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Everything posted by magico13

  1. @fallout2077 that's a fairly well known bug with the 64 bit version of KSP, not with KCT. There's a chance that KCT is somehow making it happen more frequently, but I know of other people who play with KCT and the 64 bit version of KSP using the community hack who don't see that problem occur. I'll keep that in mind though if someone else observes it too. For now, the 64 bit version for Windows isn't officially supported by me, since it can have all sorts of crazy issues. When 1.1 comes out I'll make sure that the 64 bit version is equally as buggy as the 32 bit one
  2. Resetting points is a "soft" cost. You don't lose the points, it just requires that you have enough saved up at one time to be able to trigger it, which means you have to actively work toward resetting and can't instead assign those points to get faster build rates. The first one is cheap, it's basically free, but later ones require you to actively waste points in order to reset them, which is the only penalty I think is needed. Resetting shouldn't be used unless absolutely needed. It shouldn't be something you do regularly, so it should always be possible but only as a last resort. Not resetting on save change is a bug though. I'll try to remember to fix that, but I'm away from home for a few days so I can't do it right now. That's definitely a personal opinion, not a bug I personally feel that it should be able to research everything at once. It's a gigantic building made up of different teams of people all working on different projects, much like how research is done in real life at a university. I study polymer physics using computers, the people in the lab next to me study cancer cells in animals. I know nothing about their research and they can't really explain mine. But here's the awesome thing, if you want them to be queued up like everything else, that feature is already built in. You just have to activate it by modifying the formula. Change NodeFormula = "2^([N]+1) / 86400" to NodeFormula = "2^([N]+1) / 86400 * sign(-1*)" and now it will only do one node at a time. KCT will automatically make buttons that let you rearrange the list. You might like this. It doesn't work with KCT yet. I'm waiting to hear from the author to see what I need to do to make it work. That implies the part inventory holds actual parts. It doesn't, because you get the funds back on recovery. I've explored changing that, and I might still, in which case there's a good possibility you'll see that suggestion happen. I like that better than the rush button. I don't particularly care for the rush button. It's just sounds like it needs more GUIs, which I hate Do you mean that you should earn additional science when you recover experiments based on the development rate? I could add that as a formula without too much trouble I think. Maybe not have it in the default Preset since it tweaks the balance of Science collection in a non-negligible way. See B.R.O.K.E., the mod I and two other mod authors are currently working on. One of the features is salaries, which should be operational in the latest builds. That mod is still very WIP but we should be making an initial beta release soon. Maybe this weekend, but maybe not until after I get back home. It's designed to be very easy to write new modules for, with a majority of the work handled by the BROKE core. Thanks for playing with KCT! I sometimes might seem critical of suggestions, and I don't really mean to be, I just have a tendency to think out loud and like to explain why things might be difficult to implement. I do consider everything that's suggested when I'm adding new features and making tweaks to existing things. When BROKE is released it will have some additional features to make grounded kerbals useful. I'll probably add some more things into KCT for grounded kerbals at that time too, when I'm in that mindset. I could easily add a variable for the total grounded engineer/scientist/pilot levels to several of the formulas to add those bonuses in a configurable manner. Assuming that's as easy as I think it will be, consider that to be in the next release. The Default Preset might not use them, and if it does they won't contribute a huge amount, but people can make other Presets that depend entirely on the ground crew for instance. - - - Updated - - - There's an error stating that the Toolbar mod can't save it's file (likely due to the location of the KSP folder preventing writing to it). Then other issues happen. I can't tell if that's what's causing the issues, or if they're unrelated. I'll try to take a closer look tomorrow when I'm not prepping for a job interview
  3. Might be an issue with suddenly pausing the game to display the menu and then unpausing it right after clicking the button. It's only a simulation, so it's not that bad of a bug. If I drop warp down to 1x in the last few seconds before popping up the window, then pause, then it probably won't happen. It might even be fine if I set the warp to 1x while paused so that it doesn't jump back up again.
  4. Hmm, that is strange. Mind sending me the log for that. Probably the same issue, but I'm not sure why it would be different in that scene. I'd imagine it'd actually work better in those scenes No problem! If you encounter any other weirdness, let me know. Usually the logs can point me toward what's wrong, so definitely include those again
  5. It appears as if you've managed to install it incorrectly. It looks like you've placed the GameData folder inside the already existing GameData folder. Instead you should merge the two folders, or alternatively open the GameData folder in the Kerbal Construction Time download, and place the KerbalConstructionTime folder inside the Kerbal Space Program\GameData folder. The folder tree should look something like this Kerbal Space Program ->GameData -> KerbalConstructionTime ->Icons/KCT_Presets/plugins If you see a GameData folder in a download, it's usually safe to assume that they should be merged. If you don't see one (after looking through the first few levels of folders) then you should assume the highest level folder gets placed inside GameData. Unfortunately none of this is standardized, but thankfully tools like CKAN do a good job at handling it anyway. Thank you immensely for including a log file! If you have KAC installed and have KCT making KAC alarms, then yeah, every construction or rollout or reconditioning or anything will create an alarm automatically. You can turn that off in the KCT settings. - - - Updated - - - Correct, that should work. That's assuming the issue is due to a mod being uninstalled and not some other weird incident. I can probably write up either a fix or a temporary workaround pretty easily if need be, if you find it's still not working.
  6. Are you playing with New Horizons, Alternis Kerbol, or any other Kopernicus mods? If so, please let me know which one(s). If not, then that's a bigger problem. The tracking station used to do this without any other mods installed, so if Flight is doing it too then I might have to disable launching from flight as well. My previous attempt at a fix was to quickly change to the space center and then quickly change to the launch. That might still be doable, but the way I was doing it before was too fast and thus broke a lot of other things (Persistence didn't load before the scene changed again. Mods were not happy with that).
  7. I'd add support for Kerbal Alarm Clock, so as long as you make alarms for SOI changes then things would be fine, same as if you were to timewarp in the space center or tracking station. As for 0x in flight, there are mods that add that already. I've considered making a modlet that only does that, but at least one mod that alters timewarp has a 0x function. Ack, sorry, I even remember looking through this and was going to suggest you try that. Somehow the function that computes part costs is failing, which usually happens due to a mod being removed. That's being called by the reconditioning/rollout functions, so disabling those would avert that. There might still be issues that crop up later on if that function continues to fail when called from another location in the code. This sounds a little more serious than the previous error, but if clearing out the reconditioning and rollout data fixed it then that's good. If you do see it come up again, report it here with a log file and I'll take a look to see what's causing it.
  8. IF I were to add it into default KCT, rather than as an integration with Editor Time, it's be a timewarp with a 0x option that would be enabled by default. In the settings you'd be able to change it to 1x or 10x or whatever by default, but the 0x option would always be there. Most people probably wouldn't notice it or care about it, but it would provide the ability to timewarp while in the editor which would cut out a scene change or two for some people. I'll add it to the maybe list, since it's not a big priority, but at the same time it being implemented wouldn't hurt anybody.
  9. Certainly possible. Not totally sure about the LightsOut aspect (obviously possible, the mod exists) since I don't know exactly how to do that. But I definitely could add timewarp to the editor.
  10. Any sort of scene change is all that's needed to fix it, so that includes going into the VAB, SPH, Tracking Station, or Space Center from another scene (or main menu works too). So yeah, you can timewarp in the space center and then switch to the tracking station, then go back. It might be easier to switch to the VAB/SPH after everything's been rolled out since you should be able to launch then. Just so long as there's a scene change you should be ok. R&D, Astronaut Complex, Administration, and the Contracts building aren't scene changes, so those won't work. If the screen doesn't go black and you don't see the spinning planets, then it's probably not a scene change.
  11. If you're using a Kopernicus mod that reparents Kerbin, then it is 100% a Kopernicus problem (reported and confirmed here). It might ultimately be a stock problem, but it only appears with reparented Kerbin, which only happens with Kopernicus. Do your timewarping in the Tracking Station and then switch to the Space Center to launch and it should be fine. Anytime you timewarp for long enough in the space center you'll get terrain glitches and huge position errors on launch.
  12. I've seen that with Kopernicus mods that move Kerbin. The fix in that instance is to switch to the Tracking Station and then back to the Space Center to launch. You might try doing that. It only happens when you timewarp in the Space Center scene and then launch.
  13. Unfortunately, no. It's actually my fiance's family this weekend and they're not very sciency. My family isn't too much either, my dad thinks science is cool and often reads news articles about it but doesn't actually understand a lot of it. The rest of my family doesn't really have an interest in science. I'm a bit of an oddball in that regard. Here's the printer I bought, a Printrbot Play. Really small build area (4x4x5") but most of the things I'm probably going to print are small anyway. I'm hoping to print off the parts for a Prusa Mendel or a Prusa i3 with the Play and then build that once I move.
  14. It should be reloading from the previous state when loading the save, so I'll have to look into why that happened. If you load any other scene first, rather than clicking on the vessel icon, that won't happen, as it will recognize the broken state and load the saved state. Thus, you won't be able to trick your way into a free orbit I haven't gotten a chance to look at the logs posted previously. Family is visiting and I also got a 3D printer, so I've been distracted.
  15. No clue. You can post a log and I'll take a look to see if anything's in there that might at least confirm the incompatibility. Not sure why it'd be incompatible, but I've seen weirder things happen.
  16. I have no idea why that mod wouldn't be compatible. Has anyone else used the two together and seen issues?
  17. Yes there is, it's limited in the BuildRateFormula to 2 per VAB level. Remove the "*sign(2*[L]-+1)" part of that formula and it should let you have an unlimited number of rates. I believe that won't get you caught in an infinite loop anymore, but if you load up the game and it totally freezes then add that back in and let me know. Alternatively, change the "2" to a larger number to just increase the maximum number (ie, "3" makes it 3 per VAB level, which would be 9 total)
  18. I'm not sure that I can provide any additional help. It sounds like you've got an incompatible mod installed or something. I wouldn't worry too much about the single file being "messed up" when you verify the game cache, as that's likely just a file that would change through normal usage of KSP. - X button in the corners might be doable, but it's not as easy as I'd like. Working with Unity GUIs as a mod and entirely in code is basically a nightmare. There's no way to even preview what it will look like without firing up the game and testing, and all the elements in the GUI are placed relative to each other and not in any absolute location. I might be able to add things with an absolute location though (relative to the window position) which would make close buttons easier. No promises though. At the very least I'll fix up the editor so if you close one window it closes all of them. - Moving those elements out of the scroll bar would take an entire GUI redesign and would suck to do. The horizontal scrollbar is tied to the vertical one and all those elements are in a single "ScrollView". Conceivably I could split them into two ScrollViews, sync the vertical scrollbars, and disable the horizontal scrollbar in the one. It's maybe doable, but might look terrible if you ever need the vertical scrollbars (as there would be two of them. I might be able to hide one but still have it function). - Rollout from tracking station, yes I'll add that. Launch is a different story. It used to work there kind of but would often result in your rocket being 100 meters in the air. The "fix" I came up with for it ended up breaking a bunch of other things, so for now you can only launch from the Space Center, Flight, and the Editor. I'll see if I can fix that, or if it was fixed in recent updates (probably not ) E: Thank you for the suggestions though GUI design is one of my weak points, and the way we modders are forced to do it sucks
  19. Right, this is an issue other people have noted and I haven't touched KCT in a few weeks so I haven't gotten a fix in yet. The manual fix is to open the persistence and search for KCT_Vessel or for the vessel's name. You should find a block of text along the lines of KCT_Vessel { ... } If the name that's listed toward the top of that block is the right one then remove that whole block, making sure to line up the curly braces correctly (some text editors have the ability to select an entire block by matching brace). When you open the save again, it should work correctly but you'll be missing that vessel. An alternative method that might let you at least scrap the ship to get your funds back (but no parts) would be to remove the actual ship data (a sub-node of KCT_Vessel, might be called ShipNode). That might not work correctly either though as I've never tried it. Definitely back up your save first! If you can't get it working for whatever reason, you can upload the save file and I can try to fix it for you. Otherwise, good luck! I'll try to make sure the next release gets that fix in there. It honestly shouldn't be too hard to implement, I just need to sit down and do it.
  20. What do I need to do? I've mostly left it up to you since you've done a couple things on KCT's side to add support, but then went back and changed how you were doing it. I'll gladly add it in, I just wasn't aware that I should be looking into it. At this point even a hacky method of support is probably better than no support at all. When we both find the time to do something more proper, we can do that, but for now I'd like to try to add at least something basic.
  21. When that happens use Mod+F12 (Mod being Alt on Windows) to open the debug menu, then find and press the "Clear Input Locks" button. The issue frequently happens if you alt-tab out of the game while it is loading, and mods can also leave input locks active on accident that can cause the issue. Clearing the input locks should fix it.
  22. If your "addon manager" is KSP-AVC, you should know that it will only recognize mods that voluntarily include a .version file and host a remote .version file somewhere to compare against. I have to manually update the .version file in every download. CKAN shifts all of that from being the mod author's job to being their bot's job and handles automatically updating things (I like CKAN, it's handy and saves me a lot of time, so I have a tendency to sing its praises). Tarsier Space Tech went through an owner change and I don't believe ever included a .version file, so that's likely why you didn't know of that update. I looked through the log and unfortunately am not seeing anything that points me directly toward a specific mod. The error logged is within KSP's code, but is undoubtedly caused by a mod. If I had to guess, it'd be the wheels or Infernal Robotics. Looking back at that error though, it could be caused by another craft. Try loading that craft in a new save and see if the same error occurs. If yes, it's the craft, if no then there's something else in that save that's causing it. As for your edit, check the Blizzy Toolbar Mod for the button as it might be there instead of in the stock launcher. There's an option in KCT's settings to choose which toolbar to use. Error from log: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Vessel.CheckGroundCollision () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Vessel.GoOffRails () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at OrbitPhysicsManager.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  23. What happens if you sack a Kerbal who is currently assigned to a vessel? Do they disappear? Does it just fail to fire them? I absolutely think that's what it should do for kerbals who are at the astronaut complex, but I don't expect it would work for assigned kerbals. Setting those kerbals to be tourists then prevents them from doing work while not making them disappear, giving you a chance to rehire them and not totally losing a mission or having kerbals vanish. When the ship gets recovered we can set them to be applicants again (probably).
  24. Tarsier Space Tech is the cause of your issue. It's been causing this issue for about a year now I think (since before CKAN existed). It's encountering an error while loading data, which then breaks every mod that has to load data after it. Your options are to report it and hope they fix it, remove it, or find what's causing it troubles and fix that (which will probably require save file editing). Actually, now that I look at it, you're running an incredibly old version of that mod (v4.5) and the latest version is v5.4. Make sure you're getting it from here. That bug's probably been fixed for a while, since the version you're running is for KSP v0.24 and was released over a year ago. You also have a boat load of Module Managers installed. You should remove all of them except that latest since they can sometimes cause issues. I highly suggest you take a look at CKAN as it will prevent these sorts of things from happening in the future. NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at TarsierSpaceTech.TSTProgressTracker.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 uncle natzer I'm looking into yours now. I'll edit this once I find something. Edit: You've managed to contract the SCANsat bug that has been affecting numerous other users. I haven't found a source of that one yet, but it always happens when going from the flight scene and usually happens when you've gone from one flight to another directly (rather than going to the tracking station in between). It only happens with SCANsat installed, but I'm not sure if it's directly caused by SCANsat or if a stock bug is causing SCANsat to go nuts. [SCANsat] SCANsat Controller: Loading 1 known vessels NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at SCANsat.SCANcontroller+<>c__DisplayClass1d.<registerSensor>b__1c (.Vessel a) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[Vessel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault[Vessel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SCANsat.SCANcontroller.registerSensor (Guid id, SCANtype sensors, Double fov, Double min_alt, Double max_alt, Double best_alt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at SCANsat.SCANcontroller.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ProtoScenarioModule.Load (.ScenarioRunner host) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioRunner+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at ScenarioDiscoverableObjects.<UpdateAsteroids>m__2F3 (.Vessel v) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable.Count[Vessel] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 selector) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioDiscoverableObjects.UpdateAsteroids (Double UT) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ScenarioDiscoverableObjects+ .MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine_Auto(IEnumerator) UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) ScenarioDiscoverableObjects:Start()
  25. Dropbox, Google drive, etc are the most common options. If you compress it as a zip file it's much smaller. You can email it if it's less than a handful of megabytes. PM me if you want to do that
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