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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. aaaaaand my spacefaring days may be at an end. primary harddrive failure. a replacement will not be forthcoming anytime soon.
  2. "Define interesting. " "Oh god oh god we're all going to die?"
  3. thats very interesting what you're trying to do with the G8D. I don't know if it's because the no-shroud version is different but I have the auto-shrouded version and the attachment nodes are too far away from the engine.
  4. Nathan, you mentioned the possibility of instantiating bodies. Have you looked into the possibility of maybe duplicating Minmus or Gilly and turning them into long term comets? (where long term = I have no idea how long. Short term enough to be interesting but long term enough to be long term)
  5. I don't know why I didn't think of this before but when it gets REALLY bad? Strut your rocket to the gantries too. (aka launch clamp / stability enhancer) I doubt that. It was likely coincidence. Restarting the game is what did it and it will happen again because it's intermittent.
  6. Be wary of bugs? Bah! Bugs are extra protein.
  7. That log doesn't mention Sarbian's extention dll being loaded at all. You need a log with it installed to get any errors that are relevant to it. (I do see a lot of NullReferenceException errors after you entered the editor but no way to know where it's from) Also, try using this ModuleManager file: http://www.sarbian.com/sarbian/ModuleManager.dll (and make sure both it and MMSarbianExt.dll are in the top level of GameData folder. Make sure no other copies of ModuleManager are in any of the subfolders)
  8. MissMolly, something else you can do while you are actually in the game experiencing problems like that is press alt-F12. Then click the debug button. Look at the log there for errors in real time.
  9. Do we need faster time warp? Probably not? When you get into Kerbol's SOI it gets pretty damned fast. But maybe you're right dunno for sure.
  10. That's because it's not on the Spaceport. It never was. Look for its download link in its thread in the forum. (you'll have to search; I don't have a link handy)
  11. I agree, please leave Minmus orbiting Kerbin. If I ever get my real game back off the ground (so to speak) I want to be able to pick up my minmus mining operations again so I can finally do my grand Duna mission.
  12. Not sure why I thought it was trying to face the sun. I would swear that I had seen it doing that. No there would not be two modules trying to control animation because the bit I posted deletes the original module. But yes you can get by with just adding in the heat pump. In fact I think I'll go edit my post to reflect that. Edit: Correction, WOULD have deleted the original module except that I forgot the {} at the end.
  13. This isn't about reading 46 pages of comments. It's about reading the damned instructions. If that's a non-starter then maybe expecting people to help should be a non-starter too.
  14. Ok here you go. Save this as a .cfg file somewhere in your GameData folder. Anywhere is fine. I like to put stuff like this in a folder I named 'MyTweaks'. Putting it in ModularFuels is fine too since it's useless without that plugin so if you ever decide to delete it, it will delete the cfg too. Note that it will NOT track to face the sun! That's because I don't think you would want a radiator to face the sun in real life. If it were capable of re-orienting you would want it edge on to the sun so it doesn't absorb unnecessary heat. In fact I toyed with ways of trying to make it less efficient facing the sun but I can't think of a way to reliably accomplish that and all that was really requested was to make it function as a radiator. So here it is. Anyway if you want you can re-enable its tracking capabilities quite easily. Just un-comment the line the raycastTransformName = suncatcher line. (remove the //, that uncomments it) radiator_patch.cfg @PART[radiator1]:Final { @mass = 0.025 MODULE { name = ModuleHeatPump heatTransfer = 50 heatDissipation = 0.05 RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 0.01666667 } } }
  15. yeah I figured it was something like that. I used the SDHI system to launch a science probe just cause I thought it would look cool and the prone was too short. and I knew the cover was sticking into the SM but I thought, "hey! I'm a rocket scientist now! whats the worst that could happen?" well the cover stuck, that's what! so I turned RCS on and rolled and pitched and yawed as violently as I could until the cover ripped free. Unfortunately so did two solar panels and an RCS pod.
  16. not likely. is modulemanager installed? its dll should be in the gamedata folder. when you mouse over fuel tanks does it list alternate fuels like LiquidOxygen or LiquidH2? when you mouse over engines does it display alternate fuel configurations for them? did you try more than one?
  17. No. INTERNAL is just to set the internal view when you click IVA for a crew member in the pod or if you press C. MODULE { name = ModuleCommand minimumCrew = 1 }
  18. It's possible, sure. If you build it the way sumghai (interesting, Siri recognizes sumghai and doesn't autocorrect it) instructed then it will separate. Command pod mk1-2 with the heatshield on bottom or it will sit too deep in the service module. Docking port on top. Has to be either stock clampotron or the SDHI one or one of the two androgenyous ones. If you omit any of those it will intersect the service modules collision body and stick. I think you also have to bind both rockets and decoupler together in one action group. Not sure if staging works I forget. Use action groups.
  19. It's on my todo list to release a cfg file for that.
  20. I don't see a mechanism in place by which any of the tanks are treated differently from each other. (with regards to volume) LH2 / LOX engines and nuclear engines are hit pretty hard by this. I didn't see it before because I still had my own config file lurking in there which was overriding some of the resources. Taking it out, stock rockets and KW rockets have a harder time getting to orbit than before. And as I said, the LVN takes big hit when it's already got a bad rep in this mod. I just checked out an old nuclear test design I have and it's getting about 0.85% of its former Delta-V. Seems like doing something about the tank mass is definitely imperative now.
  21. Right now I'm just trying to wrap my head around the density reduction that I'm only just now discovering. I couldn't figure out why my calculated figures for fuel were so far off from what I was expecting in the KSP editor. Finally tracked it down to the MFS resource file and see we're redefining what the tank volume unit represents. So basically volume (and therefore resource density) are cut by approximately 20%?
  22. One thing I'd like to note is that I focused on the internal tank aspect primarily because with Modular Fuels we can make adjustments to the two separately. basemass would be structural components and specified TANK{} mass the internal. It's that specific area that seems like it's more massive than real life fuel tanks. LiquidFuel and a lot of other tank types in the TANK_DEFINITION[Default] have a mass per unit volume of 0.0005. So I'm going to experiment with cutting that down to 1/10th (Edit: Oops not a tenth that's probably too much. I still have to work that out...). I think in general people have avoided trying that sort of thing out of concern that it would make things 'too easy' and that it would unbalance the game, but we'll see where it goes. Basemass (i.e. structural tank component) I haven't even looked at. Maybe scaling down the internal tanks will be enough, I don't know. Thoughts?
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