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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Not just that, are you ADDING those modules or modifying existing modules. If adding, lose the splice operators. (The @ in @MODULE)
  2. clarify #2 please? will it make FAR & MJ play together any better or is it just some minor tweak/fix that I shouldnt get too excited over?
  3. Damn, sounds like you got the upgrade. I'm still operating on two.
  4. You're exaggerating the risk of using the current version of this parts pack in 0.23. There is no valid reason to warn people off of using the current version FusTek in 0.23 and the dev version should only be used by people willing to test it. It hasnt even had any 0.23 specific updates and its parts are named in a fashion that is incompatible with the current official Fustek parts. So you cant switch between the two without breakings saves. Or editing saves. Childsplay for me, maybe for you too, I have no idea. Bottom line is that this is a parts pack and most of the modules it uses are stock modules. The worst that could happen is that the custom animation module it uses fails to work. (SPOILER ALERT: It works)
  5. It's not compatible? Wow, I guess I better uninstall it from my 0.23 installation PRONTO. Glad I found that out before it's too late.
  6. I think it depends on the altitude. I've seen very very high altitude photos where there was a white haze/glare on the horizon but not so thick and I think we're getting it lower than we should be. Also, what exactly changed Nathan? I've been wanting to look into this myself but I just haven't had the time to start, especially since I'm trying to work on something myself.
  7. That's how it's supposed to work. The fairing's have decouplers (ProceduralFairingDecoupler) in them; they decouple from the base, ring or the adapter. If you attached something to the floating node on the interstage adapter then anything that is attached to that node is decoupled when the last fairing decouples.
  8. I guess Kerbals have dense flesh. They have to expend more mass for a given DV I am kidding of course
  9. MFT 3.3 does not work with KSP 0.23 If you have KSP 0.23 then grab the pre-release. The link was posted just a page ago (actually see below for another link) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52780-Modular-Fuel-System-Continued-v3-3/page76?p=865815#post865815 You can currently use the tweakable system so far as changing fuel amount. but not changing fuel type
  10. Only because kerbalspaceprogram.com can only handle zip files. That's the website's limitation and has no other bearing on the matter aside from that.
  11. Does that really require a new version of PF? All my Interstage Adapters have dual decoupling ability. It only requires adding a second decoupler module with explosiveNodeID set to top instead of top1. Alternatively the pre-existing decoupler module's explosiveNodeID can be changed to top. This may alter staging behavior for the stack and will require additional stage planning. It also alters how MechJeb or KE view the stack's staging. I use the first method (second decoupler) and do not find either of the consequences listed above to be showstoppers.. @PART[KzInterstageAdapter] { MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 0 explosiveNodeID = top } } @PART[KzInterstageAdapter2] { MODULE { name = ModuleDecouple ejectionForce = 0 explosiveNodeID = top } }
  12. Not necessarily. You can do one but the attachment point would have a flywheel counter-rotating. That's the plan for the Bigelow module they want to attach to the ISS in a year or so...
  13. Yes, I knew that, thank you. I wasn't suggesting that you incorporate something into drag that is already incorporated.
  14. See, Jeb knows what to do. But no, regarding editing the save files, it's a little trickier than the craft files because modules there have extra persistent data stored in them and it can be a pain figuring them out. (MechJeb or MFT modules can contain pages worth of data) What you would do is cut one of the modules (StretchTank for example) and then paste it back in so that it has swapped order with MFT. It is a pain to do though
  15. Spaces are bad, m'kay? You shouldn't do spaces because spaces are bad, m'kay?
  16. You might fix it by editing the vessel in the quick save and swapping module orders
  17. That will happen. I've already done those rings at the ends of trusses and they are dockable to allow the ship to be sent up in sections. (Copernicus would have required three launches not counting the habitats and return stage) Now I have to texture it and make the truss parts.
  18. Why am I having flashbacks to that video with the indian guy screaming, "You die, I die, everybody DIE!!! Understand???"
  19. some input on EvilPhish's issue: When switching from the latest test version that you had emailed to me to one of the first pre-releases that you posted publicly I had existing craft tear themselves to pieces trying to switch to them. I had the same issue trying to load that same craft from its craft file. I had to recreate the craft in the VAB. I didnt report it because I really dont consider it to be exclusive to MFT. I've had the same issue or worse when no mods in my install changed, only my personal tweaks in MM. KSP has always under certain edge conditions reacted badly to either module changing order or stored resources on parts changing. MFT has changed both IIRC. Sometimes that affects existing craft and sometimes it doesn't. Maybe you or Taniwha can fix that but I wouldn't waste a lot of time on it because it (if I'm right) is a KSP issue. (and, no, output_log.txt had nothing useful any time I've experienced this issue. and this isnt the first time)
  20. something else to consider is what version of the parts are we talking about? Sumghai has tried to address the problem by adjusting the collision bodies in the ring or removing it outright. Krist if you're still having trouble make sure you have the latest version.
  21. Look for the latest prerelease a page or two or three back.
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