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Everything posted by salajander

  1. FWIW, I've filed a bug with winehq.com about getting latest KSPTOT working with wine https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40781 It worked last time, maybe those gurus will have some better ideas.
  2. Is no one else seeing this? Yes, this is the same problem I'm having.
  3. Yeah, the MFMS doesn't play well with Kerbin time. Here's a simple Kerbin-Eve setup in MFMS, using Earth time: If I change the time system to Kerbin, and adjust the min/max flight times accordingly, I get this: The delta-V information is the same, but the plot is way out of whack. Well, I'm used to looking at Kerbin times when using KSP, so when KSP TOT defaults to Earth times it gets confusing for me. De gustibus non est disputatum. Time system, for sure. But once you've done one preference, there are tons of others that might be useful. Off the top of my head: everything in the Edit -> Options menu in the main program everything in Script -> Execution Settings in the Mission Architect perhaps the last bodies selected in the main program? the last waypoints in the MFMS?
  4. In the MFMS data on page 5, the Kerbin departure date is "Year 2, Day 109 10:25:19.242"; Kerbin days are 6 hours long, so 10 o'clock makes no sense. This leads me to believe all the other dates and times are also Earth time. I'd also love KSP TOT to default to Kerbin time (or at least remember my preference). I've always had a difficult time getting the MFMS to give reasonable outputs when using Kerbin time (there's been a few posts by others about this, I'll try to dig one up), which I think is some internal confusion about the time standard used and the MFMS's definition of "days", perhaps.
  5. Since it's the default for KSP, and converting between them can be tedious, I'd love for all dates and times to be Kerbin, not Earth.
  6. It's empty, 0-length. And judging by the time stamp, it's not even from this run. I suspect something's going south with MCR, perhaps? The installer for R2015b, MCR_R2015b_win64_installer.exe, claimed to be successful.
  7. No idea - I installed WINE Staging directly from https://www.winehq.org/download, and KSPTOT 1.5.1 works just fine with 64-bit. I'm running wine 1.9.8. @Arrowstar Have you had other report success with 1.5.4? I'm getting a "Could not successfully parse URI string." dialog at launch, before the KSPTOT splash screen. I fully expect this is something weird with WINE, but figured I'd check anyway.
  8. Someone with access to MATLAB for OS X needs to do this, and no one has been able to for some time. You can, however, run the latest builds (I haven't tested 1.5.4 prerelease) using WINE. See my post here:
  9. I'm seeing this in a bad way - in Kill Rotation mode, the probe pitches up and down (it seems to be only pitch, not yaw) more and more wildly until it's swinging back and forth through 180 degrees. I was going to try to reproduce it in new sandbox save in stock with only RT, but then I came up upon a different issue: RT is enable (via the menu at the space center screen), but doesn't seem to be active; the Flight Computer is red/disabled, as though it's expecting a connection, but I can manually control probes...
  10. It's also probably worth linking to these instructions for OS X users, since the last native OS X client is realllly out of date
  11. Install WINE (I installed the latest staging build from https://www.winehq.org/download/) Install cabextract and ensure it's in your PATH On OS X, use homebrew or macports; e.g., 'brew install cabextract' On Linux, use your distro's package manager (apt, yum, etc.) Install winetricks: https://wiki.winehq.org/Winetricks Install the native VC++ runtime: 'winetricks vcrun2012' Install the (Windows!) MCR: 'wine MCR_R2014b_win64_installer.exe' Launch KSPTOT! : 'wine KSPTrajectoryOptimizationTool.exe'
  12. Those instructions need a bit of tweaking to be non-Mac specific - the download URL is for the Mac builds, and installing cabextract should be done with your Linux distro's package manager (apt, yum, etc.). But otherwise it should work just fine. I haven't had any issues with it on OS X (apart from being unable to get the parallel processing to launch).
  13. I've managed to get the Windows build of KSP TOT running on my Mac using WINE. 1) Install WINE (I installed the latest staging build from https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/macosx/download.html) 2) Install cabextract and ensure it's in your PATH (I used homebrew; 'brew install cabextract') 3) Install winetricks: https://wiki.winehq.org/Winetricks 4) Install the native VC++ runtime with 'winetricks vcrun2012' 5) Install the (Windows!) MCR 6) ... and KSPTOT should now launch and run. I haven't done a lot of testing yet, but the basics seem to work (porkchop plots, basic mission architect)
  14. Hrm - I just upgraded to 3.0.1 (from 2.something). I had two pending contracts to launch a Minmus and Mun station. When I started back up, I got "Contract Failed" for both Side effect of the upgrade? I'm pretty certain I still had many many months left to complete them.
  15. Curious about people who want life support mod that doesn't kill kerbals - what's the point? Just to have a bunch of weight to haul around?
  16. Great tool! Been very useful for getting ideas on building better rockets. Yes - some better heuristics for atmospheric stats would be great. I don't ever want the LV-909 at the launchpad, for instance, but it's great in far upper atmosphere and vaccuum. Also, sometimes the suggested asparagus builds are a bit ... weird? FLT 100+FLT 200+LV 909 surrounded by 4 x Rockamax 64+Mainsail doesn't really build out that well
  17. Hrm - do failures and data collection only happen when a ship is active?
  18. I've only just started using this mod, so perhaps this changes, but how do people manage long-running unmanned satellites? I've launched a comm sat (for remote tech), and I've had a battery failure already. All of the batteries have 10,000 du (the max?) but only an 833 minute MTBF. Should I expect them all to fail within a few days, then?
  19. "git gets easier once you get the basic idea that branches are homeomorphic endofunctors mapping submanifolds of a Hilbert space." - tabqwerty
  20. Where is the SmokeScreen menu? I have the mod installed, but I don't see a menu for it.
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