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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. which one are you using? if it's the experimental version you need engines.cfg from the most recent official release. pre-release version does not have engines.cdg
  2. KSP.log is not nearly as informative as output_log.txt It's in the ksp_data folder
  3. I have the same files, I am using engines.cfg and its working ok as far as engines. post your output_log.txt so we can see where it's stalling
  4. Here, save this as a cfg file in your GameData folder. Needs ModuleManager 1.5.x This will mostly allow every heat shield to function. Mostly. RSS_HeatShields.cfg @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleHeatShield]] { @MODULE[ModuleHeatShield] { !dissipation dissipation { key = 300 0 key = 800 1260 } } }
  5. Did you install FAR? Cause that sounds like something that happens in FAR if you start your gravity turn too late. (if that's the case, start it much sooner. Meters rather than kilometers. Ferram recommends using velocity as a guideline I think.... 100m/s)
  6. What you need is bigger rockets, not more Isp. If you're trying to lift real life sized payloads into orbit around Earth sized Kerbin, you're going to run into trouble with stock sized rockets. They just don't have enough fuel. It really depends on what you're trying to get into orbit though. If it's something really big, you're going to at least need KWR with its 3.75m diamater tanks. NovaPunch goes up to 5m... I think. And of course, stretchy tanks. In spite of the name and VAB description, when I use a ST, I think of it in terms of the Kerbals just getting in there and building a bigger tank. With a stretchy tank you can make arbitrarily sized tanks both in length and diameter. Now with more textures! (now with ingredients!)
  7. I thought I mentioned this to you too. I've seen it in quite a few of them and I was under the impression that you were aware of it from something you said. I've seen it in the KWR tanks.
  8. I'm going to have to take that Isp with a grain of salt in the absence of some indication that the USSR did a lot more hands on research (i.e. ground testing) than anything I've managed to find so far. Granted though, 1960s, iron curtain, total secrecy, so who knows. Even so we're talking about a 68kN thrust engine. If that's what they were aiming for in 1969 that doesn't speak well for LOX Augmented NTR or any Isp's in the 900s. Re: Sleep. Do what I do! Sleep when you're dead Sephirotic: Nathan's right. You're not going to have an Isp of 800 with LANTR at triple the thrust. There's a table around that details what kind of thrust gains you'll get at varying H2/LOX mixture ratios and the corresponding drop in Isp. You're talking more like 500-600 Isp. The NTR configs I did that will be in the next big update have more realistic LANTR values and I'm thinking of expanding it to support multiple mixture ratios. It uses the hybrid engine interface to switch between them but it's a little clunky with more than two engine configurations. (but do-able)
  9. Yes. Nothing has changed in KSP's science nodes to invalidate it.
  10. crap your right. dunno what I was thinking. So it pretty much only works with Real Fuels option installed with it.
  11. I have one that will add every part that is missing from the R&D center: It adds them to Advanced Rocketry though station module parts probably should be added later. I think.... not sure actually. This is what I use to cover anything missing. @PART[*]:HAS[#module[Part],~TechRequired[]]:Final { TechRequired = advRocketry entryCost = 1000 }
  12. follow the mj extensions link in his sig. that's where he's working on it. still just very rudimentary support. (no drag, no terminal velocity, etc)
  13. you probably have to set the capname to whatever the transform is that the stock parts use
  14. would it be possible to play sound FX triggered only in IVA? one sound. just one. in the inflatable habs. A hissing sound. (remember, when you hear a hissing sound in space.... you hope it's snakes)
  15. that doesnt mean you cant store state information per save. several mods do that just as the stock game does. store a node in the scenario section that contains information about what is unlocked. when entering flight mode (or editor mode or both) compare that to what tech nodes are unlocked. if something new is available notify the player.
  16. Hard to say with just that. Possibly Tf could be too high or too low for that ship. (low mass ships want low Tf. higher mass needs higher) If you have FAR make sure flight assist options are all OFF if you are not in atmo. I'm pretty sure it fights MJ if you have it on in space) more one MJ dll installed. not super sure that is a cause but I had MJ acting up like that and when I exited the game I noticed I had an extra dll. might just be anecdotal but I offer it anyway. eh fourth possibility. misjudged atmo height and you're grazing atmo
  17. Yeah I could never be happy with cut and paste support. I can understand the pressure to do do however. I was working support for a moderate but growing customer base that suddenly ballooned pretty much overnight. Server stability went down and suddenly I was handling thousands of tickets in one day My recreation was Fallout3 and L4D2. I ended up having dreams that I was working support in a deep underground bunker while the zombie apocalypse raged across a nuclear wasteland.
  18. Chris I'll get it to you later tonight along with the config file of the chute but honestly, the output log is pretty sparse around that time. Otherwise I'd have included any relevant output.
  19. I'm experiencing situations where chutes don't deploy or disarm after being armed. Possibly after hitting deployment altitude. Not quite sure about that because I didn't see when it happened.... (version
  20. Of course it is, which is why I keep trying to help people! But I've been doing support for so long that I know that all the FAQs and all the replies aren't going to stop the repeats, sometimes literally right after it was just answered! So, yeah, I'll poke a little fun at it sometimes. It's the only way to not tear my hair out.
  21. are you in windowed mode? what happens if you press alt-Enter
  22. What's really funny is that his was right under Sarbian's with the big red CLICK ME. I wonder if it would help if he said WHY they should click. Probably not....
  23. You seem hell bent on having me make an argument I didn't make in the first place. Those are your words you want me to say. Not mine. I don't agree that the point is whether or not it will hurt someone and its not relevant. That's like me saying, go ahead and tell me again how all parts packs and mods should have the option to bypass career mode.
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