 111 kN engine (based on the Pewee 2) which is usually what you see in the Mars DRA documents. LANTR and Triton are also usually based around those designs. Higher thrust engines would be NERVA or NX (aka Nuclear Furnace). So I'd setup things so that TL 5 is the baseline with TL 3/4 being either prototype and experimentals (i.e. Project Rover) and higher TL than 5 would be more advanced or just more powerful. I wouldn't worry that much about it being OP if you give the engines appropriate masses and pricing. Edit: RE: LANTR. Be careful that in both modes that the H2 mass flow is the same! It's easy to configure it such that flow changes and it should not. The propellant flow is the same except that LOX is injected into the nozzle exhaust where it spontaneously combusts (similar to an afterburner). (because of this, any implied 'tradeoff' is incorrect. There are only gains from doing this; the altered Isp is only for computing the new thrust level)
  7. Sadly, documentation is lacking. Fire damage starts happening when a part's external temperature reaches 85% of it's maxTemp. Several things happen: Its temperature begins increasing at an accelerated rate. (OMGITSONFIRE) It starts taking damage which ranges from 0-1. 0 being undamaged and 1 meaning destruction. (as far as scale 1 = 100%) The consequence of the damage is that its structural integrity is weakened and it can break off of the vehicle easier. (breakingForce and breakingTorque are reduced) Damage is also applied if a craft takes too much structural stress The damage can be repaired by an engineer. The more badly damaged it is, the higher the skill rating required. (A message will pop up if the engineer attempting EVA repairs is not skilled enough) That system was in DRE for a long time prior but had some issues with damage persistence and with the repair GUI. tl;dr is that it introduces a soft cap that causes parts to fail gradually rather than suddenly exploding when their maxTemp is reached. Because of this, a lot of the parts whose maxTemps is managed by DRE have had their maxSkinTemp increased by about 17.65% (so that their former maxTemp becomes the soft cap) I strongly suspect that the repair system is probably always going to be underutilized because most craft that get damaged are either going to be destroyed outright or if they survive are being recovered at Kerbin. And thusly no longer in play. Only craft operating far from home for extended periods of time are likely to be in need of repairs.
  8. I suggest looking at Raptor's stockalike engines for a starting point. The NTR / LANTR engines there are based on configurations resulting from some fairly exhaustive research and the configs should be reasonably accurate as to thrust / Isp. Originally they were based around the Pewee 2 engines progressing up to modern theoretical designs as tech level increased but I think that part fell by the wayside as the code changed.
  9. Your tongue (and tastebuds) will freeze solid long before you can process any flavor from it
  10. By not doing a Soyuz style ignition before separation? (not being sarcastic or meaning to sound crass, but really, what are the consequences of you not doing that?)
  11. Sounds like you're using the wrong version of RF or have installed it incorrectly because if it's the ONLY mod you have installed then it should be working. There's just not enough information in your post to really say more.
  12. You have to have some kind of model defined in there even if it has no mesh in it. It could be a custom .mu created with no mesh, just a transform. That should work, unless PF has some dependency on the mesh being there. (AFAIK, it does not)
  13. If this is a pre-existing save game and you are talking about duplicates in the tech-tree then it requires editing your save file. To do so, find the SCENARIO node named ResearchAndDevelopment. Inside that are Tech nodes with id = Start, id = basicRocketry, etc. Those Tech nodes cannot have duplicate parts. If you're not sure which ones are the duplicates then delete the duplicated part in every Tech node it appears in. (you'll probably need to go in after and purchase that part in the R&D building)
  14. This needs more information. Did you run out of ablator? what altitude did you burn up? Steep or shallow? (What was your periapsis) what barometer? If you mean the indicator to the right of the navball, that's G-forces. If you saw that move within seconds of hitting atmo, then you might be too steep.
  15. That's what those lines which I referenced do; non ablative shielding but of the tile variety. They have very low thermal mass so they heat up very quickly. They also shed heat very quickly for the same reason. A few lines up is emissiveConstant which needs to be very high. (0.85-0.9) It works best with shallow reentries. Steeper reentry will probably overcome it; if you want something that can survive steeper reentries then the thermal mass would need increasing.
  16. Very close They are the number of kilojoules required to raise the temperature one degree. One kilowatt is one kilojoule per second. I screw them up too, sometimes ... kW is power and kJ is energy. Or, think of kW as the rate at which energy is being moved. As for thermal mass, the default specific heat is 800 so it's part.mass * PhysicsGlobals.standardSpecificHeatCapacity * part.thermalMassModifier (use this if you want to change the part's thermal mass) Skin also has its own thermal mass (as already mentioned) and is calculated in a similar fashion but uses part.skinThermalMassModifier If you're dealing only in the configs then take a look at how I use skinThermalMassModifier in Deadly Reentry https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/blob/master/DeadlyReentry/SPP.cfg#L6-L9 (intention of those lines is to give space plane parts the skin thermal properties of space shuttle tiles. Very low thermal mass and skin-internal conduction, very high emissivity) Edit: Yes, skin thermal mass is subtracted from base thermal mass; forgot about that, sorry
  17. Deadly Reentry 7.3.1, Melificent Edition: The SIATPWWEFPD update. Updating to 7.3.1 and making this a full release, so it should show up on CKAN whenever their crawler gets to indexing it. https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/tag/v7.3.1 Change Log! v7.3.1 - The SIATPWWEFPD update. * Added skill check for damage above 0.75 (requires engineer with skill level 5) * No fire damage if CheatOptions.IgnoreMaxTemperature == true * No G-Force damage if CheatOptions.UnbreakableJoints == true * Only run toolbar code once. (addresses duplicates created when database reloaded) * Tweaked Mk1 Pod thermals (max temp, heat shield) to address complaint that the pod is burning up too easily. * Updated RSS fallback heat shield configs v7.3.0 * KSP 1.0.5 compatibility update * Code cleanup of extraneous DRE 7.1.0 skin remnants. * Fire damage reinstated * Repairing of damage now requires an engineer on EVA - the more badly damaged the part, the greater the skill required. * Damaged parts have lowered tolerance to further overheating and may break loose easier. (skinMaxTemp, breakingForce and breakingTorque are all reduced) * Part configuration patches tweaked. * It's still the Melificent Edition. * Almost reinstated DRE specific menu options.
  18. THE other post is using RO which overrides DRE shield settings. RSS is a special case and unless a player uses RSS without RO then I have to shift responsibility to RO which I exercise zero control over (in heat shield issues)
  19. Working on the decoupler issue when I can over the past few days but it doesn't seem to be operating properly with 1.0.5 and I'm still trying to find out why
  20. Update coming shortly, as soon as it is approved, the front page will be updated. This is TWO individual updates! Version 1.2 for KSP 1.0.0 - 1.0.4 and version 1.3 for KSP 1.0.5 I did it this way because some people might still be resisting updating to 1.0.5 which made changes to ModuleTestSubject which this mod uses. Change Log: Version 1.2 - Update for KSP 1.0.0 through 1.0.4 inclusive: Fixes attach node problems. Version 1.3 - Update for KSP 1.0.5: compatibility update for ModuleTestSubject which changed significantly
  21. Crap ok, sorry... I somehow missed that it was RSS / RO and Earth.... (in spite of you having said so, and saying LEO and such ...) so your originally chosen PE was probably ok. make sure that RO is updated to the latest version (10.6.0 as of this writing) If it is and you're still having trouble then post in the RO thread because RO overrides DRE's shield settings.
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