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Posts posted by legodragonxp

  1. PRO TIP: When designing a rescue pod, start with your probe core, not the capsule. The game will register the ship as a probe, and will not auto assign any crew. Or, if you attach a capsule to another capsule, one of them will always be empty.

    Until to load a saved one and it puts a guy in it. This is probably the only single major headache I have with the game.

  2. Wherever you land the ground will not be level, but if by some chance the ground is level you will bounce.

    No bounce on level ground will result on with an upright spaceship.

    All docking approaches will be from the wrong end

    All docking approaches that are lined up will drift in to the shadow of the planet

    If the docking goes smoothly the docking port is missing or installed backwards

    If a launch is going perfectly your staging it out of order

    If your staging is in order you will hit space bar by accident.

    After all that, if you are still alive, you will not be able to complete the mission.

  3. My standardizing is nothing severe.

    Action Groups:

    1 - You're high enough, deploy it (solar panels, antenna, fairings, etc)

    2 - You're high enough, turn it off (jets, air intakes, short range antenna, etc)

    3- random

    4 - random

    5 - Science group #1 - One complete science set fired off at once (pod, goo, temp, gravioli, etc)

    6 - Science group #2 - Same as above for ships equipped with two sets (I do this on flyby missions, one for low orbit, one for high)

    7 - Random dancing

    8 - Lunch, not launch!

    9 - Random

    0 - for the stupid thing you wanted to try in some odd build but had no place else to put it

    For ships I use a fairly standard design, often build around the one-man lander can due to ease of construction. I have a roughly Soyuz type craft i use for most of my missions, especially now that I use TAC life support all the time.

  4. The space shuttle went up in to space inverted as part of the safety protocols should they need to separate from the tank prematurely (after SRB separation, tank separation prior to SRB separation is not an option). Once in space the shuttle normally remained inverted due to the needs of the radiators in the cargo bay doors unless dictated by mission parameters.

    With 3g of launch force I do not think the effect the earth is all that great by being inverted (even after the initial roll), they are pretty much pinned in their seats during launch. Once the force is done they are in free fall.

  5. After I am done doing suborbital and orbital science around Kerbin, I am probably going to bombard Mun with probes to get some nice Science points.

    You can get results from high and low solar (Kerbol) orbit as well. Low orbit is under 1,000,000 km I think. I don't remember what the payout was, but it was nice.

  6. Failed landing on the Mun. Sent rescue ship, but it had no ladder and I used all the fuel in the suits to get to the ship by hopping. Sent a third ship to the moon, it tipped over and was too far away to be of any help. Fourth ship crashed. Fifth as well. Sixth landed close enough to rescue a few of the guys. Seventh crashed. I think that was when I gave up.

  7. Just chiming in here, there is a performance drop in .21 that has both sound and loading time hits, there is also a major performance hit when dropping out of time compression while entering new SOIs. I'm running a decent system and have KSP and the system swap file running off a SSD instead of platters... there is something up with .21. (win7 64 bit). At 11pm at a night I'm not going to write up a huge study or tear everything apart to find it right now, but Caelib is not alone.


  8. Preposition a few things to show them the basics. If you have time:

    Put a lander or a rover in orbit around Duna so that you can demonstrate a landing there.

    Put a manned lander in orbit about the Mun and land and plant a flag.

    Place a probe or ship in high Joolean orbit so you can demonstrate aerobraking.

    Have a station in orbit and demo a EVA

    Have a few premade ships to show.

    End with a big rocket made quickly and show a few failures, actually demonstrate failures ate several levels so that there is a steady for of failure.

    How the in-game flag be the company logo.


  9. One 'rule' I play by on interplanetary missions is that for every Kerbol orbit change you must bring supplies with equal to 1 'Structural Fuselage' per kerbal per orbit. So someone going to Duna or Eve, which is one orbit change, you would need to bring along one structural Fuselage container per kerbal on the flight. Moho or Dres would require 2 per kerbal, Jool 3, and Eeloo 4.

    An example would be a three-man flight to Jool would be three orbital jumps and therefore require 9 Structural Fuselage pieces to be on the ship.

    Space Stations require 1 Structural Fuselage shipments of supplies per kerbal every 12 launches from the KSP. I use that as a measure instead of real time to keep the tracking simpler, especially while using time compression. These are basically the analog to Progress supply ships.

    While the mass of the Structural Fuselage is very low I just attribute it to the kerbal's desire to eat rice cakes.



  10. Zq03YJ4.jpg

    landing legs on wrong, landed successfully on the engine anyhow, took off in the wrong direction to meet the CSM (which lacks RCS thrusters, doh) without enough fuel to reach Mun orbit I had to bail out (EVA) and enter orbit in the suit only with Jeb... time to sort out a rescue mission.


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