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Everything posted by Jarin

  1. It occurs to me after some sleep that I'm using nothing but Rapiers, so those fuel lines may be superfluous. Try pulling them off and see if the engines drain right in closed-cycle mode. Should get a bit more delta-v on ascent if you ditch that drag.
  2. I think I cribbed the mk2s-in-the-wing from @mk1980 (though his wasn't flipped vertical) but I've grown rather attached to it. Anyway, here we go! The finalized Archon CTV (kerbalX link). Full pictures and instructions below. Disclaimer: Pictures were taken across multiple flights, and there may be a couple design tweaks visible. However, all instructions are accurate for the final design. Should be a pretty flexible design overall. I don't think anything but a couple RCS ports are attached to the crew cabin, so that should swap out for a cargo bay or whatever you need.
  3. Meet the Archon crew transport vehicle. 773m/s dV in orbit with the prototype CTV. Still needs RCS ports and probably airbrakes for re-entry convenience, but the test-flight went without a hitch. Overshot KSC a bit, but had plenty of fuel to fly back. Also determined that the struts were the right decision, as I accidentally pulled back hard on the turnaround and spiked G-forces into the redzone, but the airframe held. Craft file and flight profile once the production model is finalized.
  4. Certainly possible. Got any other requests? Orbital height? Docking capability/orientation?
  5. Trying to adapt my old Artemis workhorse SSTO for this, but I'm having trouble getting it tweaked for some requirements. [imgur]cRB6q[/imgur] Edit: How the flip do I embed imgur slideshows now? http://imgur.com/a/cRB6q Only hits orbit with about 1200 d/V, which is borderline to get to minmus for refueling. A better flight profile might get it there, but I was hoping for an idiot-proof SSTA. I'll keep at it.
  6. I lean towards building. At least partly because even my flying tends to be mostly building. I love setting up communication networks and remote logistics outposts, and much of my flying time is dedicated towards those goals.
  7. This is perfect! The two sides can move in relation to eachother while connected, which is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
  8. I'm looking for a method of transferring fuel and other resources from one craft to another that doesn't create a "hard" physics link like ducts in KAS do. I've run into too many issues of the 'bounce' when the connection is made causing breakage on larger or more awkward craft. Any suggestions?
  9. does control trim register as torque? I've had issues of accidental trim lasting through reloading and even craft construction. (probably a longshot guess, but that just sounds really weird)
  10. I'm in windowed mode already, actually. This isn't behavior I've seen from any other Unity game, either. It seems to be more related to the windows lock (Win+L) than just tabbing. Same deal, crashed in orbit this time with a very simple craft and nothing else nearby. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cj5dreqmfua18vh/2016-08-29_103632.zip?dl=0
  11. Game still doesn't like being tabbed away or windows locking at KSC. Fairly regular problem for me. And not only does the game lock up, but the "game crashed" window appears to crash as well; going "not responding" Windows 10 x64. Observed on two different computers with very different hardware (both have nVidia graphics, but that's about it). Mods installed for this one, but happened regularly enough previously without mods too. Crash files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ej1jn1uvzvcco5d/2016-08-29_092932.zip?dl=0
  12. I had the exact same problem; seems to have cropped up when I overwote my old EL folder with the latest version, rather than deleting the old and installing clean. (clean install resolved issue)
  13. Would be greatly appreciated if someone could post the compiled test version for those slightly-less-adventurous among us (or who just don't want to monkey with installing VS)
  14. Were you against communication being added to stock as well?
  15. I do like how KSP is getting "lite" versions of features that had previously been mod-only (ISRU, Comms). Here's hoping for a simple life support implementation somewhere down the line.
  16. Top tier cores have "target" and "maneuver" SAS options, in addition to all the others, which makes them very easy to pilot with only local control. If you need less thrust, you can modify the engine's max thrust directly.
  17. Does it count as fudging the betting pool if I had reply #4 too, but waited to mention it? <.<
  18. I'm pretty sure that communications were said to be a difficulty toggle in an earlier note.
  19. Any word on PorkJet's work with the rocket-part models?
  20. Definitely worth the 2 day wait. This is some great stuff
  21. Those would be some really short notes if they fit in a tweet.
  22. I apologize for the disruption, Jim. I was just legitimately caught off guard by the song. I'll leave well enough alone.
  23. Wow, that's... something. Like, painfully offensively racist something. o.O
  24. That only counts as a stage if KSC counts as a stage.
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