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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. Some new tank normal maps I'm trying out. I really like the first one but it looks like it's more at home on a much smaller tank than something that's 10m x 22m and it doesn't scale down very nicely The last three are courtesy of Porkjet btw. One's more sharp edged than I think I'm looking for. Another is rounder and more subtler... the third is also kind of sharp but might revisit it.
  2. Sent you the part of the log from when I try to edit the LANTR engine in the VAB. Can't think of why else this would be except an issue with ModuleHybridEngine. Did anything change with that which would affect what it expects from a config?
  3. Any of those fixes pertain to Hybrid Engine? (see previous post) I'll re-download and re-test to check now.
  4. I used Protractor and launched when I was about 90 degrees past the orbital position it would have had me burn at but more or less parallel to the course that I would have had to burn at. Actually I subtracted maybe 5 degrees to take into account planet rotation so about 85 degrees. Not very precise but close enough that a mid-course correction got me on track. I've done that for Eve and Duna with good results. Regarding the Trimodal, looks like I spoke too soon. I have multiple installations either for testing RSS+RF, Stock 0.23 (mostly stock... MJ+RF) and two installations for testing my parts that I'm working on and apparently one of them was still only running RF 4.1 When I switched to the installation with 4.2 I discovered that the trimodal LVN is throwing errors. I think from the Hybrid Engine. I'm checking the log to see precisely where the errors originated now.
  5. I've always taken that with a grain of salt even if it is official. Maybe they intended for off-center reaction wheel parts to be less effective but I think that in actual practice all reaction wheel torque is applied COM no matter where it is. I wouldn't swear to that though and I guess it affects my rocket designs since I tend to put them close to COM or if applying them radially then in clusters around COM..... Edit: never mind I take it back.
  6. It's useful for placing a network of geosync satellites. Everytime you arrive at apoapsis you drop a satellite and then circularize that satellite's orbit? Apoapsis has to be at geosync altitude though. Or even not geosync, it's for regularly spacing out your sats.
  7. I was thinking about that when I was coming to terms with just how screwed up ModuleGenerator is. No longer developed but the license seems fairly unrestrictive. (as long as it's not commercial) BTW, when you first mentioned the request issue, your post said that requests under 1E-5 fail.... is that a typo perhaps? Because it seems that pretty much everything goes through up to 1E-15.... (though I do see fluctuations in the Efficiency field when you start getting really low).
  8. Considering that it affects fuel boiloff (or more correctly radiators that require resources), probably so. What alternatives are there? I'm not a huge fan of anything that runs every update for craft that are on rails.
  9. Oops. Very sorry. HERE is 'here'. Right now just the Squad NTR is in there. The KSPX NTR file isn't there because I thought I might have broken it so I removed it until I could verify it was working ok. NTR Files Regarding the NTR thing, like I mentioned I had been trying to get nuclearFuel/nuclearWaste rates as small as possible without triggering the bug that Nathan was talking about. And I had it working for values smaller than what he had said but not reliably. I've had it set to values as low as 5E-14 and actually had it producing electricity and waste while consuming nuclearFuel but not at all time scales. Right now that file has it set to 0.0000000005 (for fuel/waste) and it actually produces electricity until you get above certain time warp values and then it stops producing power but still consumes/produces fuel/waste. (I'm going to stop playing with that for now.... I'll just set it to the lowest that it reliably works at)
  10. How about launches like Curiosity's? Do you know if that was ever in any sort of orbit around Earth or did they launch it directly into an escape trajectory? Because for IP launches I've been toying with doing that especially for RSS + FAR where I'm still not really good about getting things into a decent orbit with reliability. (I'm not having a lot of luck with MJ2, RSS and FAR together and it makes me feel like a newb again when it comes to manual launches). But launching directly into an escape trajectory seems a bit easier since I'm not messing with gravity turns so much. (though India's Mars probe did launch into an elliptical orbit didn't it? It took it multiple burns to reach escape velocity) Edit: Oh, also for your trimodal problem, try this file here. It doesn't do anything to the trimodal specifically and I'm not aware of anyone having had problems adjusting it in the VAB but I can confirm it works. Caveat: I have been tweaking that file to properly fix the Generator issue for the BNTR/TNTR motors, so if you find that that aspect does not work, check that link periodically because I'll be updating it throughout the day. I'm trying to get the resource consumption as close to original as I can while still allowing it to generate power. I thought I had found a way around that bug but it's not working the way I anticipated. But the config is confirmed adjustable.
  11. That truss looks beefy! I've been toying with the idea of thickening the struts on mine but I dont want to mess with it too much after the PITA it ws before. Except maybe to go back and tweak the UV a bit since I guess I'm going with the carbon look. Still havent tried those textures out yet as I'm trying to get the UV map on my tank right.
  12. Try Real Fuels The stock NTR produces electricity when idle as long as there is still nuclearFuel in the engine. (That part's a little glitchy right now but there's a fix for it) And it's not overbalanced.
  13. Sorry for double post (especially where the first was facetious) and sorry for not seeing this. You do NOT have to downgrade. It will run under 0.23 and you do NOT need the dev pack to do it. Just install it.
  14. I feel your pain. It is truly gut-wrenching.
  15. Mine stay in service indefinitely barring accident. The only thing that might affect that is Real Fuels because LVN actually have nuclearFuel resource that gradually turns into nuclearWaste. When there's no more nuclearFuel then the rocket will not produce thrust nor electricity. (LVN is bimodal in Real Fuels) However, I haven't got to actually PLAY very much lately because most of my time in KSP has been trying out new parts for a parts pack So I haven't got to play a game long enough where my nuclear engines might actually exhaust their supply of fuel.
  16. The US Government??? I'm to accept them as an authority on grammar now am I? What's next? Lockheed Martin as an authority on the metric system? No, thank you.
  17. Sorry, wrong. A comma should NOT be used directly before the word and. Especially not ever.
  18. Wow very nice. Not sure if it's my thing, but this will definitely speak to someone. I agree with Talisar, it needs that silhouette somewhere.... or, you know what it could really use is FlagDecal support. One final thing... that poor third Kerbal REALLY looks uncomfortable seated directly facing the hatch. I think he must be a lot like me. I never like walking next to the hatch on an airplane because I'm always afraid it will pick precisely that moment to blow off its hinges for no apparent reason. Look in his eyes..... he's really freaked out about this.
  19. It definitely could have been put better but it also speaks to a certain amount of truth that humans are highly visually oriented creatures and if you want their attention then you had better be putting some pictures in front of them. With a download link within easy reach. A picture speaks a thousand words as they say. Or put less eloquently... 'no pics no clicks'
  20. wow just realized I somehow multiquoted posts that had NOTHING to do withxrayfishx..... sorry
  21. I had that happen once. Long before KJR and I can tell you that it was not the result of any new mods that were added, rather something that I did to my installation that caused problems for certain existing craft. Something that changed how the part modules were loaded, like maybe the order of them. Something sort of similar was reported (IIRC, my memory is a bit hazy on the specifics) for Modular Fuels / Stretchy Tanks where they were interacting in some manner that affected physics maybe? Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that the module order as listed for craft in the save file might not match the order they are actually loaded into the game. And KSP doesn't react well to that sort of thing. Your original save file where this is happening might not really be recoverable to the point of stability. Just knowing that there are NullReferenceExceptions isn't enough The output_log.txt file has a LOT more information in it than ksp.log or what you see when you look at the debug menu with F12. It reports the functions where those errors are actually happening. Like what function generated those NullReferenceExceptions
  22. Clarify 'shader'. Do you actually mean textures? The distinction is important and you're more likely to get help with making textures for this than new shaders.
  23. It's an SSTO when it actually makes it to orbit Let us know when that happens; we'll expect a full pictorial report.
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