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Everything posted by WafflesToo

  1. Define "playing". For every hour I spend in front of the terminal I probably have one spent with coffee and pencils. I get this huge rush seeing a plan I put together hours in advance actually work in practice at the moment of execution. Of course there's also something to be said for Zisteaunian contraptions and shooting from the hip.
  2. The clipping may be a bug; or a limitation of the system not having damaged model states for al of the parts yet. I'm willing to bet though that if you checked the legs that are clipping you'll find they say 'damaged'.
  3. That may not be a bug. If you land hard enough it is possible to damage the legs and they won't count for holding the unit up.
  4. Pretty much been my experience. Most of the launch mishaps I've been a party to either happen slowly enough that if you keep your head you can work through them or are over so quickly the poor little guys never knew anything went wrong in the first place.
  5. I'm stuck at work all day going over this year's inventory reports so by the time I get to see the new update there will already be six threads worth of people's grande tours, a dozen about all the new features and why they are awesome/terrible, three on how underwhelming the new update is and how lazy Squad must be, and one wondering when 0.24 will be coming out
  6. Never needed one actually. My usual plan is to cut the throttle, coast up to apoapsis, eject the capsule and deploy chutes. In a run-away rocket scenario, deploying the chutes asymmetrically is enough to get the capsule away from the stricken vessel.
  7. I was in the same boat until I noticed that if I take my Mün lander and perch it on top of my Duna transit unit it gives you long enough legs to reach Dres.
  8. Dres I think. I can only recall ever reading about if once in anybody's mission reports... and that was just because they crashed into it on the way to Jool Fear not lonely little Dres! I borrowed equipment from both my Mün and Duna programs and I'm coming for you!
  9. Wait about a week or two for all of my favorite mods to get updated
  10. That's pretty much been my experience. I find I start really having to pull the throttle back just over 20km, often as low as 25% to keep my apoapsis from running too far ahead of me (keeping it around 30 seconds seems to give consistantly good results). I'm working on modifying my launch vehicle so the Skipper burns out at about that altitude and stage down to a smaller engine.
  11. Correct. I usually only worry about the terminal velocity thing until I hit 10km or so. The air thins out so quickly after that that it's largely a non-issue. By the time I hit 20-30km I'm far more concerned with my time-to-apoapsis and climb-rate.
  12. Were the canisters attached to the capsule or to a fuel tank that got staged off prior to landing? The cans need to still be attached to the vehicle to count. (Although if the survived reentry as debris they can be recovered separately from the KSC traking station)
  13. Following terminal velocity during ascent maximizes the balance between air and gravity drag.
  14. My personal rule of thumb is this... 100m/s off the launchpad Keep the G-meter right around 1g Aim to hit 240m/s at around 10km Probably not mechjeb perfect, but it seems to give me consistent and reasonable results.
  15. The heating issue with Skylab was caused by damage from a staging mishap (the thermal shield and solar panels got hung up on the shroud and torn off). Climate control is abstracted in the mod rather than dealing with the specifics. If it's something you really want I'd suggest installing the Interstellar mod as well as this one. (I saw that episode too btw. It's been funny watching that issue bite him in the butt time and again )
  16. Sorry, but this seems like a lot of bother and wasted material to gain a very small advantage on one burn.
  17. Green, yellow, and red have nothing to do w FPS, it means the physics are no longer running in real time. I see it a lot too but I can't tell if it's a mod causing it or my 8 year old dinosaur
  18. The RemoteTech mod does this. Having to deal with communication connectivity add a whole new slew of headaches to the game. It even has the opinion to introduce signal delay into the mix if you'd like
  19. Bye... ... Okay, how long do you think it'll take for mod-makers to get everything updated for 0.23?
  20. Nope, if its unloaded it has no activity whatsoever. Try it, launch a probe on a stack of batteries and a bunch of power-draining accessories. Leave the lights on and go to another unit more than 3 km away. Let run a few years or so then go back. You'll have the same charge as when you left.
  21. Looks like I'm starting again (Need to finish a Duna mission! Must hurry!)
  22. I don't think it really can be unless there's a fundamental change to the game engine itself. Tracking the power use was easy, but power production systems don't work when the ship is unloaded. Had the same problem with RemoteTech.
  23. Steam users don't have that luxury. I personally look forward to and simultaneously dread updates. On one hand, cool new features and modes to play with... on the other is the waiting for all of my favorite mods to get updated
  24. You can probably ditch the poodle... terrible TWR. 5km/s of dV is needed? Lemme play with it some and I'll be back.
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