I think that the resentment toward Squad is deeper than whether or not they had a hand in the closure of KerbalStuff..
A large portion of the community (although I'm sure not the majority) seems to feel a little jaded; at least with those that have been around for a while. It not really that Squad is to blame for KerbalStuff's closure (especially since what hurt's the most is the sudden closure - without much notification). Its all the other things that happened over the years. Remember the additional planets that were going to be added to the game? People were upset when resource gathering kept being pushed back (I still do not use it though lol). The clouds that still have not been added. After years in the alpha stages of development, the beta-launch was rushed within a couple months. The multiplayer system that has not been mentioned in a while, etc... (let's not forget the forum catastrophe!)
So many features and mechanics that slipped through the cracks over time. Each one of us had that one or two specific items in the old 'planned features' list the WE wanted but did not get (or at least not yet). It made some of us feel like Squad was not listening to US. Some people have even stated that Squad will not implement certain features because modders could do it instead, even though that hasn't happened yet (Implemented: DRE, KJR, portions of FAR, etc..).
I had mods up on the old Kerbal Space Port site, and aside from the comment/remarks section (which filled up quickly with negative comments from people who did not know how to install mods - modding was different back then) I though it was pretty good. I was even eager to see Kerbal Space Port II. I was not expecting the outsourced mod hosting site we got. When I started a new mod I began looking for a host, and decided upon KerbalStuff. Why? Because it was specific to KSP, and it was community driven. Besides I could always upload it to Curse if I didn't like it. As it turned out, it was perfect. As a mod uploader, I cannot express how great of a tool it was to leverage. Many, many features that I will now forever consider essential. Plus, at the time it was being developed, WE (us modders) were providing input to develop the features WE wanted (like analytics). A mod site developed by the community FOR the community!
That is why a lot of people feel that KerbalStuff is superior to Curse, and rightfully so. With Curse (for some) it feels more like we are putting our mods on someone else's shelf in someone else's store so that they can make money off of our work (more than likely the REAL problem some people have with ads). Creating mods is time consuming and often difficult, and we care more about these creations that most would think. Take a look on these forums at the time and effort put into making the first post of a mod organized and visually appealing. Instead of simply stating what the mod is/does along with a picture of the item/action; modders create elaborate posts with different fonts, sizes, and colors - pictures, videos, graphs, charts, etc.. All of this because of the love we have for our mods, and the community that we bring them too. It is because of this care for our mods that many of us cling to KS, and honestly for some people - if Squad had taken over KS, it likely would have lost some of its appeal (whether most people realize it or not).
Unfortunately, that is also why some people want to blame Squad. As stated above; for some people it is just Squad, once again, not listening to us. KS is what people wanted. There is no arguing the facts - there were twice the amount of mods on KS than Curse. KS was more popular. And, I suppose many thought Squad should have stepped in to financially help a site that was doing superior to there own chosen successor to KerbalSpacePort. After all Squad has been know to outsource from the community before; programmers and modelers of exceptional mods have became employee's on multiple occasions..
However, as I have already stated, if Squad had stepped in and taken it over as the official mod hosting site - it would have lost some of its appeal. It would no longer be a mod site developed by the community FOR the community. I for one, am grateful that they left it alone (unless it was to be managed and developed BY the community - which would make no sense). Although, I wish we would have been more supportive of @SirCmpwn (myself included).
As far as Squad not listening to the community, I personally feel that they do. When they told us that Windows 64-bit was unstable, did we believe them? No, and we let them know it. The community spotted a 64-bit hack and many people tried it. Squad took notice, and released a 64-bit version for windows; and as they had told us, it was highly unstable. After many mod developers decided to no longer support the 64-bit version (and outcry that it was unstable, even though they had told us that), Squad removed the 64-bit Windows variant.
Squad is not just some griefer looking to wreck your gaming experience (that would make no business sense), nor are they a pay2play/pay2win micro-transactions developer. They already have our money, and are trying to give us the best gaming experience they can (as well as attracting new customers).
Finally, to @SirCmpwn: Thank you for providing an excellent hosting site. I understand that it took a lot of time and effort to build and maintain; and I am truly grateful for the work that you put in.