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Everything posted by FenrirWolf

  1. Sweet, gonna test the new version out tomorrow when I have the chance.
  2. See, all those asteroids floating around Kerbin isn't so farfetched after all.
  3. The creator of the site happens to post here somewhat frequently. You might know him as the creator of the Orion nuclear pulse rocket mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28428-Orion-aka-Ol-Boom-boom
  4. Certainly. There is just a higher delta-v requirement to it. That, and you're going the opposite direction to most everything else put in orbit. Better make sure you're on a clear path.
  5. Docking ports are also described as passages through which crew can cross. That will likely be a thing eventually, but for now its not necessarily reflecting the reality of things as they actually happen in game. Either way, I suppose the descriptions are as close to canon as anything can be in this game. So maybe they do spew more than the average NTR after all. Who knows really.
  6. I like this. True to both what an NTR is but also true to the slightly haphazard way of kerbal life.
  7. Frankly I never heard of nuclear thermal engines until playing this game, myself. At first I thought it was some kind of hypothetical tech when I saw there was a nuke rocket of some sort. As amusing as the stock description is, I would support changing it to something a bit more accurate too.
  8. I'm one of those guys who plays competitive smash bros. I play a bit of league of legends too. But I've been playing more of KSP than anything for the past while.
  9. That's how I used to do it too. Or rather, I would manually switch conics mode with PreciseNode or some other tool. But now the game automatically switches conics between 3 and 0 when you focus the map view on your ship and the target SoI, respectively. It's super handy.
  10. By that he probably means hitting an interplanetary encounter going retrograde vs prograde. Pretty easy to do by accident. Though it's a lot easier to account for in the latest update by clicking focus view on the body you are transferring to.
  11. I establish parking orbit then use this method to eyeball the phase and ejection angles (EDIT: Not my album, found it on some website who's name I don't recall) Once I have my intercept I adjust my approach with RCS or lots of turn-and-burn Super secret .23.5 protip: once you have an intercept with the target planet/moon, click on the body in the map view and click focus view. The camera centers on the body and sets the patched conics relative to its SoI. Makes it a ton easier to adjust your path and to see if you're coming in on a prograde or retrograde flyby.
  12. To be honest I don't know how the next orbit button functions. All I know is I sometimes click it by accident and then my maneuver gets messed up.
  13. I second using Enhanced Navball. I don't know why it isn't stock yet.
  14. I recommend OBS. It's a streaming client for sites like twitch.tv but you can easily configure it to stream to a local file instead of the internet (or both at once). http://obsproject.com
  15. I can't tell what those parts are on the rocket either. All I know is that using a ton of wings and SAS modules to try fighting the air isn't going to do you favors like in stock. What is your ascent profile like? Are you veering sharply away from prograde at any point? What is your TWR? You should be aiming somewhere around 1.2 to 1.8
  16. Maybe something like that could happen via mods after built-in multiplayer becomes a thing.
  17. Hmm. The idea of a Kerbin-Duna cycler station is rather appealing. I might have to make me one of those.
  18. Yup, this is something that I never supposed as well. The common thought is that since its the biggest, heaviest thing around, that it would be easy to just fall into the darned thing.
  19. Same here. I'd done enough reading about things in the past to know that orbits were a thing, that you don't burn all the time in space, and things like that. But even if you've read about orbits and the like, you still don't have an intuitive feel for them. You can read about how ships orbiting the earth are moving at 8km/s, but you don't really know what that means until you've tried putting a ship into orbit yourself (even if its around a mini planet with 1/4th that speed required) and you realize just how much of orbiting involves going sideways instead of up. In a nutshell, that's what KSP does so utterly well. It brings the realities of space down to earth and lets the average joe wrap his brain around it.
  20. Either way, the decision to use FAR or not merely changes the problem domain for the question you're asking. There exists an optimal launch profile for a given rocket in stock, and the same rocket would have a different one in FAR
  21. I don't imagine FAR uses much memory at all. It's not like it adds a ton of models and textures like some other mods.
  22. It's 'avoidable' I suppose, the mod currently functions exactly as advertised. the appeal in module manager is that the base game isn't modified which makes things easier all around for the end user. sometimes it's prudent to quickly remove a mod (like when tracking down bugs and submitting reports to Squad), and simply hitting the delete button on a mod folder is much easier than digging around for a file in the stock directory tree that, months or so down the line, one might not even remember is there. in the end it's up to you, but as for my part I'm gonna whip up an mm config for my own install. and hopefully not screw it up since I haven't made my own configs before yet XD
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