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Everything posted by RRoan

  1. Same. The conflict is definitely FAR. Tested it with a fresh install with nothing but Atomic Age and FAR installed.
  2. I'm a little confused: does this mod add any parts or does it only contain reworks of the stock parts?
  3. Yes, if your definition of almost identical is "really big and orange with solid boosters". Ares V was a hilarious 200-ton lifter, while the SLS is a 70-ton lifter that might eventually be upgraded to 130 tons.
  4. I did not say that reducing burn time via adding more engines increases ÃŽâ€v, and did in fact say the opposite, so I am unsure why you felt the need to write a multi-paragraph post lecturing me about things I already know. I merely noted that there are cases where an increase in thrust leads to a reduction in the required ÃŽâ€v relative to a design with less thrust, which is completely correct. TWR and TMR are the same if using proper units.
  5. A reduction in vehicle ÃŽâ€v due to added weight is fine if it results in a burn that requires less ÃŽâ€v in the first place. And a one minute orbit insertion burn is going to require a lot less ÃŽâ€v than a seventeen minute one.
  6. Do I use ion engines, you ask? Try doing that with anything else.
  7. Not quite; there was a linear shaped charge running most of the length of the booster that effectively "unzipped" the side of it. This has two consequences: it decreases the thrust, since the gas can now escape out the side instead of the nozzle, and it releases the pressure in the chamber. Since the burn rate of solid fuel is very strongly dependent on the chamber pressure, this considerably slows the burn rate and, ideally, would prevent a detonation. The shuttle SRBs were originally going to have a thrust-termination system consisting of upwards-facing nozzles that would counter the main nozzle if opened (and relieve pressure as well), but this requirement was dropped very early on.
  8. Nearly four hundred nuclear engines have rained down upon KSP in my last ten launches. If things aren't explodifying often, you aren't pushing the game hard enough.
  9. Achernar, the most non-spherical star known, has a rotation period almost three and a half times longer than that. I can't imagine an 85-minute period would be survivable for many stars, either.
  10. This is just wrong. The only time congress gives a damn about spaceflight is when they can use it to get political brownie points, which means either spending a lot of money (in their own district) or doing their best to cut the budget to show they're serious about fiscal responsibility (but only if they don't have spaceflight-related jobs in their district). Congress being involved in the minutiae of NASA's budget is the single largest problem the agency has.
  11. I would tell them not to waste exorbitant amounts of money on a flawed concept. Slapping might be involved as well.
  12. you are incorrect the falcon heavy will come with crossfeed
  13. What are you doing with my computer? But yeah, that setup works pretty damned decently.
  14. First thousand-tonne rocket to do a 180 within 20 seconds of launch.
  15. Why on earth do you think an uncompromisingly realistic story would be tedious? Tedious to write, maybe (although you are unlikely to write such a story unless you find the process interesting!), but there's no reason why such a story should be tedious to the reader.
  16. You don't need a booster to get to Jool. The engine on this thing is p hilarious. I mean, single-stage-to-jool? lul
  17. Updated. Also, since I couldn\'t bare to be in last place I did another run. I don\'t see a problem with using something simple like that (provided, of course, that it\'s balanced) as long as its mostly stock. Mechjeb is fine too.
  18. Added ornitorrincos\' altitude. Woland: I think you know what I mean. Besides, if you want to play that way I can do it better:
  19. This is pretty simple; go for the maximum altitude you can with the new air-breathing engines in 1.5. Due to differences in engine performance there will be separate categories for basic jets and turbojets. Obviously, zoom climbs are your friend. I\'ve hit 9,000 meters with jets and 20,000 meters with turbojets, so you can consider that the baseline. Rules: -No rockets. Jets and turbojets only. Since it was brought up on IRC, rocket-assisted takeoff is okay. But only takeoff. D:< -Post a screenshot of the maximum altitude. -Make sure to post whether you\'re using jets or turbojets. -You need to take off via the runway. Horizontally. Jet records: 1. Mr Monkey Pie - 16,867 Meters 2. keptin - 13,516 Meters 3. OstermanA - 11,990 Meters 4. ornitorrincos - 11.529 Meters 5. Xiren - 10,377 Meters 6. andrewthecool - 9735 7. RRoan - 9,000 Meters Turbojet records: 1. Keptin - 38,008 Meters 2. woland - 35,696 Meters 3. danielw8 - 35,274 Meters 4. OstermanA - 26,593 Meters 5. RRoan - 24,979 Meters 6. Nematrec - 24,636 Meters 7. SteevyT 23,973 Meters 8. Xiren - 21,762 Meters
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