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Everything posted by FenrirWolf

  1. Seems like it could be fun. Could use paragraphs or line breaks in general though.
  2. I've noticed that too and I do find it kind of jarring. But I don't know if that's because stock presents an unrealistic portrayal of how an earth-like planet looks from space and I'm not used to a better approximation, or if it really is too heavy on the blue
  3. From the beginning, KSP mods have been uploaded wherever people feel like putting them. If people wanna put them on Spaceport, Curse, or some other place it's up to them.
  4. The movie left out a great many things. Heck, I didn't even remember the part about artificial gravity tech. Been way too long since I read the book.
  5. Nah, they don't have that kind of tech. The space station where most of the plot takes place is a rotating facility. Plus when things shift to a distant planet later on, they travel in a relativistic torchship and are put in stasis for the duration of the journey instead of warping on over. The launch ship switching to zero-g in like 7 seconds was just movies being movies.
  6. MS has been slapped to hell and back over the past few years. That's why they made a lot of improvements to W8 and it is now the best OS they've ever made.
  7. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/iss-hdev-payload Great channel to watch when you feel like just relaxing and watching the view from orbit with less explosions than our own space programs.
  8. The first post of the ATM thread states in no uncertain terms that your first loading time is gonna take a while. It should be faster after the first time you let it go through.
  9. It's just the official name or designation of that particular part.
  10. The Kerbodyne tanks are great for launches. But once I'm out in orbit I still tend to use orange tanks as the standard, since docking ports and adapters and things all play nicely with it.
  11. One thing to keep in mind is that you can have your Kerbals take experiment info out of the science modules and store it in the command pod instead. If you do that before reentry and landing, the only part that needs to survive is the pod and you get all your science.
  12. As for how to dock when dealing with the finicky cursor? You need to change up your methods. Once your ship has a clear line of site to the target docking port, line yourself up to the purple marker such that you are facing the target. Now, RCS forward a bit. The prograde marker will get a bit more towards the center of the screen, but chances are it will still be slightly off. Don't move your ship away from the purple marker, instead use RCS translation to shift the the yellow prograde marker to overlap the purple marker, all while keeping your vessel pointed right at them too. Meanwhile, pay attention to the actual vessel view too. You might be coming in at an angle relative to the port, and it might be necessary to make a few corrections to line up for a successful connection. Either way, the thing to remember is that on a docking approach, you don't steer your ship to the prograde marker. Instead you steer the prograde marker to your ship. EDIT: That's the best precision you can get with the default navball markers. If you don't mind a lightweight mod, this one adds a 3rd alignment marker to the navball that makes the process even more straightforward. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54303-0-23-5-Navball-docking-alignment-indicator-v2
  13. The reasons for the prograde marker going wonky plus the Ap/Pe markers acting up in circular orbits are pretty similar. Think of it this way: how is prograde defined? It's the direction you're moving, right? So what does prograde mean when you are not moving? That's where the navball indicator starts having trouble. You see, when you are at rest or nearly so, every direction is prograde. Same goes for circular orbits. When every point is the same distance from the planet, every point in the orbit becomes the periapsis and apoapsis at the same time.
  14. Also, you're not referring to the way the prograde marker jumps around when close to zero relative velocity, right? If so, then you really ought to be more specific than saying the "Navball" is jumping around, because that can be taken many ways. The relative prograde marker losing precision at low speeds is just a consequence of trying to derive information about your heading when you don't really have one anymore. The best way to work around that issue is to not concern yourself with stopping all relative motion. Once you're in the general neighborhood of your target, a little drifting doesn't matter. Not to mention the goal is to drift into your target anyway, and the marker performs its job quite fine when you're going at the 0.3-1.0m/s speeds expected from a docking maneuver. Either way I'll have a peek at the video once it's up to have a better idea of what's going on.
  15. OK, so you get the flinging of the navball when controlling the station or the lander? One possibility is that you might be dealing with phantom forces brought on by part clipping or something else wonky about the design.
  16. Assuming I don't have B9, there's isn't gonna be a dependency issue so long as I never bother trying to fly that craft right?
  17. I'm afraid I don't understand the issue. The shape of the target orbit doesn't matter except to the extent that you match shapes with it. Are your ships shaking and/or wobbly? Do you have the other ship targeted and is the Navball actually in Target mode instead of Orbit or Surface? Are you attempting to cancel your relative velocity with the pink marker instead of the yellow one like you should be? EDIT: Oooh, another biggie: Are you selecting Control From Here on the port you're planning on docking with the other ship?
  18. Chances are the lock-up is caused by you still having 1.5.7 or some other version hiding in your GameData directory someplace. 2.0.3 doesn't get along with his buddies. He works alone
  19. I doubt they 'went out of their way' to make that happen. it probably has to do with the way the binary is compiled. i remember reading something about patches or command-line parameters that should fix it but I don't remember the details.
  20. You shouldn't need that large of a burn, just aerobrake into orbit. Or directly into the landing if your whole ship is a lander.
  21. There's only so much to say about it really. As far as I'm aware, part loading and the like is something that will be optimized later on in the game's dev cycle.
  22. Some part of me thought that might be what's happening, since by default acceleration should be increasing during a burn instead of holding constant. Good to see you found what was wrong though!
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