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Everything posted by Starwaster

  1. The current build will spam exceptions and particle / sound FX will not work because they finally did away with the old particle system. (it's been marked as deprecated for awhile now) Also some functionality is disabled due to the version checker. They're easy problems to deal with but there are other minor code changes that I'm contemplating and I may push another update for the older versions of KSP containing those changes.
  2. It's going to take more than a Module Manager patch to get this working with KSP 1.4.x Edit: I'm still on as a contributor for the repository, I just sort of stopped as its maintainer as @stupid_chris had returned so I'll see if I can push a compatibility update to it. I'm not sure when I can get to that though and ATM I'm not even able to compile the code. Apparently there were some relatively recent code changes in there that Monodevelop isn't able to handle; they SHOULD compile but just aren't even in MSBuild mode
  3. It's going to take more than a Module Manager patch to get this working with KSP 1.4.x
  4. Now you've got me wondering though... I'm trying a hacked version of your latest code where the tourist funds are converted to rep and now I'm wondering... just where DID those funds go? Did some politician pocket them?!?? (really screwed it up at first because I didn't realize that param.AllParameters was actually pointing right back at the contract's .AllParameters and kept getting stack overloads... lol - I was while looping it and trying to walk through every parameter's parameter.... but it doesnt work that way!)
  5. No not like that, didn't realize that's what you meant @PART[*attery*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[ElectricCharge]]:AFTER[VenStockRevamp]:NEEDS[VenStockRevamp] You can also put the NEEDS before the phase; order doesn't matter there. But you can't nest them, no.
  6. Just my opinion but I don't think that's something that's in the scope of Custom Barn Kit.... it's not an option to be enabled or disabled, it's just the way the Kerbal EVA chute is coded. You need a mod that extends the EVA chute and (if my thinking is correct about why it won't deploy) overrides the PassedAdditionalDeploymentChecks method on the chute. The EVA chute does additional. checks to make sure the Kerbal isn't landed or splashed. If extended chute class were to just return true (or perhaps do an actual check of its own to make sure the Kerbal is up to a certain speed) then it should deploy. Alternatively, jumping the vehicle off the ground long enough to qualify as flying should do it.
  7. Depends on how cheap the player can get them into orbit for. If you really do want to be collecting the funds directly from them then it makes sense to compare those funds to the cost of the rocket. On the other hand I play scaled up systems so it costs a lot more for me to get them up there so the amount they're paying in doesn't seem extreme to me. I just took a contract to take four Kerbals around the Mun (10x Kerbol so almost scaled up to full sized RSS) and they're probably just barely covering the cost of a Mun shot.
  8. Uhm it's gone. It was in the settings menu but that got moved and I guess that particular setting was lost in the transfer. @severedsolo? (yeah that was redundant... that's just me being shocked) (As a workaround, edit your persistence file and look for FriendlyInterval in the BudgetScenario SCENARIO node - that's the number of days between budgets)
  9. In the game, click on the Monthly Budgets icon (looks like a calculator) and in the window that comes up, click on Settings.
  10. Eliminate the wonder and go check your antivirus logs. I haven't yet seen an antivirus program that doesn't log its activity when it takes action to quarantine a suspected threat. You should also have the option to undo the action and flag the file as nonthreatening.
  11. I still see contracts where I'm getting funds instead of rep. It's happening on tourist contracts that have sub-parameters and I'm thinking that the contract interceptor needs to check for those and walk through those and convert them as well. And they might be nested more than one deep too.
  12. Skybox flipping (even on just two faces) is not unknown. Unity problem (I think, as it's been brought up before) not KSP. As to why just DX11 I don't know... Edit: A thought, perhaps it's something similar to the attach node issue that we had in KSP where attach node facing was mandated but never enforced and then when they did start enforcing it parts stopped attaching until their nodes were fixed. It's possible that Unity has been applying corrections on skymap renderings and now that code has been deprecated...
  13. No idea about the chutes Animated Decouplers actually does more than just animate. It also allows for the part it is on to shield other components. The BPC uses it so it shields the port and the pod. Not sure of its effect on drag but it prevents them from taking convective heat. The side fairings also use it to protect things attached to the service module. And the plugin is NOT being loaded according to the log you uploaded. Not sure what version you have but I uploaded another one fairly recently. (22 hour ago) I certify that it will load and function for both KSP 1.4.0 and 1.4.1
  14. No might be about it, the hatch in the PBC isn't going to line up. Also it must be rotated 180 degrees to get the umbilical slot to line up with the umbilical. Stock chute module fallback worked for me as is except that 10%-20% of the time on the last 100-1000 meters it would suddenly speed up killing the crew instantly (typically by burning up. Post mission report indicated gee-forces of 798 on one occasion and over 65,000 g's on another. Literally it happened so fast that my eye did not have time to register what happened) You must download the latest release of Animated Decouplers for KSP 1.4.x
  15. You're welcome and thank you, but your forum thread is linking to the wrong post. You linked to another mod that is identically named (even to the point of giving the partmodule the same name) by DennyTX which does not give cargo bay support. (and who basically just threw his mod up three years ago and hasn't updated it since, which is an unfortunate pattern of his given that he has some high quality parts packs) When I'm more awake I'll update my own OP for this thread
  16. Well I do have an update for 1.3.x but it's got some issues that needed working out...
  17. The code only ever does anything meaningful when origMass > 0 - which is odd considering I've seen several examples of other configs (RO) where origMass = -1 and that has no effect whatsoever. (basically it gets ignored if it's not a positive value) I'll probably create an issue over it so we can discuss it and decide if it should do anything else. I've also been going over the rest of the NTR trimodal config and noticed it has both ModuleHybridEngine (an RF class) and MultiModeEngine (Squad's class) and they both do essentially the same thing; let you switch between two engine modes. I'm not sure which is the better choice.... Either one will work though MHE probably hasn't had any attention given to it it awhile. On the other hand, when I removed it from the config on my installation, the effects vanished and I haven't had a chance to look into why.
  18. If you run out there really fast before they cool down, you can make waffles!
  19. Not really but the reputation decay is better. What he's describing feels like it would be awkward to play through and awkward to implement. Reputation decay is smoother and more organic. On the default reputation gain settings, it tends to soft cap at around 750. The losses at that point have increased to the point that if you're not doing higher prestige contracts then your budget is stagnating.
  20. @Raptor831 Instead of commenting the line out, I suggest setting it to be the same as the part's assigned mass. That will allow mass improvements from tech level advances. Commenting the line out prevents that.
  21. I think this is one case where you don't have to worry about repo... it is not uncommon for mods to stop working when KSP is updated. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. You're just going to have to wait until the mod is updated.
  22. Reminds me of one of those WHO WOULD WIN memes.... (A bunch of code vs one misplaced semicolon...)
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