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    Rocket pilot
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    (Space)Flight and Astronomy

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  1. I second this, joystick support for a space and aircraft game is absolutely essential, and shouldn’t be too hard to implement. roll, pitch, yaw and throttle plus a few buttons for brakes and trim at the least. Dear Dev team, kindly move basic joystick support to a high (highest?) priority. Many thanks.
  2. Best use the same ratio and add the units SG (specific gravity) in the equation, rather than to adjust the ratio. fuel mass : oxidiser mass (This is used irl because temperature is irrelevant) (Fuel volume x SG) : (oxidiser volume x SG) this fluctuates with temperature but is irrelevant in KSP. By adding the SG you can use the same ratio as in the first equation.
  3. This is only relevant if the temperature is not constant, which in KSP it is.
  4. " Add "Stringer Mass" slider to PP structural parts (and hollow parts) so that PF mass upgrades can be applied (and so that mass on tiny structural parts can be increased if desired) " Thanks!!!
  5. Hi all, I hope this is the right place for my question, I have just started playing RSS with RP-1 and it works like a charm, mostly. However I run into this problem, It doesn't matter how I configure the actuation toggles in the VAB, or if I use staging or set them to active. using the KIJLHN keys for translation, the RCS all work fine. Whenever in flight the RCS controls for roll pitch and yaw instantly switch to OFF whenever I press any of the WASD keys to steer, resulting in no RCS control. Whenever I let go of the key, the actuation toggles back to ON, also when the SAS tries to use the RCS to adjust the attitude the roll pitch and yaw channels of the actuation toggles switch to off. edit: I just found out that by removing mechjeb I also removed the problem. As I’m not a great MJ user I can live with this. I leave this here in case anyone else has this issue. cheers! Rico
  6. One possibility, in settings, temporarily reduce the re-entry heat effects, it's basically cheating though...
  7. Sadly my planes get bumped up every time I hit one, creating a magnificent fireball, but ruining my RP-1 career
  8. Hey all, I'm back from a long break from Kerbals, and newly installed RSS/RO/RP-1 in KSP 1.8.1. I've noticed the old segmented runway bug is back (in my install at least). but the fix that was working a while ago is now supposedly included in the latest RSS, so the fix is removed from github. (source: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/186244-wip-rss-runway-fix/) Is it just my install or is this a known issue, with perhaps even a known fix? Thanks all!
  9. Thanks Pand, That might indeed work as well, I think I have completed the puzzle altough there may be more ways of doing this. Here's what I got so far: First I named one of the booster engines "BoosterEngines" through the right click menu. Then I added this code to my launch script. set Boosterengine to ship:partstagged("BoosterEngine")[0]. when Boosterengine:availablethrust <0.5 then { stage. } It works but any suggestions welcome!
  10. Hey all, Sorry if this has been answered before, but I cannot find it. Until now I have done my booster staging with smart parts, but I would like to add the function in my scripts: Because my boosters use the same fuel type as the main engine (similar to the R7 rocket). need something like: when (available thrust of one of the booster engines <0) then stage. Many thanks! PilotNL.
  11. Just a heads up, I know this was already fixed in 2017, however in CKAN the mod is still named Hanger (and hence I spent an hour searching for it!).
  12. Awesome Thanks! That seems to filter out most non RO parts!
  13. Heya quick question, is there an easy way to remove or hide all the non RO parts? Thanks!
  14. Place the fins under an angle so the rocket spins around. This gives it gyroscopic stability.
  15. You can already do this with FAR, it's called longitudinal instability. You get this when your centre of gravity is too far aft (with a conventional aircraft design). Also note that if you raise the nose you don't necessarily increase lift, but alpha. Depending on your position in the CL-alpha graph, it will result in an increase or decrease of lift. If I understand your suggestion correctly you basically ask Ferram to add code that reduces the realism, and makes every plane un-flyable. From a humble pilot, I am sure the engineers in this forum will be able to explain it much better!
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