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Everything posted by Awesomegamegeek12

  1. Does this mean that Laythe could be a potentially BETTER home than Kerbin for the kerbals?! You know with Laythe being mostly sand and close to optimum tempreture and the same atmosphere makeup and a similar pressure?! (Nerds out.)
  2. I really do think the only logical explanation, unless the devs have plans to add animals, that the kerbals are plants unless there were a lot of underground dwelling proto-kerbals or a different evolutionary chain of animals underneath (Which when I think about it would regulate the Eco-system and greenhouses gases ect.) the surface which the kerbals evolved from. Just to add, these are the reasons I think kerbals are plants for now. Not a bias 'It's green... PLANT!" kinda thing. And although the devs have said they're not plants... ehh...science... I don't want to sound ignorant for trusting something other than the main source of the game though, them being the people that made it and all... I just... science..
  3. We've settled with the conclusion of kerbals are plants of some form, though not weather they normally photosynthesize or do something different, or what they're made of.
  4. Maybe all kerbals are just giant space nerds? Probably not. The most likely thing is that the rest are at KSC 2. Maybe it's like a backup launch pad / Ground control? Maybe they built the ground control then learnt that it's much easier to launch from the equator?
  5. The're was alooot of CO2 in the atmosphere then, all the plants producing O2 changed that makeing the perfect conditions for animal cells to evolve and a balanced eco-system was formed.
  6. 'Not even vegans have a problem with brutally killing plants!' The plant part is debatable, but oh well.
  7. Wouldn't the lack of animals make existence on kerbin as a plant difficult? Low CO2 levels... maybe Kerbin's oceans have traces or carbon in them and kerbals developed such a method of transportation so they could bathe in the oceans of Kerbin? Questions keep presenting themselves.
  8. That lander looks really nice, I also like that lifter, good job and that flag is just magical.
  9. I couldn't dig up much on the kerbal's evolutionary chain... back to square 1 I guess.
  10. I don't think that's feasible seeing as they're approximately 1 meter tall and 25 KG.
  11. Though this has some support in the plant theory, looks as though kerbals evolved from plants, I'll look into this more, of course.
  12. I think it's awesomely possible for kerbals to be plants, or even photosynthetic animals! It would explain why Kerbin doesn't have many CO2 problems while launching all those rockets.
  13. I was thinking, if we assume that all of the planets in the kerbal universe are very dense (We don't know what lies behind Kerbol.) Are kerbals Just as dense?... After about 30 mins of calculations with fuel i worked out that liquid fuel & oxidizer in Kerbal space program is actually less dense than real life I thought that this ramble through calculations would get me somewhere but it only opened up more possibilities and mystery in the situation so I ask of you, what are your ideas?
  14. Hopefully going to be full of features for said buildings!
  15. Macey Dean. Awesome, dramatic story driven awesome.
  16. It's so a kerbal's past high school friends doesn't get offended when they don't know their surname.
  17. My first mission went terrible! I have to rethink and redesign, back to the drawing board I guess!
  18. I'm pretty terrible at docking xD I tend to under-fuel alotl and just hope! (And skill of course... if I have any...) [Edit: Spelling dammit!]
  19. Unfortunately not. The user below me is closely related to Jebediah Kerman.
  20. Awesome, Love the concept! Definitely going to try this out!
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