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Everything posted by hazarada

  1. Major software companies are dropping 32bit releases in favor of 64bit ones, doing the opposite would be kinda backwards don't you think? I haven't seen a non 64 bit capable pc (thats not in a museum) for years. Better question would be - what makes people use 32bit and how can we get rid of it?
  2. Well not anymore, I ended up re-engineering the craft to work around the issue and saved over the old one, I'll try to recreate the issue though. So far I've figured out that 16.7kN is the amount of thrust the KR-2L can produce when limited to the amount of fuel that the ISRU can produce. EDIT: nvm, I've reproduced the issue, test craft: http://www6.zippyshare.com/v/M2lMZVLa/file.html 1. Start the ISRU for LFO 2. Activate engine notice how the top tank drains and bottom one isn't used as long as the ISRU remains active
  3. This keep happening over and over on one of my crafts. The engine is KR-2L. First I liftoff and get carried by solid boosters and KS-25x4 At ~30km I drop the first stage and engage KR-2L, I also start the ore converter for LFO (theres 240 ore in the craft at start) At ~100km The engine power drops to 16.7kN and thats it. There is plenty of fuel left, adjusting thrust or thrust limiter has no effect, if I shut the engine off and on again, initially the thrust jumps to the correct value and then immediately back to 16.7kN again. Doesn't happen if I don't start the ore converter but without the little extra fuel, I can't make my landing on minmus (the craft is designed to go straight there for initial refuel and then hop from moon to moon)
  4. Just bigger/smaller engines to be used on various size crafts while staying in line with KSP's vanilla engine balance. I liked the progression on FTmN engines that went down on TWR and up in ISP by about 8% when going from smaller engines to bigger, just like most other engine lines do in KSP.
  5. yeah but their big engine has double the ISP of the vanilla NERV
  6. I used to use FTmN mod but I can't seem to find an up to date version. There was one 1.0 compatible nuclear engine mod that I saw but the bigger ones were overpowered. Does anybody know of a 1.0.2 mod with bigger nuclear engines that is in line with the efficiency of the original one?
  7. First, sometimes (happened 4 times today during binge-playing), some of the the abalator from heat shields disappears during warp for no apparent reason. I think all instances were while I was just leaving kerbin's orbit but not sure. Cannot reproduce at will as I've found no correlation with anything. Happens just when I drop out of time warp. Second, this happened twice on 2 different rovers with 2 different kinds of wheels - sometimes the wheels start generating torque. Might have happened more since it would only be noticeable when on really low gravity bodies. My instances were on ike and dres. Both times I was driving somewhere and the battery ran out and then the rovers started tumbling (in the wheels direction). After a while, they tumbled into a position where the bug wheel didn't have enough torque to keep moving so I could timewarp, recover some battery and turn on SAS which killed the tumble but as soon as I turned off SAS it started again. As I later found out, breaking the faulty wheel stops the tumbling. Third, this one is very consistent - The ore extractors work way better then they are supposed to, most of the time. I had a drilling ship go kerbin->mun->gilly->ike, on mun the drill worked as expected but on gilly and ike, I got a full tank the instant I started drilling. If I dump the ore, it instantly mines it back again. If I disengage the drill and reengage then it works as normal. Later, I had another ship go kerbin->mun->gilly->moho and the same happened on gilly and moho and even later, I took some more missions to transport ore from gilly or ike to eve or duna orbit and again same. So.. this could be something to do with those orbital bodies or the drill (since I have not tried to have a second drilling in kerbins sphere of influence). Fourth, not sure if this is a bug or by technological shortcomings - not all parts behind a heat shield are protected from the heat. Happens with radial mounted objects only and seems totally random, had to spend a lot of time moving parts around in my rovers by trial/error to find a place for them behind the landing shield so they wouldn't blow up during atmospheric descent. 't
  8. I've had tons of problems with how it works. Sometimes it keeps switching by itself to either radial or mirror regardless what I'm currently building in or have built the previous parts in. Its just buggy.
  9. I'm on my way back from an Eeloo mission as I'm writing this.. takes waay too long. Let me check where I'm at.. oh look I've moved a whole pixel. Another notch on time warp would be excellent.
  10. The external command seat. I remember trying to land an escape pod on kerbin a while back and the kerbal in it pretty much flew off the moment the chutes deployed. I tested the seat again just now and it had seemingly no problem holding on to the kerbal while going from 1000m/s to dead stop in a moment. Did they buff the seat?
  11. 1. The ladders are too friggin short. I always have to build ridiculous support structures to make it possible to climb all the way down, just give me a longer ladder! Also, kerbals really suck at getting off ladders on the upper end, its like "Oh, its the end of the ladder. I could take a step forward or maybe I'll just let go, yeah lets just let go and see what happens!" 2. The large SAS module is empty on the inside, looks totally weird with something smaller attached on top. Also some other modules create air gaps when something smaller is attached on top, the largest fuel tanks for example. 3. I figured out the new orientation system when placing modules on the surface of another (not on nodes) but it still sucks. Takes much more effort to make curved structures than before. 4. I cant recover booster rockets even if I put parachutes and legs on them and they land perfectly (without directly controlling each of them individually). 5. The parachutes auto cut when vertical drop stops, that doesn't always mean the craft has landed so I want to control when they get cut. 6. The larger solar panels have no use. All they have is mass, fragility and annoyance (when you forget to hotkey their deployment or forget to deploy as the only source of energy and you run out of battery). Its always better to use either the smallest panel or the radioisotope since its easier, weighs less and nothing needs that much electricity anyways (aside from ion engine which is made useless by the mass of the big panels). Right now I only use them because they look fancy. 7. No temperature measurements outside atmosphere. Even though space has very little particles and is cold, it still has a measurable temperature. 8. Smaller lander legs and sometimes the big ones too fall through the ground. 9. Rover wheels have too low max speed. Its completely pointless to go anywhere with a rover if you want to do anything else that week. I get it that the current max speed is like 216 km/h which is silly fast for a rover in realistic terms but this is a game, they need to be balanced in relation to other options. 10. Parts with alterable state (like ladder extend/retract) get stuck in that state after a test launch and you need to delete the part and get a new one to change the state.
  12. Imo, either go through with the plan of EVA's using mono propellant (makes sense to me) or put tiny thrusters on pods. Otherwise take it out.
  13. Currently we got engines that are unfairly light (or weightless) and/or have unfair amounts of thrust making others options in their usage vicinity pretty worthless. Also the nuclear and ion engines.. don't want to rag on them for no reason but they are kinda oddballs that stick out in the wrong way right now. I think all of the engines need to be rebalanced at some point since the LV-1 is just the tip of the iceberg. Also, just nerfing the 48-7s would be really bad for building probes, the dV jump for that size crafts is already ~4k to ~7k compared to ion, nerfing the 48-7s to be in line with LV-1 would just make it like 2k to 7k. Not saying that probes need to travel that far but large gaps like that in potential part performances force the players hand.
  14. the view aside, the radiation from jool would be pretty brutal, no thx.
  15. maybe a unique special twist for each kerbal, say Jeb gets +5% thrust and -5% lsp for any engine he pilots
  16. I don't know what they did to it but its bad. There used to be a logical pivot inheritance between modules placed on weird angles (shift wasdqe) but now I cant figure out how it works at all, makes building things really tedious. Now you cant even get things to even angles sometimes and where the original rotation comes from is beyond me. Its not like the old system was great, I've mumbled quite a few curse words because of it, but at least it was workable. plz fix.
  17. I think the precision of the trajectories should also be increased, currently they are nowhere near accurate enough when visualizing an interplanetary meet up (not really necessary when you know how it should go anyways but for somebody who doesn't know, it looks mighty confusing). Also would probably help with trying to place a node in extremeish circumstances like while you're landing and trying to fall towards a better landing site etc.
  18. realistic shmishtic.. for all we know, "liquid fuleium" might grow on one of the invisible tree species on kerbin. IMO, the biggest challenge to a good resource gathering system in KSP is giving it a point. Something impossible to do without a little space strategy or some great reward that you wouldn't be able to get otherwise. I propose the off kerbin VAB + launch pad! Setting one up would require scouting, building infrastructure and mining considerable amounts of resources. Using it would be limited to the resource infrastructure that you created (and can develop further). I think some kind of automated gathering/transport system is required as the mining action itself isn't particularly interesting after planning and setting it up.
  19. The poodle and the lvl-909 are both useless in my book. The little extra vacuum LSP over higher t/w engines isn't worth their extra weight. I much prefer the rockomax 48-7s in landers due to its phenomenal t/w which generally gives it more dV despite having lower lsp. And then there's the weightless mono propellant engines and the overpowered KR-2l.. the engines are just way out of balance in general.
  20. Remove lower sim parameters per T in physics warp. If you're computer can't handle the sim at full parameters at x speedup on y craft then the craft must be complex enough to be unusable with the warp anyways. Also, button to toggle the use of RCS by SAS (so RCS would be used for manual movements only, not wasted by the perpetually wobbling space ship)
  21. I've landed a few times in the dark by observing my altitude and praying that the "sea level" altitude isn't too far off from the terrain altitude, rather fuel inefficient though, always prefer a day landing.
  22. hazarada


    Pft, I made that technology obsolete when I was like 9. Basically, all you need is a pipe and an ocean. You put the pipe into the water and push it just the right way. Then what happens is that water enters one side of the pipe and because of the incompressability of water, it forces its way out the other side creating propulsion. That causes more water to enter the pipe and thus, more will be forced out from the other end, free energy right there! Then you harness it by attaching a little propeller in the pipe to capture some of the free energy flowing through the pipe and use it to move a dynamo. Thats how submarines really work but the government keeps it a secret and says its "nuclear" or "diesel".. lol, I've never seen any nuclear or diesel fuel.
  23. Personally, I would use a fire extinguisher and a jumpsuit to make my way to an imaginary chinese space station which I would then crash on a nice beach and walk away without a scratch.
  24. only when I know that I won't make it to my destination otherwise, otherwise I'm too impatient as interplanetary assists can take decades to set up
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