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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. personally I havent decided yet. they look neat but I've been feeling the effects of too many parts lately so they might have to go
  2. Use Notepad++ I will NEVER use anything else ever again. Especially not ever. Also, don't edit the mod files. That defeats the purpose of them having used Module Manager in the first place Create your own CFG files. Possibly you might need to make sure that the file name is alphabetically last Or failing that use the :Final keyword (Final makes sure that the config is processed dead last but my gut says not to if you intend to distribute your files as I intend to when I nail down my NTR mode and propellent additions.
  3. Thanks, that did the trick. Fuel conservation threshold cannot be set to anything at all or you will not go to dock today. It didn't seem to care that rcs conservation was enabled at all, just that the threshold not be enabled. It is now back to stock MJ docking behavior meaning that it refuses to move faster than 0.05ish but 0.05 is better than 0.0 (nothin' into nothin'... carry the nothin'...) edit: and the counterfiring. O how it loves to counterfire. over. and. over... and over......
  4. That would be nice but maybe it would be best to let the guy concentrate on fixing bugs.
  5. The following code is how I added water. Density should be set to the resource's mass in metric tons per liter * 6.25 Water weighs 1 kg per liter so 0.001 * 6.25 = 0.00625 RESOURCE_DEFINITION { name = LiquidH2O // Primarily as a test article. Potential nuclear fuel but has poor performance characteristics. Or does it? density = 0.00625 flowMode = STACK_PRIORITY_SEARCH transfer = PUMP }
  6. Sorry for the delay in responding and thank you for trying but that does not work either. The desired module does not get placed on any parts that would be eligible. (i.e. do not already have the module and have the listed crew capacity)
  7. Improvements? No. Not really no. I had some of those on my orbital tug when it was docked to a large ship I was assembling. I had a third capsule returning to Kerbin after delivering the next part of the ship. After it passed out of view behind the planet I noticed it no longer showed on the map and the crew of that ship and the tug were listed as killed. I F9ed them back to life and tried again. Each time I left the big ship behind it exploded into 69,105 pieces and parts. (ok slight exaggeration) I had to evacuate it and deorbit it as a hazard to space traffic. Anyway I hope this works better but I'm a let someone else test it for a few before I'm brave enough to try it
  8. wow so that means if I want to build something larger than 4 tons I need more warehouses? Please tell me I misundersood something here...
  9. I dont think ANY of the real world NTRs are throttleable. Also after reading up some more on UHF, it may well be tankeable after all. However, The Atomic Rocket site says that fluorine gas is a byproduct and quotes one chemist as having said that at high temperatures, fluorine loses its gentle and forgiving nature. (sarcasm) on the subject of other NTR propellents, I've been working on some configs that add new propellents. I'm reluctant to release them yet because most of the numbers came from the Atomic Rocket site, and while I generally trust that site, after running the numbers, I'm starting to question their validity, especially at the cited temperatures of 3200K. For instance they give an exhaust velocity of 8,093 m/s which comes out to an Isp of about 825, which strikes me as way too low. real world examples from the late 60s did better with isp of 850... with a reactor temp of (I think) 2500. the whole thing has left me frustrated as I try to work it out and finding multiple variables that I dont know if I'm handling them right. Worse is I actually havent played in two days which is what Id rather be doing. I take back what I said earlier about math. I'm mreally hating math right now
  10. Correct. Ialdabaoth has stated that barring any breakage due to future KSP updates or discovery of show stopping bugs, there will be no further updates to ModuleManager.
  11. If you use the ModuleManager Extensions (by Sarbian) you could use wildcards... I think. Otherwise, no. But it's not hard to do them one at a time too. But should uranium hexafluoride really be a tank resource? Anyway, below is how it's done. @TANK_DEFINITION[Default] { TANK { name = UraniumHexaFluoride // Hope you defined this as a resource too } } @TANK_DEFINITION[Cryogenic] { TANK { name = UraniumHexaFluoride // Hope you defined this as a resource too } } // Rinse and repeat until you're done. Uranium ratio might be as high as 1% Check this out: http://www.academia.edu/1705932/Nuclear_Power_and_Nuclear_Propulsion_Applications_in_Space You'll have to search a bit for gas core rockets. In a couple of places he indicates that uranium consumption is at about 1% but in one spot it's listed as 1/1000th of H2 mass flow. Unless mass flow means something different than what I'm interpreting? BTW, you can still bump up ISP for the stock NTR rockets a bit and still stay realistic.
  12. Liquid H2 only weighs 70kg /m3. Use the cryogenic tanks, they're slightly less massive. The big orange one is cryo.
  13. Abu, please look over my posts again and compare that to your own experience. Do you think they're the same problem? Did you see the same behavior? Or is yours different? (I dont think I could have done what you did as the port was a Sr and the only compatible port on the station.
  14. Thats how I did it with my rovers. Either they have a port perpendicular to their probe core or they use a separate core. Port preferably. Ever since I installed module manager I avoid the MJ part entirely. Only reason it's still available in my VAB is because I still have pre-0.21 craft that have it floating around. Or that I might have to load from craft files.
  15. Just got back from the store. before i left i set speed limit to a negative value on a hunch. the ship started accelerating towards the dock on RCS for a bit but then it pulled away again I left it that way while I was gone. Just got back two hours later and the two ships were side by side. A little too close actually but at 0 relative momentum. sigh. i'd hoped it would dock because the ship is a ginormous tank of ammonia and I dont have the patience. It's very sluggish.
  16. Re: latest build dated 8-25-2013 I turned on docking autopilot for a ship an hour ago. autopilot is failing to dock. Status: Holding still in Z and moving toward the docking axis at 0.0 m/s. Errors for XYZ are mostly 0.0x with minor fluctuations. Autopilot is NOT docking but it is doing a fantastic job of stationkeeping. There has literally been zero drift between the two ships for a solid hour and very little monoprop lost. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say it's using relative velocity for the XYZ error values. This is incorrect behavior. The error here is the relative distance between the axes. At this rate these two ships will achieve docked status in approximately never from now. I have the greatest confidence that their current distance of 38.1m can be maintained indefinitely. Please forgive any overtones of sarcasm. I still have the greatest enthusiasm for the mission.
  17. When making changes to IonCross' cfg settings I did some research on this. NASA says that an astronaut requires 0.83 kg of oxygen per day assuming average space activities. Given their lower body mass a Kerbal should require less. (metabolism not factored in and I treated body mass as more important) I'd put them between 0.63kg - 0.75kg per day.
  18. It sounds like that's what he's doing. He said he installed a 2.0.9 patch. That could mean he copied over mechjeb2.dll or a cfg patch file. (for ModuleManager) dragonflight, if all you did was download the dll file from this thread then there are no parts. It's just the plugin file. You need to download the full 2.0.9 version. Delete older versions before installing http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2%20Release/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/jenkins-MechJeb2%20Release-4/MechJeb2- AFAIK there's only one part in there in the command section: AR202. My advice about the AR202 though is not to bother. Get ModuleManager and download the config files that add MechJeb to command modules/probes (there's sets of configs for each mod... most mods) then you dont have to worry about adding parts Module Manager http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/complimentary-configs-for-all/ Module Manager let's you make changes to stock parts without tampering with their config files. It 'patches' them when they are loaded and reversing the changes is as easy as deleting the patch file. (MM patch files are just config files themselves) What the above two links mean to you is that you can get MechJeb installed on every stock part and most of the popular mods without having to add anything in VAB. So, you could conceivably just use the mechjeb2.dll from this thread, module manager and the config files in the last link. Controlling from a docking port does not mean that MechJeb has no control. It just means that the reference point and orientation are changed. It doesn't literally put the docking port in control of anything, that would be pointless.
  19. No it's not cheating. It just adds an autopilot. Even Apollo spacecraft had autopilots and sophisticated computers for guidance. Full on manual control was optional. What does that even mean, cheating? Are there rules to this game that nobody told me about??? You want rules for Kerbal Space Program? Ok fine, HERE are the rules. The only rules you'll ever need: STARWASTER'S KERBAL SPACE PROGRAM RULES It's YOUR sandbox. Don't let anyone else tell you what you can do in your sandbox. Don't tell anyone else what they can do in their sandbox. If it's not in Starwaster's rules then it's not a rule. Ignore it. There you go. Your own set of KSP rules to 'obey'.
  20. I'd deleted that immediately upon posting it to try again differently. what you suggested is identical to my final attempt, it didnt work.
  21. what are the solar panels attached to? i dont recognize those parts
  22. What am I doing wrong here? By my understanding, the following should be adding IonCross life support systems, O2 and CO2 resources to each part that does NOT have the IonModuleCrewSupport module and that has CrewCapacity = 1 No eligible parts that I've checked were being given the module or resources @PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[IonModuleCrewSupport],HAS[#CrewCapacity[1]]] { MODULE { name = IonModuleCrewSupport } RESOURCE { name = Oxygen amount = 100 maxAmount = 100 } RESOURCE { name = CarbonDioxide amount = 0 maxAmount = 10 } }
  23. God I hate Eve. Early on in my KSP career I decided to do a flyby of Eve. No landing planned. I managed to get there ok and establish an elliptical orbit that had me swinging in rather low where I could observe the planet and plan for a future landing. The apoapsis of my ellipse was almost to the edge of the SOI so it wasn't a terribly great orbit. I'd figured the atmosphere boundaries would be higher so I made sure the low point of my orbit was a bit higher than when I'd orbited Kerbin. I set about planning a maneuver to normalize my orbit when I realized I was lower than anticipated. I had the barometric sensor (all the sensors really) on my ship and it told me that I was indeed experiencing... atmosphere. I could have just used that opportunity to aerobrake and normalize my orbit a bit but I was really just starting out and feeling in over my head. I could have raised my orbit a bit when I hit apoapsis so as not to worry about the atmosphere. I screwed up with that and the next thing I know I'm downswinging again and this time I'm experiencing thermal effects. I had quite a bit of velocity still so I just went prograde and opened the throttle up until I'd burned nearly all of my return propellant.. Now I was on an escape trajectory with no idea how to get back to Kerbin. If I had discovered MechJeb before then it probably wouldn't have happened. Or even if I had the experience that I do now. I had to send a rescue mission out to rendezvous and transfer some fuel over. Come to think of it I still haven't been back to Eve. What a wuss I am Maybe when my Duna mission is complete I'll go back to Eve.
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