I'm building a large mothership to jool and am currently testing aerobreaking in kerbins atmosphere with this mod (this mods so much fun keep up the good work!). I've worked out how to keep the inflatable heatshield pointed perfectly prograde now, but am having difficulty protecting parts of the mothership further down the body. It seems keeping the ship slightly below prograde in an atmosphere helps cover more of the lower half the ship, however it's still very hit or miss, smaller parts just burn up on re-entry still I was wondering if there are plans for an even bigger inflatable heat shield, say double or triple the 6.25m size for interplanetary station aerobraking Also i found that the Surface Mounted Air Brakes from the B9 (i think!) package to be EXTREMELY helpful in orienting a larger object to be nose down with the inflatable nose cone! I would love to see these guys (or an equivalent) integrated into your package somehow. The apply 40 drag each when extended and 0 when flat. You can see the fins at the bottom of my main structure here: http://i.imgur.com/VbqVWDO.jpg