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Genius Evil

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Everything posted by Genius Evil

  1. You could install the hooligan labs airship mod, and create a ridiculously OP envelope -- maybe using the same model as the radial parachute -- and put a few on the base. You could only activate it when you're ready to save.
  2. No! This thread cannot die! I must revive it! So, here's my first RSS docking, between my Gemini-alike-ish capsule ("Capricorn") and a small, sub-Salyut-sized station: The craft file for the Capricorn capsule and launcher is here. The station craft isn't included because it spontaneously disassembles upon docking, and also when a kerbal enters it.
  3. You might want to look at solar Montgolfieres. They're essentially large bags that use sunlight to warm the air inside them. Most of the balloon designs for Mars are these, actually.
  4. I had the same problem in 0.22 with a bunch of mods. It seemed to be related to the presence of certain RemoteTech antennae.
  5. Alright, I've got a working ornithopter. It's surprisingly simple -- just a pair of rotatrons, and the natural springiness of the parts does the rest. Craft: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8vl6qlan9msnyqk/Ornithopter.craft Instructions for flight: Put the brakes on before transferring the kerbal to the command seat. The ornithopter tends to roll when the kerbal moves around. Once the pod has been staged, activate SAS. Now, alternately press P and O to start moving forward. Don't touch the other controls. The ornithopter should start to lift of the runway on the downstroke at around 15m/s, and should take off at around 25m/s. To pitch up and down, vary the length of your O and P presses. It's hard to explain here, but it's pretty intuitive. To go faster, alternate between key presses faster.
  6. Here it is When I deleted the Novapunch and stretchytanks folders and ran the game, none of the stock parts appeared in the VAB. This just keeps getting weirder.
  7. Yes, yes, and yes. I noticed I had an outdated ModuleManager DLL, but the problem persisted even after replacing it with the new version.
  8. When I try to start the game with this installed, it stops loading when it reaches any non-stock fuel tanks (stretchytanks & novapunch). The loading bar just freezes. I've tried reinstalling it, but I still get the same results.
  9. Thank you! It's stable now. If it works, I'll post a thread about it.
  10. Yes, I have it actually, but I wanted to see if it was possible with stock wings. Plus I doubt my computer could handle a craft with enough RTG's to power the electric rotor.
  11. I've been working on this helicopter-type vehicle as part of an Eve lander It's barely pilotable on Kerbin, and on Eve it crashes in seconds. (The navball marker spirals outward uncontrollably.) Does anyone have any suggestions? The rotor rotates on an Infernal Robotics free-moving docking washer.
  12. With current rocket technology, a single stage interplanetary craft would be impractical, so most of it will be left behind. It might actually be more expensive to send a reusable habitat on two interplanetary trips than to just launch a new habitat, because a reusable habitat would have to be able to survive at least twice as long as a single-use one. The cost of launching the extra fuel for the higher-mass reusable habitat would probably balance out the savings.
  13. You can select craft in the map screen. Click on the lander in the map screen and a little button will pop up that says "Switch to". That lets you change to the selected craft.
  14. Straight from the lab of Genius Evil, his most Evil Geniusness, comes a revolutionary new luxury lander. Behold! MENDELEV 3! Most contemporary lander designs are "Efficient" "Low part count" or "Minimalist". Space pickup trucks, if you will The discerning customer wants something... Different. That's where MENDELEV 3 comes in. A work of genius, evil genius that is, the MENDELEV 3 is a "Space luxury coupe", the Mercedes-Benz, the BMW, the Lexus of the lander world. MENDELEV 3 has features. HIGH DELTA-V: The MENDELEV 3 is theoretically capable of landing on Duna and returning to orbit. Munar landings can be done with no risk of fuel shortages. HANDS FREE PILOTING: An automated control module means you can sit back in your leather-upholstered acceleration couch inside the habitation module and enjoy the landing. LANDING LEGS: The MENDELEV 3's NO-SHOK landing legs can hit the ground at speeds in excess of 15m/s without damage. And they look great. (DISCLAIMER: NOT MY INVENTION) STYLING: The MENDELEV 3 features futuristic 3x symmetry. Three protective panels are also jettisoned after landing. Still trying to justify that one. U-LOAD ATTACHMENT SYSTEM: Three jr. docking ports are featured for attaching the payload of your choice. (payloads not included) TWO-STAGE DESIGN: Shows that you can afford to leave parts behind. Don't wait! Get yours today! Craft file Um... can someone tell me how to embed an imgur album?
  15. It's most likely asymmetrical drag from those struts. Could you explain how it goes out of control? Does it roll uncontrollably, do the Rockomaxes start pointing toward space, or does something else happen?
  16. Could someone please explain how to use the radial dismountable connector? I can pick it up on EVA, and pressing H brings up the placement text, but then clicking where I want it does nothing.
  17. It's theoretically possible, but you need a ridiculous amount of pressure. 10,000+ atmospheres IIRC. Not to mention that whatever you're compressing would become plasma before fusing, so it would have to be done magnetically. Several attempts have been made; they all failed. Force would have to be applied in a perfectly uniform manner, or the plasma would escape.
  18. For the delta-V equation, the ISP listed in the game should multiplied by ~9.8. Also I would recommend Kerbal Engineer Redux, it's a great mod that calculates delta-V, Thrust-Weight ratio, and some other useful information.
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