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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Mun orbit should get you 5 total XP resulting in 1 star. When you load up the lab and check the Kerbal levels through map mode (or through portrait stats), how many stars are listed?
  2. Do Kerbals normally get experience from research labs? All Field Experience does is recalculate their experience based on their flight log, removing the need to recover them on Kerbin to get XP. It doesn't add experience over time or anything like that. If the research labs are supposed to somehow grant XP (I don't remember reading that though) then I'd consider it a bug in Field Experience that I would need to fix (or at least a feature that it needs to support). E: The wiki makes it look like all scientists do in the research lab is speed it up based on their level. They should still level if the lab is on another planet, but Roster Manager might not show that because Field Experience doesn't write the Flight Log to the Career Log, it just calculates the new experience and recalculates their level. It doesn't even write their experience to the Kerbal, just the level (I might change it in the future to write the total experience as well, it doesn't really matter since it's recalculated whenever you load the scene in Stock anyway, so writing it doesn't affect anything)
  3. There should be a message that pops up in the top-middle of the screen saying "[Vessel Name] added to build list!" but it can get hidden by other windows pretty easily. Can you grab the log file (look part way down this post for "The Logs") and upload it to dropbox/google drive/etc? If you can turn on the Debug Messages setting in the KCT Settings first, then try to build a vessel, then upload the log, that would be the best setup.
  4. Either rebuild it or use subassemblies. Be careful with relying too much on that recovery method, since it's pretty error prone. The latest KCT version should catch any corrupted vessels prior to recovery so it shouldn't break saves, but older versions could mess things up pretty badly.
  5. The rules of the challenge state you have to set any life support mods to kill. TAC has a config setting to just make them "hibernate" as well, it's just off by default. USI-LS has a whole handful of options, at least one of which is permadeath. You can also disable the feature of orange suited Kerbals not needing LS (and I believe that feature has been disabled by default in newer versions).
  6. If you send me a really simple craft file that's just probe core + science equipment prior to being used, and a second one that's after they're all used and recovered (recover it, "edit" it, and save that craft as well) I can probably come up with one really fast. My guess is that they're just not visually resetting (animations) since the science modules are probably the same as the stock ones. If you want to do it yourself instead it's really easy to do. Here's a walkthrough: https://github.com/magico13/KCT/wiki/Tutorial:-Adding-New-Modules-to-be-Reset-on-Recovery-to-Storage
  7. If you, or anyone else experiencing this bug, would be willing to test out a development build of StageRecovery and let me know if you're still getting the bug I'd really appreciate it. I think I fixed it (it wasn't skipping over landed vessels like it should have) but I'd like to make sure it's working correctly. Just drop that .dll in GameData/StageRecovery and overwrite the old one. I don't need logs or anything, just a simple "yes it works" or "no it didn't fix my problem". Thanks!
  8. Sounds easy enough and looking into the source it doesn't seem like it'd be too tough to grab through reflection. I'll try to add it into the next update to KCT. I've got a few bug fixes I'm working on, but work's been busy.
  9. Ah, I see the source of the confusion then. They've been given the way they are since the beginning so I likely won't change them. Just think of them as the % of the total value that you're getting back. Functionally the "recovery %" is just "distance % x speed %". Then the funds you get back are just: "total value x recovery %", so that's why they're displayed that way, since that's the way they're in code and that's also how the distance percentage is conveyed in the Stock game for normal recovery.
  10. I'll make a note to update that message to say that under 6 is desired, since it does seem a bit misleading to say "under 12 needed". Something simple like "ideal: <6, required: <12" might do a better job. Sorry about the confusion
  11. Can confirm it's StageRecovery, I got a report earlier today about the same issue from someone else. In the future if you ever suspect one of my mods to be doing something it shouldn't be, don't hesitate to tag me in a post with "@". I'll try to get a fix out as soon as I can. If not today/tomorrow then definitely by the end of the week. Use 1.5.8 in the meantime.
  12. Your speeds are really high. You're just under the High Cutoff (where you start to have any recovery, default 12m/s). You want to shoot to be under the Low Cutoff (below the low cutoff it's 100%) which by default is 6 m/s. The message tells you that you're getting 97.8% for distance and only 10.3% for speed, so speed is the limiting factor for you. You can also check that by using the full StageRecovery GUI in flight or using the Editor Helper in the editor to see what percent due to speed you'd get. There's also a graph in the first post (linked again below) that shows how speed affects recovery. Image (speed in m/s on the horizontal axis, "speed percentage" on the vertical):
  13. You should be charged once when you build it, then KSP will charge you a second time when you launch but KCT will immediately refund that charge. If that's not what you're seeing then could you turn on the Debug Messages setting in the KCT settings, then build and launch a ship, then upload the log file. There are debug messages whenever KCT adds/removes funds so I'd be able to check that it was working correctly. Optionally you can also upload some screenshots of the funds before building, after building but before launching, and then after launching. The log with the debug messages setting active is more important than screenshots though.
  14. Ok, if it's just the Kerbals then that's from the pre-recovery code added in 1.6. The base should be "landed" so it shouldn't be triggering that, but I'll try to add a workaround to fix it. You might want to switch to the 1.5 version in the meantime.
  15. I haven't ever seen duplication before. If you see it again, I'd love to get the log file. It sounds like the stage wasn't actually being destroyed and kept triggering the "destroyed" event. That could happen if there were some "bad parts" on the vessel, or could be a StageRecovery bug as well. It's likely a vessel specific issue or a part specific issue, so testing for it would be a challenge. If it doesn't crop up again then let's just call it a weird fluke, but if you (or anyone else for that matter) notice duplication issues again let me know (preferably with a log file ) and I'll see if I can prevent it. What do you mean by session change? Do you mean any scene changes (going from Flight to the Space Center) or do you mean exiting/loading the game? (the latter is a subset of the former, so I'd be surprised if it was one and not the other.) StageRecovery is generally a purely reactive mod (before version 1.6 it was entirely reactive) meaning you won't see any recovery messages unless the game was telling SR that it destroyed a vessel. Annoyingly the game does say that during scene changes, but SR tries to ignore those until the new scene is fully loaded. It's possible that some are slipping through though. The one place that SR is proactive is with recovering Kerbals, so if your bases are all kerbal-less but you haven't gotten any recovery messages then that sounds like an SR bug. Either way, SR isn't supposed to do any checks on anything outside of Kerbin's atmosphere. If it's landed somewhere or isn't on Kerbin then SR shouldn't be running on it at all. That implies that you're building your bases on Kerbin, is that correct? Kerbal Konstructs launch sites are supported as "recovery zones", so you could use that to add a "barge" somewhere and it should automatically use that if it's closer. How far away are your stages recovering from the KSC? You have to go a pretty decent distance away for it to be anything less than a 90% return, like close to 250 km. Upgrading the Tracking Station helps with that if you've still got it at the lowest tier. There's a chart of the distance percentage as a function of distance and TS level at the top of the page. If you're dropping the stages once you're almost to orbit then they're gonna end up going pretty far. Usually how I build I drop my boosters fairly close to KSC and take my main stage all the way to orbit and send it down manually (often I just discard it in the atmosphere and don't recover it at all). You might need to tweak how you build to find a system that works best for you. I could add "recovery zones" for downrange recovery that could be used for minimizing losses due to distance. I could even give them limited ranges so you'd have to somewhat aim your boosters. That sounds like it'd tie in well with NIMBY, the proof of concept mod I worked on that restricted recovery to be within a certain range of "recovery beacons".
  16. Can you upload the log file (that post lists the locations)? Start up KSP, make the bug happen, then close KSP and upload the log to dropbox/Google drive/etc. With the log I can check to see if something is triggering an error and I can see the whole list of mods you have installed (assuming ModuleManager is installed as well). Without the log the best I can do is attempt to reproduce it, but if it's working for the default settings then there's a decent chance I'm not going to be able to get the bug to trigger. Which settings are you changing? Can you upload the changed settings as well (they're stored in a file called KCT_Settings.cfg in the save folder). Could be as simple as a malformed formula. The log would likely indicate that as well.
  17. I write a mod, Kerbal Construction Time, which by itself makes some noticeable changes, but I find that where it really excels is when you pair it with a life support mod. Life support without KCT isn't much of a challenge usually, if you run out of supplies while in Kerbin's SOI you can send out a rescue mission and time doesn't pass much in the stock game to make life support a concern. But being unable to build and launch a rescue mission, and having huge chunks of time go by during normal play really makes the life support more of a challenge. Here's the two I use: TAC Life Support and Kerbal Construction Time
  18. The logs always generate, even during a proper run. If you're on windows then the output_log.txt file is in the KSP_Data folder. On Mac/Linux it's different, but you can find the location using this post. If you can grab the log it'd be handy, but I'll probably be able to reproduce this pretty easily. I most likely messed something up. I didn't actually get a chance to test the dev version, just made a few (fairly small) changes. Planes and rockets are basically the same thing, so I'm not surprised it breaks on both. I'll try to get it fixed tonight since I've got a few other bugs to track down. E: Didn't get a chance to fix this last night. I'll try to tonight but no promises. Work's been busier this week so far.
  19. If you're willing to try out a development version of KCT, I just uploaded a possible fix for this. "Other" sites should work for both VAB and SPH vessels, and "Helipad" launchsites should work for SPH vessels. Grab the .dll from here (under Last Successful Artifacts) and drop it in the GameData/KerbalConstructionTime/plugins directory.
  20. Conceivably yes. I haven't taken the time to figure out how to calculate the drag coefficient for a vessel with the new atmosphere, but I'd need that and the coefficient of lift to compute a glide ratio. With those values I could get the terminal velocity more properly (the current system is uses a guess based on an empirical formula that's based on mass and parachute area), reduce distances back to KSC by an appropriate amount, and support gliding recovery. I've had other projects that take priority since that's a sizeable amount of work that only benefits a few people.
  21. Last I heard KK didn't work at all with 1.0.5. Supposedly there are unofficial recompiles for 1.0.5, but those would have to be installed manually. If you're not running those, that's likely your issue, since KCT doesn't change anything about KK and the VAB. You can change launch sites after you build the vessel though (assuming KK even works) by building the vessel, clicking the "*" button, and then clicking "Choose Launchsite". That's mostly implemented in KCT (though it does call a KK function), whereas all the launch site stuff in the VAB is implemented in KK. I may also be misinterpreting you (I don't actually use Kerbal Konstructs myself so I'm not familiar with all of it). Do you mean launch sites marked as " other" rather than being marked as "launch pad"? If that's a thing that exists, please point me to an example so I can do some testing and get it implemented properly (I don't actually use KK, remember?) Thanks
  22. Doing this as a plugin would be really simple. Kerbal Construction Time used to do exactly this in the early days (then would refill them after the required time had passed). I'm not at my home computer, so I can't get exact names for functions, but here's a few pointers on where to look: 0. Make sure you are "using KSP;" and probably also "using UnityEngine;". You'll have to reference the UnityEngine.dll and Assembly-CSharp.dll from the KSPFolder/Managed/ folder (might be slightly different on mac/linux) 1. You'll want to add a listener to the OnVesselRollout event. Create a function that takes a Vessel as the only parameter (ie: public void MyFunction(Vessel launchedVessel)) and add it to that event with GameEvents.OnVesselRollout.Add(MyFunction); 2. In that function you'll want to cycle through all the parts and set the fuel to zero. Looping through all the parts is as easy as "foreach (Part p in launchedVessel.parts) { }". To drain the resources you'll have to find them on the Part. I don't recall the exact structure off the top of my head. You'll have to loop through those too to find only the ones you want to drain and set their amounts to zero. 3. You might want to track which resources you drain and how much. Fuel costs funds (not many, but some) so you might consider calculating the cost of the resources you drain and giving that back to the player (look into the Funding class. Either utilize the Funding.Instance or use the static functions if there are appropriate ones) If you need help, don't hesitate to PM me or tag me in a comment (using the @ symbol or by quoting me). Once I get home I could write this up in a few minutes, but this is also a great learning opportunity for a potential new modder
  23. Do note that the setting doesn't disabling quicksave, it disables quickload. You can always make backups using F5 or Alt-F5 (for named quicksaves), you just can't load them without swapping out the persistent.sfs file or changing that setting. So you can always make periodic backups while in game just in case there's a bug that strikes. The "autosave" functionality of Stock is pretty terrible. All it does is overwrite the current save and if it writes some bad data then you've permanently lost your save file (you can do some surgery to snip out the bad parts, but that's dangerous too). I absolutely do not recommend relying entirely on that. Either make periodic quicksaves still, manually backup your save before/after every game session (I do this even with quicksaves and extra mods), or use a mod such as S.A.V.E. or DatedQuicksaves (which also has an autosave feature) to make automatic backups.
  24. There are several other Funding Modifiers I have planned that will take funds as well, so balance will end up being a goal for after those are written. It'll be especially difficult since you can disable or remove any Funding Modifier at any time without affecting the others. Also keep in mind the FMs shipped with BROKE are just the "defaults" and I'm hoping people will write their own. I haven't forgotten about this. I'm working on a small project for fun at the moment and will be focusing on BROKE after that (before switching back over to KCT/SR again). If I don't get it finished by 1.1 I'll be sad
  25. There are tricks you can do to speed it up and a few dev-helper mods that exist. First trick is to not have any other mods installed, since each mod (especially parts and things with a lot of module manager patches) adds to the load time. Second trick that I don't use too often anymore, but used to do in the past, is to cut out all the stock parts except a handful (one capsule/probe, one rocket engine, one fuel tank). There's a mod that will autoload a save file at start, and I think it can even autolaunch a ship, but I tend to need to start new games when I'm testing things (I also frequently corrupt save games during testing ) so I don't use that mod. You can also set up a post-build script to copy the files and start KSP every time you build the mod, which I used to do for a while. My computer is pretty fast, so load times are about 15 seconds to the main menu. Building and copying is (usually) fast; the mod itself builds in under a second and then I double click a batch script that copies the files into the right directory and starts KSP (I only have one for KCT though, my other mods requires a drag and drop into the right folder instead). The GUI uses relative positioning so I usually have a pretty good idea of where things will be in relation to each other just based on the code, but a typical dev session still involves restarting KSP every time I want to test any small changes (with each test lasting a few seconds, then making a small tweak and restarting to test it again).
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