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Everything posted by Tobyz28

  1. Any chance you could extend this to have procedural solar panels added? Single sided and double sided !
  2. Trying to complete an orbital mission, and am stuck on the "Neutralize controls for 10 seconds" It's in near perfect alignment with the orbit (all the other boxes are checked). Any ideas? i've tried with/without SAS/Time accel etc.
  3. Any suggested settings for DRE to be used with FAR? If so could we get them on the original post too?
  4. Really like this mod. *bump* Simple, works! Noticed a small bug with a BACC SRB - it showed up as -320 funds when recovered! (It had 1 sepatron and 1 mk16-XL parachute attached)
  5. The #1 thing you can do to make the game much more challenging is to never revert to launch or VAB. Makes mistakes much more costly Secondly, if you find the game still too easy $ wise, Adjust the cost of science experiments and radio equipment drastically to reflect the R&D or infrastructure costs . This can be done in the config files for each part. The antenna may be cheap but you need a control centre funded behind the scenes to really use it, same goes with science data!
  6. Start playing with no revert to launch and no revert to VAB
  7. If it were caught in the Chute, it would have fallen past him much sooner.
  8. You need to zoom out beyond Kerbin's SOI - aka you should be able to see duna. I think some people may be looking for asteroids within Kerbin's SOI
  9. Just curious if there is any advantage of using the comms DTS-M1 over the communotron? It weighs more, takes up more space, transmits less data per packet and uses more electricity to transmit each packet, yet it's further down the tree in career mode. Only benefit its a 0.8 vs 0.7 crash tolerance...
  10. Experienced all of the above, stopped playing as a result (partly due to buggy plugins though as well) These didn't crop up until a fair ways into a game though.
  11. Hey Cilph I may be able to help, are you wanting actual install instructions or rather instructions on how to get started with Satellites? I've had enough time with this version to setup interplanetary satellites already and have probably made most of the mistakes people here have (I.E. un-docking renaming a ship and losing connection etc). Let me know what you're looking for and I'll see if I can whip something up Really enjoy this mod, added a whole lot more factors to exploring space in career mode! On a side note, my science did stop working, but i run several mods and am not sure which caused it. Science looked like it was being performed just fine over a great connection, however going back to mission control science there did not increment. I had to restart the campaign in a new game
  12. Dark did you go with or against the planet spin? If against it you might have a bit more you can eek out
  13. Wow this looks fantastic! I'll try this tonight, after days of playing with just the navball - then switching to mechjeb for a few versions.. I've kind of gone full circle and gone back to navball for docking/flights, the tricks you learn while doing these maneuvers over time you end up figuring out that you've been guesstimating these reference points from just practice all along! This definitely gets rid of some of the guesswork/eyeballing now
  14. Lets get a few things straight: 1. This was absolutely 100% a user error. 2. Generally I do quick save often. That day I had been doing several other things (work IRL) launching satellites into orbit on the side. 3. I provided a suggestion that would A) not limit the existing quick launch functionality (I am a fan of instant-no prompt quick save and loads) provide a fall back plan for cases where this does happen C) Minimal effort to implement. 4.This would add significant value to KSP for the effort - and make KSP a better game. 5. Johonno - Reverting to Launch is not an option when you make an incorrect assumption - from my perspective I had thought I had done a quick save as I typically do them frequently for more complex flights (Also in this case, reverting to launch would have probably set me back before the mistaken quick-save). - Sorry for not posting in Suggestions as it should have been! My point is after having made a 1 second key-press-with-no-prompt-mistake, there is no way to roll back to save hours and hours of work. This is something the devs can improve on for the sake of "Dumb users" like me. P.S. - Not American. Assuming everyone is from America is some very American irony. P.P.S - I'm only trying to help. Reprimanding the user community for feedback (helpful or not) is counter productive. Pre-Forum loss I had contributed a fair bit to the game (1000+ of posts etc)... I gave the game a rest and have gotten back into it very happy with the last few versions. Unfortunately you did sound harsh Johonno, I will be more reluctant to provide future suggestions for sure.
  15. I think this mod can easily extend on the new changes. At the very least the models and station components can also be used to provide additional variety, and maybe some more science research paths than the out of the box options!
  16. Cool stuff 8) Looking forward to it saving my butt . Keep it lean and mean plz
  17. Yes they provide different values depending on where they are, ie, experiments performed on the Mun > greater value than the same experiments in LKO. All will have gradual diminishing returns, but not as steep a curve as the out of the box science experiments.
  18. Could we get a Auto-Backup utility to save the persistence file every X amount of time? I nearly cried today after doing an F9 thinking there was a recent quick save.. when in reality it was from the previous day.... before i setup my interplanetary satellite relay system...
  19. Something that I'm sure has been mentioned before: Quick Load functionality can cause you to lose A LOT of work. I thought I had made a recent quick save - so I did a quick load think I'd roll back 30 minutes or so. Gosh was i wrong, i just lost half a day of carefully setting up my satellite network. I've played a LOT of KSP and still have made this exact mistake more than a couple times. After killing the KSP Process and crossing my fingers, I loaded up a game many hours back . After flipping through forums, couldn't find anything else. For me this just killed my mood for the game completely, and left my somewhat epic weekend of spacecraft building at a very sad/bad ending I guess I wanted to post this to get some changes made to the quick-saving/auto-saving features in the game. A simple fix: Keep X amount of Auto-saves every Y amount of time.
  20. Just wanted to say I'm watching this thread for when Fusty's models come out! Any chance we could get some sneak peeks?
  21. Nathan confirmed this as a bug in another thread (or perhaps an earlier page). Happens when the ship explodes and sometimes if it burns up. Best solution I've found is to Quick load (F9) to a quick save.. oh and don't forget to F5 frequently
  22. Yes it's definitely more efficient. I was thinking more about the real-estate and design cost on the plane for having it... mind you I just created a pretty nice plane with these and achieved 2500m/s at 39km!
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