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Everything posted by magico13

  1. A table would be easier, and we could easily make it output the data to a format like .csv for plotting in an external program. I do know other mods have made graphs before though, like the memory monitor (I think GCMonitor or something like that).
  2. I think KCT doesn't work correctly with KK at the moment. I'll see if I can get it fixed for 1.1 but no promises. Compatibility with other mods isn't top priority at the moment. Once May rolls around, definitely, but before then KSP isn't something I've got time to think about too much. I briefly looked at this when you posted it here and my best guess what a graphics card problem, but I've never really seen anything like that. Sorry I can't be of more help. Known issue that the parser breaks badly on invalid characters :/ I'll try to get it fixed for 1.1. Once I switch KCT's math parsing and time parsing over to MagiCore it will take care of it for sure. Looks good except for one thing: The build rate formula might cause an infinite loop. Add a "*sign(9-[ I])" to the end of it which will give you 10 build queues. After the 10th it'll return a negative number and stop calculating. If you just want the one build rate set it to *sign(0-[ I]). Build rates are indeed BP per second. Since it's sandbox you don't have to worry about costs anyway. They'll display (as zero since you have it set to that) but there aren't any funds in the first place. Max reconditioning is just set as a variable in the reconditioning formula [X], so you don't need to set it to anything if you don't use that variable. It's a relic of the pre-Preset era and is just there for quick config changes. If you notice something not working as expected when you test, let me know and I'll try to diagnose. It looks like it should be fine other than the build rate. E: formatting screwy. Will fix later.
  3. Thanks for that. I've seen a few people post similar things so I have a fix in mind. Unfortunately I'm not sure I'll get to it for a while. I'll try to get it fixed for 1.1 but no promises. In the meantime you can turn off failed recovery messages in the settings if it keeps happening. Edit: It's an issue with the Kerbal Konstructs integration on Kerbal Konstruct's side. Can you crosspost over there by chance? I don't think it would be too hard to add, so I've added a reminder on github. It won't be any time soon though, sorry.
  4. I mean, that's the point of the part inventory. Without the part inventory sure there's no midpoint, but the part inventory is the midpoint. I don't recall how much RP-0 nerfs the part inventory, but in "stock" KCT using the inventory cuts build times to about 1/10 of a new build, which is a hell of a lot better than if there were no inventory. For vessels that need a very quick turnaround (refuel and refly) then the KCT recover is usually faster than using the inventory, but I still recommend using the inventory when you can because it's less prone to bugs. You can use the KCT recover and reattach parts through the edit function, in which case I highly recommend using subassemblies and simplifying the construction as much as possible. If the "progress" ever drops to 0 though then it isn't any faster than normal recover + rebuild. You just have to be ok with the tedium involved. The bugs regarding crashes are a fair complaint, however, and the whole process could be cleaned up a bit.
  5. Probably not, but I'll try to see if I can do anything about that. It knows the orientation is messed up because as soon as you pick up any part, it flips to the correct orientation. So I can't just rotate it because then it would flip and face down when you select a part.
  6. Alternatively you can use RealChute. That's what I tend to use. A big nosecone parachute might be all you need.
  7. Manual edits are supposed to be tedious. That's a design decision. If you want a "fresh" craft, then recover through the normal means and rebuild. The part inventory would cause that new build to take much less time than if you hadn't recovered the parts. KCT recover is basically "we just rolled this back into the hangar", while normal recover and rebuild is "we completely refurbished all these parts so they're like new". If you really want ignitions or other things reset, you can certainly add that yourself: check out this tutorial. I've got plans to fix the craft positioning on KCT recover so it doesn't spawn in the floor/ceiling. For replacing the boosters, couldn't you just refill them? I haven't played with RP-0 enough to know for sure but in stock that's all you'd need to do. I won't provide a "load" option, since that defeats the purpose of manual edits. But I will likely refine the editing process a bit so you're not shunted back to the KSC when you save edits. Edit: simulations are going away in an update or two since that's being outsourced to KRASH
  8. Supposedly there are some issues when using the latest version of Kerbal Konstructs but I haven't gotten a chance to look into them. If it were working correctly, each separate launchpad would be considered separately with regards to rollout and reconditioning. You can change the launchsite for any vessel through the "*" then "Select Launchsite" buttons at any time before rollout.
  9. Correct. Alt on Windows, right-shift on Linux, and something else on mac. I've never played KSP on a mac but I'm assuming it's still alt. Whichever key you use to physics warp and transfer fuel.
  10. RIP Duna Sounds like an entertaining Squadcast. Since 1.1 is mostly an engine update, I'm excited for all the content 1.2 appears it will have.
  11. When multiple launchpads were added I changed it so you can only have one rollout or rollback active on any one pad. You can rollback a craft by either holding the modifier key (the "launch" button changes to "roll back" as seen in @vardicd's post above) or by selecting the "*" button and choosing "roll back".
  12. I wrote most (some were requests by others) of my modlets to fix issues that were particularly annoying to me. Field Experience was the first and makes it so you don't have to recover kerbals on Kerbin for them to level up. I was sending a semi-permanent orbital station to Duna and it didn't make any sense that my 6 kerbals wouldn't learn any new skills on the way.
  13. No worries. I'm guessing the modifier key got stuck on somehow since that would cause the "launch" to be replaced by "roll back".
  14. Logs would help. Maybe the save file as well. Try switching to the launchpad that it's rolled out to? Or is the modifier key (alt) being held down on accident? That would definitely cause that. Have you restarted KSP? It should! I haven't actually sat down to test it though. I haven't started KSP in about two months
  15. @NeilC I think that's the most effort anyone has ever made trying to "cheat" the system. If you really want to cheat it, launch your rockets out of the SPH: there's no rollout time. Recovering through the KCT menu takes time minimally equal to the rollout time (basically you're just rolling it back) and is mass based. Building the vessel is cost based. Which one is faster depends on the cost to mass ratio of the vessel. Personally, I prefer rebuilding from scratch as it's way less likely to bug out and break things. Dual assembly lines might still be faster (and is the "legit" method). With that you build it in two parts, then scrap one (the cheaper one) and edit it onto the other. With 10 upgrades you could get one rate of 0.6 or two 0.4 BP/s rates. If it takes 151 days and 81 days totalling 232 days normally, you could build both halves at once in 226.5 days (226.5 for the bigger one, 121.5 for the smaller), then edit and rebuild. Hmm, unless the edit stage took less than 6 days it looks like you might not save any time. Where you would save time is launching that smaller thing separately while the other is still building, if at all possible, since you could almost launch two of them in the time it takes for the larger craft to finish. Dual or tri rates should always result in a higher total throughput at the expense of each individual craft taking longer. The square root in the BP formula does promote construction of larger craft if you have a single rate, however. I never really got a chance to do a bunch of in-depth balancing for KCT, it's mostly just balanced for "this gives times that won't make people want to kill me". And given that the whole mod can be completely reconfigured through the Presets, anyone can change the balance on their own. Seriously, you can make build times use a linear formula instead of square root, or a logarithmic one, or an exponential, or be based on mass, or on the number of engineers you have at KSC right now, or a fixed time (per vessel or per part). Any tricks that work for one Preset probably won't apply to another Preset.
  16. It does not. Since it only runs on scene change and must recalculate every time (or else the XP is "lost") there's not really a good way to track that, sorry :/ Maybe later down the line I could rewrite it so that could work, but I don't have the time currently.
  17. @Bluebottle SR for some reason decided that the vessel was likely to be destroyed and pre-recovered the kerbals. That shouldn't happen until the altitude drops below the cutoff (27200 meters, determined from the atmospheric density but for some reason higher than the actual altitude where KSP destroys things). Maybe KSP fed SR the wrong altitude for that vessel? Can you upload the full log file, just so I can scour it for any other information that might be pertinent but might not appear related. I think I'm going to need to add a bit more error checking into that code and have it reassign crew if the vessel isn't destroyed within a few seconds. My dev time is pretty minimal for the next two months though, so ETA on that.
  18. B.S. in physics with minors in chemistry and math, about to finish a masters in materials science, and starting a job in a few months doing software development. My "specialty" is simulation and theory of polymer dynamics, which isn't really that applicable to anything on its own I'm not actually a huge fan of the field, so that's why I'm switching over to software development (enterprise content management software specifically). I've always been fascinated by space, so that's where the love for KSP comes in. Never wanted to pursue space research for a job though since I'd probably start hating it if I had to spend all my time on it. An analogy: reading is fun, but dissecting a book for an english class isn't and makes me not want to read any more than I have to. I don't want that to happen to my enthusiasm for space.
  19. I have a mod that I wrote just to do that called TreeToppler. Just drop that into the GameData folder, go into the R&D center, then press the "topple" button. You can either unlock all the nodes or just some of them. Personally I unlock all the nodes that I could get for that R&D center level (ie, up to 90 point nodes at tier 1) that way I still have some progression but don't have to worry about science. I also turn part unlock costs on so that I have to buy the parts to unlock them.
  20. I looked through some of the stuff when you updated, but just read through that file. I can't think of anything off the top of my head that would need to be changed since you seem to be providing plenty of options. Thanks for all your work on that. When the 1.1 update comes I'll likely disable the KCT sim code by default (but leave it as an option for a little while) and advise everyone to switch over to KRASH.
  21. You should. The points are still there, but the formula returns a negative. Most likely that's just by multiplying the result by negative one and as soon as you upgrade it will instead multiply by positive one, and all the points will be applied in full. Let me know if you run into any troubles with it though.
  22. That's dependent on the Preset. There should be an option to reset the points in the Upgrades GUI, but the Preset may have disabled it. If you want to get around that, you can change the "UpgradeResetFormula" to "0", reset the upgrades, then reselect the proper Preset. I think that'd be plenty fair after what appears to be a possible bug.
  23. Unfortunately no, I put 1.3.2 out first. But that development .DLL contains the 1.3.2 fix in it.
  24. That's really strange. KCT doesn't really do much in flight so I'm not sure what's going on there. I'll take a quick look at the log and will let you know if I see anything helpful. Edit: Nope, definitely a KCT related issue. It's running into an error when trying to figure out how much time launchpad reconditioning should take because of the kerbal in the chair (it converts the vessel back to a craft file, but the kerbal in the chair is unsupported). I'll see if I can try to come up with something really quick. Edit 2: try this .dll and let me know if it avoids the problem (it doesn't fix it, it should just catch the error and avoid it) Unrelated: Small update to 1.3.2. It's just a hotfix that @NathanKell threw together to fix an issue regarding vessel size limitations in the spaceplane hangar. If you're not using the SPH then there's no rush to update. Next full update will be for 1.1. I might not get a chance to really add anything new though for that update, but I'll try to get some bug fixes in. The next few months are going to be busy (writing a Masters Thesis, graduating, moving, getting married, and starting a new job all by the start of July).
  25. I'm not 100% sure on this or not, but I think if you disable the tech unlock times feature of KCT it might work. Haven't tested it though but it'd be worth a shot if you have to do that again in the future.
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