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Everything posted by magico13

  1. @swjr-swisThat can you leave behind is a landed craft, so it isn't removed (hence "obviously expect landed things"). If you launched a vessel from the cargo bay of a plane, then flew >22km away from it, you'd notice the original plane would disappear (unless the plane were above 22km, in which case all the drag from the atmosphere gets turned off and the vessel stops firing engines and falls back down to below 22km, where it is destroyed). If the object is landed then there's no complex physics to calculate on it, so it gets saved. It's only things that are in atmosphere and not landed that get deleted.
  2. They'd be balanced by (minimally) cost and weight. I imagine the required parts being heavy, bulky, and expensive. Definitely not something you add onto normal launches (unless you want to lose a lot of dV). They'd also be fairly short range: probably only a few tens of kilometers maximum. Also, they'd require a crew of kerbals, likely engineers. Total Kerbal level could affect maximum range maybe. If I end up designing the parts then a short range beacon (maximum 10km or so) might fit in a mk2 cargo bay (aka, 1.25m diameter) while a normal range (maybe 100km max) would fit in the mk3 cargo bay (2.5 meters. Possibly larger/heavier than the ISRU part. That's actually a good part to use as a comparison). As for contracts, that's a cool idea. No idea how to do it, but definitely a cool thought, and it makes sense with the recent switch over to contextual contracts. There might be ways to do that with Contract Configurator.
  3. Good news everybody! The updater program has been updated to the new forum. For those of you who want to check it out, here's the link. Thankfully most of the BBCode still works and I just needed to modify the data scraping parts. For those of you who might be interested in the output, here's the list it came up with for users with reputation >= 1000 (note: the descriptions file I have is not the same as the one @Endersmens has. Mine is very outdated.)
  4. If only that were correct then we wouldn't need StageRecovery and I'd have one less mod to develop ALL things: controlled, not controlled, kerballed, etc get deleted if below 22km and more than 22km away on Kerbin (obviously except landed things). Having a probe core or a Kerbal won't prevent them from destruction unfortunately.
  5. Did you switch to the Tracking Station and enable the display of "debris" (aka, uncontrolled things)? Try that if you haven't. You should see it sitting there on the map near the KSC.
  6. Btw, started a development post in the addon development subforum: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126902-wipplugin105-nimby-restricted-recovery-alpha1/
  7. (first OP on the new forums, excuse the formatting) Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) - A plugin that restricts vessel recovery to a limited range around "recovery beacons" inspired by @inigma's request. The operation is simple: if you're within range of a beacon then recovery works as normal, but if you're out of range you'll receive a message stating that no recovery is possible. Why would I want to limit my recovery options? Perhaps you like the extra challenge of trying to land near a particular spot and the engineering challenge of building rescue vehicles for ships that land out of reach. Perhaps you roleplay different countries and vessels landing in a foreign country can't be easily recovered intact. Whatever your reason, if you want the option then here it is! This mod is a work in progress. There is a playable alpha (a proof of concept basically) available on GitHub, which I will link below. I barely have time for my main projects though, so if someone wants to take this up (perhaps someone who has an interest in learning to mod but would like some help along the way) then I'd happily work with them or even pass it off entirely. If not, then I'll continue on it in my spare time By default the KSC is the only recovery beacon and has a range of 100km. You can create additional beacons in the Beacons.cfg file (which is automatically generated after you load a save and go into flight or the tracking station). Alpha Download and Source Code License is MIT, which is a very open license (so feel free to submit pull requests, make forks, do whatever) A picture provided by inigma: Some ideas for future features (in no particular order): A GUI to create/edit static recovery beacons A part that provides a mobile recovery beacon. From a career perspective this would be how you expand your recovery zones (rather than adding static beacons in the config) A GUI to show the distance and direction to the closest beacon Showing beacons (and possibly their zones) on the map Non-circular zones (for outlining land masses/"countries") Non-Kerbin beacons for recovery on other Celestial bodies Saving beacons per-save rather than globally (but with part-based beacons, is this needed?) Adjust recovery rates based on distance to the beacon, rather than KSC (so recovering on top of a beacon but on the other side of Kerbin could net 100% instead of 10%) The default Beacons.cfg (which will also give you an idea of how to create additional static recovery beacons): Beacon { name = KSC latitude = -0.0917535793462422 longitude = 285.370302576335 range = 100000 }
  8. @komodoThe KAC integration hasn't changed at all and hasn't ever had any configurability other than on/off. I intend on updating it so you can choose what triggers the creation of an alarm and how the alarm should behave, but it isn't a high priority. So you're not missing anything, it just doesn't exist yet! RP-0 (the career mode version of RO) has a Preset that they use because the way they balance things is very specific. 6.4x probably doesn't need any special tweaks since I don't think things (other than planet size) are altered. If you wanted, you can modify the Overall Modifier, Build Effect, or Inventory Effect to adjust the build times (I can help you with that if you let me know what you're looking for). Or if you're feeling really crazy you can modify all the formulas that are used for calculating time/build rates/costs/etc. If you want to do that, read through the three related topics in the wiki on GitHub, linked here, then come back and I'll help you out
  9. I'm not a planetary modder, just a plugin developer, so take this with a grain of salt. I don't think you can reparent the Sun without issues. Though you can reparent Kerbin and there are mods that make the Sun orbit a black hole, so I might be wrong. I can't think of any time someone has made a mod where the center body can be landed on, let alone launched from, so I don't know if that's even possible to do. It does sound like it'd be really interesting though and if someone does it I'd like to see it.
  10. @chrisl those are both things I'm planning on getting around. Unfortunately until I rewrite the simulation code to spawn the vessel in orbit rather than moving it to orbit you're going to run into the "atmosphere" problem :/ That's one of the reasons I want to rewrite that code. It shouldn't happen at all (and doesn't in Stock) because the vessel is packed. As for RemoteTech, I've done a bit of work on disabling it for a vessel. If you open up the KCT menu during a simulation you should see a button for disabling RemoteTech. It's not fully functional and it has a few quirks: 1. It works best if your vessel has no antenna on it at all, and 2. you can't re-enable RemoteTech on that vessel. I know I can fix 2, but was having lots of trouble getting it to work when there are antenna on the vessel. I may make the delay adjustable in the mean time (but am planning on removing it when I rewrite everything).
  11. Ack, I keep forgetting to update the .netkan file. I need to just package a .version file with it to avoid this issue in the future. I just submitted the pull request on GitHub, so you'll be able to update automatically within a few hours. Alternatively you can install MagiCore manually, or you might be able to by importing the following .ckan file into CKAN (save it into a text file). { "spec_version": 1, "identifier": "MagiCore", "name": "MagiCore", "abstract": "A common set of utilities for magico13's mods", "author": "magico13", "license": "MIT", "resources": { "homepage": "http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/97033-10x", "repository": "https://github.com/magico13/MagiCore" }, "version": "1.0.1", "ksp_version": "1.0.5", "install": [ { "file": "GameData", "install_to": "GameData" } ], "download": "https://github.com/magico13/MagiCore/releases/download/1.0.1/MagiCore.zip", "download_size": 4230, "x_generated_by": "netkan" }
  12. I just got here too and am writing the program that will "kick me out" (the auto-updater), so just imagine how I feel! There actually is one. You can do a member search and then sort by reputation. For whatever reason, if you go to the next page it reverts back to sorting by name, but if you manually type page 2 or page N or whatever it will stay sorted correctly. I've got the auto-updater program working with the new system to the point that it is functional again. No idea if I'll be able to put links to profiles or do colors, I imagine not since we can't use HTML or BBCode or anything like that, so say goodbye to those features (and any formatting in the descriptions: italics, size, color, etc). If we set the bar at 1000 rep then there are 71 members currently in the group. (Edit: Holy crap! BBCode size and italics actually still work. This version doesn't test colors, but that might be possible too [hopefully])
  13. Oh man, if people can post whole log files that's gonna be rough... I second the motion to set it to whatever it was before, or something similar.
  14. [quote name='sardia']This mod is crashing my game, it stops crashing when I remove the mod. Crash occurs when returning to KSC command center. I was testing it to see if it would level up to 3. Is anyone else having problems?[/QUOTE] I'm assuming you're talking about Field Experience, but as 5thHorseman states there are numerous mods in the thread. No matter which mod, I'll need a log file to see what's going wrong. Check out the following link to find where the log is: [url]http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92229-How-To-Get-Support-%28READ-FIRST%29[/url]
  15. [quote name='inigma']Awesome sauce! I will test it asap! Thanks for commenting your work! Oh and feel free to startup the dev thread in Add-On Development, we can get more eyes on this too if we do.[/QUOTE] I'll be out of town for the next few days due to the holiday and then there's the forum migration this weekend, so I might wait till Sunday or so before opening a new thread if that's alright. Let me know if you find anything weird! It's a pretty straightforward mod so it should be easy to diagnose any bugs. If any other mods do the same trick of replacing those buttons then we might run into some problems.
  16. Got some good progress done today! The GitHub is up along with an alpha release: [url]https://github.com/magico13/NIMBY[/url] Should support any number of beacons defined in the beacons.cfg file. To define a beacon you just need to give it a name, latitude, longitude, and max range. Currently only Kerbin is supported. Something that would be really cool to add later on down the line would be some way of visualizing the beacon locations and their sizes, but I don't know how to do that. I also don't know how to do parts, so we might need to convince someone to do that for us, or I can try to learn how to do it :) If you have questions about the code feel free to ask away! I had to do some questionable tricks to figure out what Vessel was selected in the Tracking Station. E: Also, I'd eventually like to add StageRecovery and KCT support into this, so I'll more than likely be making a basic API at some point.
  17. [quote name='inigma'] - Beacon part would be offered by the NIMBY Corporation.[/QUOTE] Quick question: What does this stand for? My mind comes up with "Not In My Back Yard" which I'm probably going to use for the project name :P
  18. [quote name='inigma'] and Kerbal Construction Time is too much mod. Just need something simple, basic, functional as described above, nothing more. I know a lot of players would love it.[/QUOTE] FYI: KCT comes with a Preset that turns everything off except the simulations. None of the other features are turned on. None of the other GUIs come up. 95% of the code doesn't even run. It's 4 button presses at the start of the game to set that up (open settings, choose SimOnly preset, save settings, close window). HoloDeck was supposed to become the "official" simulation-only mode, but enneract hasn't worked on it in a while. There's a non-zero chance I'll pick it up and remove KCT's simulation features (I'm making an effort to split KCT into it's separate components because the main package has too many diverse functions, but time is not something I've got a lot of at the moment).
  19. [quote name='Wrathlord']I can confirm this. Currently it is not possible to install DatedQuickSaves via CKAN due to the dependency.[/QUOTE] Darn. I actually put out a new release of MagiCore on GitHub in the hopes that the CKAN tracker would see it and realize it works with 1.0.5. I'll have to get them to fix it on their end. In the mean time, if you install MagiCore manually (just put the .dll in GameData) then it should recognize the installed dependency and let you install the others properly.
  20. [quote name='Choctofliatrio']Oh man... ruining screenshots.. happened to me far to many times. Eventually I just bound aero forces to F1 or something, free to screenshot in peace.[/QUOTE] Ironically that's the built-in screenshot button. So instead of having screenshots with the overlay in steam, you'll just get screenshots with the overlay in the KSP folder :D Personally: F1 for screenshots (so I can use [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107663-1-0-x-Magico13-s-Modlets-%28Field-Experience-Sensible-Screenshot-etc-%29"]Sensible Screenshot[/URL]), Steam's screenshot thing disabled, and I don't use F12 but wouldn't even consider it cheating in multiplayer.
  21. [quote name='Barklight']Yeah, I have been using StageRecovery for a while actually. That's an equally amazing piece of work - just started using KCT :) If I can find a good tool for recording (Unity and NVidia ShadowPlay don't like each other very much) I'd probably start recording this super hard mode game and give you some more "here's KCT in action" material. [U]Off-Topic[/U]: Does your StageRecovery mod no longer give you message log notifications on recovery or failure to recover? I launched a rocket lastnight and discarded my 2nd ascent stage for recovery, it had 2x radial RealChutes on it. I noticed that I didn't get a notification for either a destruction or a recovery, and hadn't been the entire campaign. Is all that just automated now or is there probably something wonky with the game?[/QUOTE] I used to use Shadowplay without issues with my GTX 770 for KSP, but have switched over to OBS. There are options to disable recovery messages, but you should still be getting them if you haven't switched them off. If you haven't updated to the newest version then that's probably why. 1.0.5 broke things a little bit, but I haven't gotten any reports of any issues with the 1.5.8 update of StageRecovery (doesn't mean there aren't issues, just that nobody's mentioned them).
  22. [quote name='Javin']LOVE the mod. Is there any way to remove the icon? I prefer a "set it and forget it approach" instead of being reminded that I am using a mod while immersed in the game.[/QUOTE] Well, the icon gives you access to a bunch of other stuff in the editor and flight scenes, but if you really want to remove it you could download the [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60863-1-0-5-Toolbar-1-7-10-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar"]toolbar mod[/URL] and set it to not show any icons. I've added an issue on GitHub to provide an option to remove the buttons completely (at least when using just the Stock Toolbar) if you're ok with waiting for the next release. I'm nearly finished with some new features for the VAB/SPH and once those are done I'll be putting out a release. Edit: If you're not afraid of a development build, I've added this into the latest dev build. Get it from [URL="http://magico13.net:8080/job/StageRecovery%20Development/"]here[/URL]. You'll have to add this to the bottom of your settings file (in the StageRecovery folder): "HideButton = true"
  23. [quote name='Barklight']Does distance from KSC when recovered make a difference in inventory availability when recovering a craft?[/QUOTE] As Gryphon mentions, it does not. Do note, however, that the parts only go into the inventory when you recover a craft the "normal" way. When you recover a craft into storage through the KCT window that vessel is moved whole into storage, rather than broken into parts, and the time it takes to do that [I]is[/I] dependent on distance from the KSC. For normal recovery though, it's instant and only depends on the parts you successfully land. Also as Gryphon mentions, [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86677-1-0-5-StageRecovery-Recover-Funds-from-Dropped-Stages-v1-5-8-(11-9-15)"]StageRecovery[/URL] gives you the ability to recover parts from things you drop on ascent and those will be added to the inventory as well.
  24. [quote name='Cetera']I figured out the ships, and they were all clones/duplicates using KCT of a previous ship. I was able to successfully remove them from from the save file. I had to manually adjust my funds, and I lost a bit of "time" in the save as several were well on their way to being built, but that is OK. However, I am hoping you could help me with another issue I'm having. Will something like that show up in a log someplace, and is that something you can help me with? [/QUOTE] Were those duplicates of a recovered ship, or duplicates of a brand new ship? I'll have to make a note to check if vessel duplication is working correctly. As for your other issue, I'm not totally sure where to look either. There's a chance the log doesn't have anything useful, but if you upload it anyway I'll take a look and see. Hopefully it;ll at least gie you a place to start. [quote name='Barklight']Thanks for this creation, I'm loving the added complexity to my new 1.05 hard campaign. Two Questions, how do payloads work? My campaign save is still sort of early, so I'm doing part test contacts. I built a few copies of a 'landing pad test stand' and they're stored right now. If I try to edit one it takes me to the VAB, but I can't save or launch it after I add the test payload. How does inventory work? If you can cut down construction time by using parts in inventory, where do those inventory parts come from for new craft? Unless it's dealing more with constructed sub-assemblies as 'inventory'? Sorry if those are answered earlier in the thread, I looked back a few pages and didn't see anything. Thanks :)[/QUOTE] Welcome to KCT! Glad you're enjoying it so far :) Editing already built vessels is more locked down than normal VAB operation. Generally all you have to do is select the edit option which takes you to the VAB/SPH, then add whatever parts you want and you should see some noticeable changes in the KCT window and an estimate of how long those changes will take to apply. Then select the "Save Edits" button which will save your changes and eject you back to the space center. The now-edited ships should be in the construction queue (depending on how many changes you make, it should already have some progress completed). You launch them the same way as other KCT vessels: wait for them to finish, roll them out, then launch. The inventory is a mechanic to promote the creation of reusable craft by reducing build times for parts that are in the inventory. Here's the basic rundown of how it works: when you recover a craft all the parts are added to the inventory, when building a new craft with those parts they only add about 1/10 of their normal amount to the total time, when you build that new craft the parts are removed from the inventory. The actual mechanics are a bit more complicated, but it boils down to the fact that a craft built entirely out of parts from the inventory takes 1/10 as long to build as a brand new one. Having parts not from the inventory on the craft as well can make that amount jump up a lot since they're weighted much higher. If you're interested in the details let me know. I think there's a few examples buried somewhere in this thread. If you have any other questions I'd love to answer them!
  25. [quote name='theonegalen']Has anyone tested this with 1.0.5 yet? Should I do that or do you have an update coming, magico?[/QUOTE] Sorry, progress hasn't happened much lately so no new updates as of yet. I briefly tested a recompiled version against 1.0.5 and it was fine (in fact, nothing needed fixed), but I had issues with my other mods when using the old ones. If you test it out and notice any issues let me know (log not necessary) and I'll get a recompiled update out.
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