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Everything posted by legodragonxp

  1. Only lost one to see how the system works, he had no courage anyways. -Lego
  2. Check and see if there is a surplus aircraft parts company nearby, call and ask if they have a broken Attitude Indicator and how much for it. Otherwise there is the 'collectspace' page.. here a guy has an Apollo one unit. http://www.collectspace.com/ubb/Forum14/HTML/000813.html -Lego
  3. The game is still in development, in my opinion expecting saves not to break when it is still this young is unrealistic for a company of this size. Dragging out the development for .21 just to get a few more planets re-rendered is also a bad idea. Better to update one and get the feedback/find the bugs and then look at the others rather than fix/change/break everything at once. Again, people seem to keep ignoring or forgetting this, the game is in development and subject to change. If you want to wait for it not to break saves then you should wait for it to be done. -Lego
  4. Just a side note, several of those games you list were not made or published while the parent company was under the control of EA. Example, Maxis was not under control of EA until 1997. -Lego
  5. <Rowan Atkinson's Voice> "I would be very, VERY, annoyed!" <\Rowan Atkinson's Voice> IF EA were to purchase it, it would be out of alpha/beta within three months and declared finished. We would only see our 'free updates' as patches so that the they could sell DLC. Work on KSP2 would begin (KSP2014?) to avoid breaking any commitment to STEAM or any original purchasers. Other aliens would be added so that a combat mode would exist. Anything too 'sciency or hard' would be removed and MechJeb would be built in to each craft you launched. EA has not impressed me at all over the years. The only hope I ever had for them was SPORE and they screwed that one up pretty bad. Even something like The Sims3, which should long have been polished it still riddled with bugs. As great as the guys at SQUAD are, they would be crushed under the boot-heel (creatively and emotionally) of EA's legal department. -Lego
  6. I don't do any math work, I use TLAR and SWAG and usually get there using the basic game's tools. -Lego TLAR - That Looks About Right SWAG - Scientific Wild Ass Guess
  7. Someone posted it as a link in a forum I hang out in. August 21, 2011: -Lego
  8. So far, all the work building my Kerbal scale model of the International Space Station piece by piece. -Lego
  9. D-17B computer for the Minuteman Missile is how I envision Kerbal tech. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D-17B -Lego
  10. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that shows you tried. Nuke the entire site from orbit, it is the only way to be sure. -Lego
  11. I've been playing on a Lenovo X220 laptop, the fan screams away, but I blow out the dust on a regular basis and it is fine. A proper computer should handle itself just fine, so long as it is kept clean and isn't damaged. Sadly, most laptops are not well suited for being on laps since clothing tends to reduce the airflow intake (usually through the bottom of the case) so you'll probably want to play on a flat surface.
  12. Ah, the joys of playing a game while it is still under development. Copy out and save your game folder if you want to play the older missions. I wouldn't put any faith that they will work in the new version. Oh sure, they might work, but this is progress. -Lego
  13. You do know that a joke does have a shelf life right? -Lego
  14. No, that is the SCA-Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.
  15. "No One Called Jones." One of Rowan Atkinson's best stand-up bits. NSFW, but it is on YouTube if you search for it(might be under 'Nobody Called Jones'). -Lego
  16. AARP REPRESENT! (just kidding) -Lego
  17. I once tried a direct launch to intercept my space station. Everything was going great, then there was a pause and about two second later a huge explosion that crashed the game. When I reloaded my station was gone. My best thought is that I was going 1000m/s too slow for my station, it loaded on the grid at 2.5km then ran my astronaut over. -Lego
  18. I never think to until it has reached a point that a range safety officer would be lusting for that big red button, so I don't bother. -Lego
  19. I have only had a chance to tinker with a few of the stock missions and this is looking really slick to me. Yes, it isn't a 'true career mode' but it is a great jump from the vanilla sandbox. I haven't had a chance to play with NT Space Progran missions yet, but I was reading through the mission files and it looks like a fun way to play. -Lego
  20. What you call deadlock I just call extensive R&D. -Lego
  21. -or- You time warp and miss the planetary gravity well rendezvous. -or- You time warp and miss the planet. Oh and one more for those that play with the winch MOD: When you have your kerbal on the Mun jump over a fallen ships while holding a winch cable and notice the large shadow envelope you as you slingshot the winch-ship through the air-less void above you before it begins carrying you away. -Lego
  22. Hit the spacebar to cut the lander motor instead of the 'X' key and stranded the power guy I sent there when the decoupler fired.
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