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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. front page. first post. get the dev versions. those are the only versions compiled for 0.23
  2. they dont look like they're getting fuel back. I switched to one just after separation. It did have some fuel in it but it was only ullage fuel. (For some reason the tank started unbalanced. maybe a ST issue) It shut off as soon as I switched. Edit maybe a thrust calculation bug triggering when it is no longer the vessel of focus... Edit 2: have to cut thrust before separation lest I get a spent stage in the small of the back.
  3. it'll ramp up anyway even if autostage is off. has ever since I can remember. It'll even throttle up for a command pod with no engines
  4. They probably were, but then they installed DRE without first reading up on re-entry hazards
  5. that doesn't have a damned thing to do with it and you know it. the fundamental difference between career mode and sandbox is that you have to unlock functionality instead of having freely available from the start.
  6. there's been a notion floating around for awhile that stock behavior for wobbliness is linked to attach node size. maybe you picked up on that? (I don't think that's true either... attach node size has been linked to everything from rocket stability to passenger pigeon extinction)
  7. MJ has to be updated to see them as chutes. it probably looks at partmodule and this uses its own, not the stock chute module
  8. what do you mean, going full metric? he hasn't forgotten but it means a lot of editing and right now it's more important to finish the coding part.
  9. get Real Chutes by stupid_chris, the guy with the creepy deer avatar pullings hooves off like gloves and wriggling writhing fingers after...
  10. The mission clock goes wonky. I expect if I could read it, it might make some kind of sense. It seems like it has three lines but I guess they're just crammed in so I really dont know...
  11. because then it's really no different than sandbox. Your changes didn't actually affect sandbox at all because sandbox has no tech requirements at all. I have no idea what changes you made but they probably have an error in them. I've posted a solution previously in this thread for people who totally want to get rid of tech requirements but I'm not up for re-posting it because I would have to do it from scratch on the fly as I did before and I'm just not up for that either. (typing on my ipad while I play) The post is in this thread, just search for it. edit: actually, yes I do have an idea why your change didnt work. Did you literally change it to Start? it should not be capitalized, if you capped it then it wont work because therenis no Start tech node. but there is one named start
  12. I suggest Modular Fuel Systems Continued. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52780-Modular-Fuel-System-Continued-v3-3 It has thrust correction built in. If you have no interest in the modular aspects of MFS, just install it and ignore those parts. Don't install Real Fuels, the thrust correction will work just fine.
  13. Sack cloth and ashes baby. Rent garments. Weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Either that or fire up 0.22 again! (I still have my 0.22 installs....)
  14. They 'should' be, for varying values of 'should'. Also, it was mentioned that Kerbin's rotation is wrong for the 1950 epoch and that Nathan will fix that later.
  15. Make sure you are using the latest dev version. (Build 136+) Do not use the official latest stable because it is out of date and will not work with .23
  16. That's probably what it is. I didn't look at the code for the new version but there's a couple of lines in the previous version that I think could cause something like this if there were but a single misplaced character.... except it would have to be in the Update() function to do that.
  17. Just to clarify things, this isn't something that only happens when you use MJ with this, it happens anyway but you don't see it if you don't have something to report your vessel's total mass in the VAB. You can test this by dragging the parachute part and putting it down in the VAB somewhere. You don't even have to attach it to something, it's gaining mass as soon as you drag it out. (test this by waiting a full minute then picking it back up and planting it on the craft) Then put an MJ unit on just so you can see that it's happening independently. That's #1 #2 is, it doesn't really increase your vessel's mass that I have seen playing with this. Once you get out of the VAB (or probably SPH too) the out of control mass increase doesn't happen. (which doesn't decrease the importance of the bug, since you can't plan your delta-V budget in the VAB like you want)
  18. I haven't messed with EVA yet but I thought EVA. Used its own non-MonoPropellant fuel and a reviewer had stated it was not replenished after reboarding the ship. I find that questionable though or if true, ill advised.
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