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Genius Evil

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Everything posted by Genius Evil

  1. It was available for download from the RetroFuture thread. Having this means I don't have to figure out how Firespitter props work by trial and error! Thanks for mentioning it! I don't think FSMeshSwitch will be able to do what I need though, since it can't rescale meshes.
  2. I did use a low mach number, but I didn't think of increasing the density -- thanks for that tip. I actually couldn't find a single difference between the cfgs; they were the same letter-for-letter as far as I could tell. I have absolutely no idea why one had normal drag and the other extreme drag. I'll go through all the engines tomorrow and see which ones are broken, then fix those. I've been thinking about how poorly the Firespitter models represent the real engines and propellers. I'm going to mock up some propellers, spinners, and radial engine fronts, and see if I can use cfg welding and FSTextureSwitch to make fully customizable engines. The cfg for one would look something like this: MODEL { model = customprops/4blade scale = 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 position = 0.0, 1.1, 0.0 texture = cproptex/dark } MODEL { model = customprops/radialbody1 scale = 1.3, 1.3, 1. position = 0.0, 1.1, 0.0 texture = cengtex/radial1. } MODULE { name = FStextureSwitch moduleID = 0 textures { Planetex/Green Planetex/Red Planetex/Blue } objects { name = Engine_Body }
  3. Okay, I got the drag issue sorted out. I copied "Twin Cyclone.cfg" (I chose this one because it displayed a reasonable Cd value in game) and replaced the name, title, description and AJEpropeller module. It appears that there was some sort of problem with the R-2800's cfg, since it also exhibited the extremely high drag coefficient. Anyway, when I re-engined my Corsair with the R-4360 it had a zero-lift Cd of ~0.01-0.02. It was able to reach 720km/h at 2000 meters, so it's performing properly now.
  4. Reinstalling AJE, FAR, and Firespitter didn't change anything. Decreasing the surface area from 14.5 to 1 in the FARBasicDragModel decreased the zero-lift Cd to ~0.95. I'll try a clean install with just AJE, FAR and Firespitter tomorrow.
  5. Unfortunately, the problem persisted after removing those modules. The drag coefficient seems to be almost random for each engine -- 0.06 for the R-2600, 0.13 for the Griffon, and 0.18 with the Liberty L12. I'm going to try re-installing AJE and FAR, and if that doesn't work I'll decrease the surface area of my engine's FARBasicDragModel.
  6. Here it is: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yuc6qx882p0c3t2/WaspMajor.cfg?dl=0
  7. NathanKell: I got an early Wasp Major (built-in supercharger, no turbo; based on data from an old Flightglobal article) working. Power curve is pretty good, thrust is about what I expected (thanks for the Excel sheet; it was invaluable). However, for some reason it's causing an extreme amount of drag. I copied the mesh position, mesh scale, and FARBasicDragModel from the R-2800, but the Wasp Major has far greater drag. My Corsair with the R-2800 has a zero-lift drag coefficient of ~0.06-0.07; but with the R-4360 (same size, same drag model) it has a zero-lift Cd of ~0.1-0.11. With no engine, the zero-lift Cd was ~0.01-0.03. I also noticed that the maximum drag coefficient specified in the FARBasicDragModel for both engines was 0.04, indicating that the high drag isn't intended behavior. Is this just a problem with my install, or is it intended behavior?
  8. Ok, thanks! I'll post the cfgs when I've got them working well.
  9. I have 1.6.4, so the new code. I haven't actually looked at the code (no programming experience), just the "Propellers.cfg" file. I'm trying to create propellers for some high-powered post war engines (e.g. Wasp Major, Bristol Centaurus).
  10. I've been looking at the propeller config, trying to figure out how it works. It looks like some of the tables are coefficients calculated with Java Prop with respect to two parameters, but I have no idea what they are. My best guess was Cs on the Y axis and velocity on the x axis, but the x axis would only go up to ~70m/s. I have absolutely no idea what the four-column charts are. Could anyone shed some light on this? Also, is ixxFTLB the moment of inertia?
  11. How can I make the trajectory predictor show up for my bombs? I made a few custom ones; they drop, fly, and explode normally, but when selected with the weapon manager, no aimer appears. I haven't had this problem with the rocket launcher I made though. If it helps, in Unity, I have a gameobject with parttools rotated at x=0, y=180, z=180, and the bomb model rotated so that the front points in the global -z direction.
  12. @Camlost, Thanks for confirming that. I'll try to work around it.
  13. I've created a new turboprop engine. It performs as expected, until it reaches 400m altitude: the thrust instantly drops to 0kN, and instantly returns to normal below 200m. Fuel consumption is not affected, no flame-out is registered; only the thrust is affected. Here's the text from the cfg. PART { // --- general parameters --- name = NK12TurboProp module = Part author = auth // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu scale = 1.0 rescaleFactor = 2.5 // --- node definitions --- //node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 node_attach = 0.0, -0.43, -0.20, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 // --- FX definitions --- //fx_exhaustLight_yellow = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, power //fx_smokeTrail_light = 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, power fx_exhaustSparks_flameout = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, flameout // --- Sound FX definition --- //sound_fspropstart.wav = engage //sound_fspropidle.wav = power //sound_fscoptermain.wav = power //sound_jet_deep = running //sound_vent_soft = disengage sound_explosion_low = flameout // --- editor parameters --- TechRequired = highAltitudeFlight cost = 950 category = Propulsion subcategory = 0 title = Kuznetsov NK-12 manufacturer = VT description = An extremely powerful turboprop engine // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision attachRules = 0,1,1,1,1 // --- standard part parameters --- mass = 2.9 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 crashTolerance = 15 maxTemp = 3600 fuelCrossFeed = True MODULE { name = FSengineSounds engage = Firespitter/Sounds/sound_fspropstart //running = power = Firespitter/Sounds/sound_fscoptermain //disengage = //flameout = //warning = Firespitter/Sounds/sound_fsheatDing powerPitchBase = 1.0 thrustAddedToPitch = 0.5 powerFadeInSpeed = 0.005 powerFadeInDelay = 0.5 powerLowerThreshold = 0.0 powerVolume = 2.0 engageVolume = 1.0 warningSoundThreshold = 0.8 warningCooldownTime = 2.0 randomStartDelay = 1.0 //for playing engines slightly out of sync } MODULE { name=AJEPropeller IspMultiplier = 1 useOxygen = true r0 = 3.2 v0 =382 omega0 = 700 rho0 = 0.55 power0 = 9000 fine = 0.2 coarse = 5 omega = 850 power = 14700 gearratio = 1 turbo = 1 BSFC = 6.1e-8 exhaustThrust = 20 contra = 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleEngines thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform exhaustDamage = False ignitionThreshold = 0.1 minThrust = 0 maxThrust = 150 heatProduction = 300 useEngineResponseTime = True engineAccelerationSpeed = 5.0 engineDecelerationSpeed = 5.0 useVelocityCurve = True PROPELLANT { name = LiquidFuel ratio = 1 DrawGauge = True } PROPELLANT { name = IntakeAir ratio = 15 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 500 key = 0.45 1200 key = 1 2000 } velocityCurve { key = 500 0 0 0 key = 425 0.2 0 0 key = 0 1 0 0 } } MODULE { name = ModuleAlternator RESOURCE { name = ElectricCharge rate = 1.0 } } //---- Integrated air intake (based on Kethane engine) MODULE { name = ModuleResourceIntake resourceName = IntakeAir checkForOxygen = false area = 0.07 intakeSpeed = 50 intakeTransformName = thrustTransform //Intake } RESOURCE { name = IntakeAir amount = 0 maxAmount = 15.0 } //---- Deployable air scoop responding to the throttle MODULE { name = FSplanePropellerSpinner propellerName = propeller rotationSpeed = 0 //150 thrustRPM = 150 windmillRPM = 0.1 spinUpTime = 12.0 useRotorDiscSwap = 0 rotorDiscFadeInStart = 0.95 rotorDiscFadeInEnd = 0.95 rotorDiscSpeed = 30 rotorDiscName = disc blade1 = blade1 blade2 = blade2 blade3 = blade3 } MODULE { name = FSswitchEngineThrustTransform defaultTTName = thrustTransform alternateTTName = alternateThrustTransform useNamedAlternate = 0 } MODULE { name = FSengineHandCrank } MODULE { name = FSslowtato rotatorName = fanHolder rotationSpeed = 5.0 rotationAxis = 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 keyPlus = page up keyMinus = page down useKeys = False } // PART END } I copied the firespitter turboprop, then added the AJEPropellor module, imitating the changes AJE makes. Any idea why it suddenly fails?
  14. Sorry, wasn't clear enough with that post. I was talking about the strut with the same functionality as the stock one. I'm attempting to create my own model for a strut, but I can't figure out how to set it up in Unity -- I can't get targetAnchor to work properly; in game after exporting I get the problem I described in my previous post. I posted here because the IR strut was one of the ones I was using as an example.
  15. ZodiusInfuser, If it's not to much trouble, could you explain how you created that custom strut? My attempt at creating my own won't place the second endpoint -- I can place the strut, and the strut-bit follows my cursor around, but clicking again does not place the endpoint.
  16. I'm new to modding, so this is probably a simple mistake. I made a part and imported it through unity. It worked fine, until I modified the mesh and texture and imported it again. The mesh is now rotated 90 degrees of vertical, and neither rotating the mesh in blender nor in unity changes the orientation in game. Here is my unity project.
  17. Where are the solar panels and command pod on that from? They look great.
  18. The Realism Overhaul package (RSS, RO, FAR, Realfuels, etc) Procedural Parts KW Rocketry, Novapunch, and AIES Aerospace (with Reaching for the Stars configs) FASA Gemini, with Red8vr's realism patches ECLSS Life Support Procedural Fairings Blackheart612's Procedural Parts & Procedural Fairings textures (really great textures) and Ferram4's Saturn and Nova Textures (also awesome). Also Infernal Robotics and Kerbal Attachment System.
  19. Can someone explain to me how to install krag's planetfactory? I drop the "PlanetFactory" folder into GameData, but nothing happens when I load KSP. I've tried it with a stock install, and got the same result. I got the mod from Kagreathea's Github page. Help would be much appreciated! EDIT: Never mind, I realized I was trying to install the source. It works now. I feel stupid...
  20. This is a two-launch, direct ascent mission that I did a few weeks ago. The first launch is the habitat the astronauts spend most of the mission in, and the second is the lander.
  21. Glad you like it:) The Realism Overhaul package (RSS, RO, FAR, Realfuels, etc) Procedural Parts KW Rocketry, Novapunch, and AIES Aerospace (with Reaching for the Stars configs) FASA Gemini, with Red8vr's realism patches ECLSS Life Support Procedural Fairings Blackheart612's Procedural Parts & Procedural Fairings textures (really great textures) and Ferram4's Saturn and Nova Textures (also awesome). Also there are some Kerbal Attachment system parts on the TKS.
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