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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. WHAT??? The words 'for your birthday' should precede a gift of some sort.... how about.... For your birthday, you don't have to explain jackstuff to us. Happy birthday! TWEEEEEE! <---- (That's like... one of those party favor horn thingies that untwirls and makes weird noises.)
  2. Do you have the very latest version? And if they're stretchy tanks do you have the latest of THAT?
  3. So what would I have to tweak exactly to get my favorite Duna canyon back? (or any of them really)
  4. Ok, lots of progress here. Prototype hab connection adapter for the truss is finally in-game. Fixed some texturing issues that were vexing me, really just me having to learn how to texture. I model better than I texture, largely because I don't have a lot of experience with current day techniques. I do my modelling in Softimage / XSI ModTool and only just learned that it has better UV mapping abilities than I thought it did. Possibly visible in some of the shots are a new texture I was working on. The truss is planned to be constructed using composite materials, graphite-epoxy, which I think is basically carbon fiber, and that was sort of the look I was going for but didn't really pull off, and it probably wouldn't REALLY look this way anyway..... but it was just something I wanted to play around with so there it is. You'll have to zoom in on the shots to really see it though. Also, you can thank Jebediah for the guided tour. Helloooo Jebediah!!!! The supply cannister is the centrifuge from the Deep Space pack connected to the hab by some Fustek parts. I know that the Copernicus proposal didn't include a cupola but it's just too damned cool not to stick on there.
  5. Are we talking about the same thing? It's the rates of nuclearFuel / nuclearWaste that I had to change to make it work.
  6. i quite possible. Could set it to stack search to test that notion though I can see that breaking The way people are used to doing things....
  7. Fix for Squad NTR generator issues. I have not touched the values in ModuleAlternator because as near as I can tell, that works... so apparently it operates outside of the stock resource system? NTR Config Files Will add in the KSPX config in a moment.
  8. Where does that value come from? I've got it working as low as 1.0E-14 And to stave off any parsing issues like happened with solar panels in RSS, I'm representing it that way in the config.
  9. I was afraid of that. Just looked at my quicksave and NO NFuel consumption and NO waste production. So that is THE absolute bare minimum consumption rate? And presumably waste production rate? Pfffff.....
  10. Re nuclear engines. has anyone had problems with the squad or KSPX NTRs working as generators? I.e. bimodal (or trimodal for the LANTR)? I'm seeing some odd behavior in reported power consumption. Not sure if the GUI is wrong or if they just arent generating power.
  11. !MODULE[MechJebCore] means you are removing MJ from a part that already has it before re-adding it back in. Not sure why you think that would be necessary but assuming that is truly your intent, the syntax is wrong. it has to be !MODULE[MechJebCore]{} note the braces at the end.
  12. Fixed means that they wont DRAIN electrical power at certain altitudes from the sun. We're also limited to setting up power output as a curve defined by several key altitudes instead of being able to use an actual inverse square formula. However, the defined altitude key / power values match the Outputs that they would have at those altitudes. So, if you check the power at each of the orbital distances in the power curve they will be accurate. In between those keys will be less accurate. there are tangent parameters for the curve that are currently set to 0 since nobody is sure what they should be set to.... maybe 0 means they arent really curved.
  13. You should be ashamed. There's only one way to redemption. ... Sacrifice MOAR Kerbals for science!!!
  14. Yeah but there's more of it I tried setting it to Venus density but (and this is explained by Ferram) there's a bug in how atmospheres are handled by KSP where at high altitudes density suddenly spikes. Really just before you're about to escape. It's like hitting a wall. I theorize that escape is still possible if you hit the wall at subsonic speeds but I can't even prove my own harebrained scheme without crashing and burning. At least the rocket was unmanned.
  15. On the subject of docking AP, currently it tries to combine moving towards the docking axis and moving towards the dock with the same set of burns. I don't have a problem with that but it shouldn't use the same rate for both. The further it is from the docking, the less it should be trying to move towards the dock. I think if 'move-to-dock' rate were made to be inversely proportional to 'move-to-docking-axis' that should yield good results. I think it would also fix issues that people have reported where it ends up at the dock off center. I didn't used to understand what they were talking about but I do now since I've been playing a little more where docking is required. The way it is now it's like it tries to move to the dock at a 45 degree angle and I end up turning the AP off, (with smartass set to kill ROT), RCS thrust backwards to slow my rate towards the dock and then turn it back on when I get closer to axis.
  16. Since there was wretched excess involved, of a Kerbal-like nature, you're forgiven.
  17. I was trying to match it to as close to existing documentation as possible and the beams are fairly thin. The side girders are thicker. I think somewhat close to stock I beam parts. And yes I know the drop tank ends look crappy, I'll round them more later. I didn't model the tank, it was in Unity as a mesh so I used that as a stand in.
  18. Except that launching from eve is no longer like launching from eve! It's nigh impossible now since its close to Venus conditions.
  19. I accidentally the Inflato-Hab. The whole Inflato-Hab. Is this bad?
  20. I'll just have to QUADRUPLE their cranium size then!!!!1111oneone Muahahahaha!!
  21. can we get a flag quad for the flag module? I've forced it to use the id icon instead but it's not scaled properly to display the mission flag.
  22. Some more progress. The half truss is finished. I need to make the adapter that will fit in the truss ring which will let the hab attach in a manner that looks sane instead of free floating in front of the ring. Basically the adapter will have a docking core and will be attached by four arms to the ring. At the base of the arms will be some RCS propellant tanks. Other parts will be able to attach to the back of the adapter, such as docking ports or supply containers. (see some of the photos; the supply container is the drum connected via tunnel) No shots of the half truss yet but the front page is updated with the drop tank. It's just a preliminary model; I basically used the Unity scene editor's default capsule mesh, slapped some transforms on it and threw it in KSP to play with it.
  23. Yes, it is known. And if you were to read much of the thread you would know that IVA is being planned. I'm not saying you should have read the entire thread, but just read even the first post and it explains that IVA is being worked on.
  24. Return from Moon did not return me from the Mun. It probably should have done its while it was oriented prograde in the direction of the Mun's retrograde. That would have required a DV of about 200 m/s. Instead it plotted a 2000+ m/s burn on some bizarre vector on the other side of the planet.... but it didn't actually perform the burn there.... What I was left with was a high arc over the backside of the Mun ending in a lithobraking maneuver at the end. This part I did not enjoy.
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