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Everything posted by Awesomegamegeek12

  1. My faithful kerbals were saved by a joint effort of a rescue team and what i like to call the KSSV (Kerbin System Service Vehicle.). It took me a while but I got the lil' green guys back home today. On their way to the rescue vehicle...
  2. Well it's pretty damn easy as the guy above me points out, it's it's a breeze to land on if you pack a parachute, the high gravity means nice turns, my only fear is that once re-entry effects are given some potentially rover-threatening force all of that will go bye bye due to eve's thick atmosphere.
  3. I once ran down my stairs and though "I'm now lowering my apoapsis." After that I thought "Wow... thanks brain."
  4. I picked it up from forums, Reddit and other things like that.
  5. Well my ship is right here, not that impressive but it got 3 kerbals to Laythe (Hell yeah.) In a single launch, I actually did it before this thread was created so 5 points to Gryffindor right? Pic:
  6. I was wondering the other day, I wonder what some people have done in KSP to simple get their ships to the target and on the ground and more importantly what skill and planning it took to get there? this reminded me of one of my first manned interplanetary landings, to the Joolian moon of Laythe. Anyway, this thread is about my before mentioned curiosity, what have you done to get your ship safely down on your target, or to simply get there? My Story: The interplanetary transfer was as normal, getting to Jool etc, but what happened in the Joolian system was more exiting, i had ran out of fuel on my exterior nuclear engines, these were supposed to be used for inclination changes and innitial capture, I only had my landing stage engine left. I had to be really fuel efficient so I did some calculations took my time and managed to get an aero-capture followed by an encounter with Vall, I then lowered my orbit to meet up with Laythe and set up an unintentional direct crash with laythe, luckily I packed parachutes, unluckily I didn't pack a decoupler to detach my decent stage 'Just in case' I had an absolutely minuscule amount of fuel to set up a trajectory that would hit land and to slow me down, My kerbals landed safely, but to this day await a rescue ship. I'm interested to see your feats of ingenuity below! (Pics as well if you so please.) Also, clutch means close... [Edit: Fixed Image, Minor Grammar corrections, [2] Clearing things up.]
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