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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Check like 5 posts above yours I just added it to Space Dock, now I need the CKAN organizers to update the netkan file. It'll likely take a day or two. Edit: Actually, I just checked. The netkan file was updated about 3 hours ago. It should be on CKAN by now.
  2. If that error is right then I apparently told the inclination field to run through the time parser... That shouldn't make an error though if you're just entering numbers. I'll check it and get it fixed in the next release (there are several parser related errors I need to fix)
  3. I was going to wait for another release, but I may as well just do it now. Now uploaded to Space Dock, will hopefully be back on CKAN in a day or two.
  4. There's an issue where an error during the destruction event causes it to trigger repeatedly. I can probably fix it without too much trouble now that I think about it.
  5. I made an issue on GitHub to remind me to take a look into this. In other news, I've uploaded 1.6.3 which fixes the issues people were seeing with kerbals in vessel on Kerbin and might also support MechJeb as a valid control source for powered recovery. It's also uploaded to Space Dock and should hopefully be on CKAN in a day or two. If someone makes a header image for SpaceDock I'll use it, otherwise it's going to be without one for a little while.
  6. I'm not totally sure what you mean, but this should work for vessels you leave in atmosphere (on Kerbin). For instance, if you detach a small plane from a large plane and fly the small plane around, the large plane will get recovered once it gets too far away.
  7. Can't put it on SpaceDock because it isn't a mod, but I can move it to GitHub or Dropbox. I'll do that later today Edit: Moved download to DropBox.
  8. You can set it to whatever you feel is appropriate. It's supposed to be the velocity at which you start having to worry about things burning up. It's the low range. Also, keep in mind that unfocused stages aren't deleted until they drop to a fairly low altitude but they still build up speed (since no atmospheric physics is applied, but gravity physics is) so you should probably set it higher than normal. In the Config.txt file in the GameData/StageRecovery folder there's a setting called DistanceOverride. Set it to 1 or 0.95 or something along those lines. The default is -1 (which means "calculate the distance").
  9. With RSS you'll want to turn up the DR Max Velocity to 7000 or so. The 2000 is for the Stock system. You can override the distance percentages in the config file, but there's no way to do that in-game (just open the config with a text editor)
  10. I think you mean http://spacedock.info/ And I'm well aware, I've been following along as closely as I have time for. I'm even a supporter on Patreon. Once I get time I'll be uploading everything to there, but getting everything set up takes a while and I haven't had time yet. That's my plan for this weekend. I've got like 10 mods to reupload and come up with new descriptions/screenshots/etc for.
  11. They all were on CKAN when KerbalStuff was running (well, most of them). I haven't had enough time to get everything up onto SpaceDock yet, but that's one of my plans for this weekend. I'll make sure to tick the CKAN box, so they'll hopefully be available again by the start of next week! I might move to GitHub as a secondary option. I'll think about it. It likely requires a GUI, which starts to move it out of "modlet" territory and into full "mod" territory. I also haven't had much time lately for any development, so new mods are extra low on the list.
  12. I can't speak for the intents of this challenge, but in general the KCT recovery is intended for things like planes and SSTOs where all you need to do is refuel and go again. The time to recover is based entirely on mass (and distance from KSC), while building vessels is based on cost, so there's no real intentional balance between them. You can use it for recoverable first stages but it requires a lot more work. It's supposed to be a pain in the butt because you're choosing to reuse the exact same parts with only manual fixes/refueling rather than the normal recover + refurb process which would be handled by your Kerbals, in exchange you might see reduced times (and for fully recovered things like planes it's night and day in terms of time). It's the difference between SpaceX landing their first stage and sending it out next launch with little to no refurb (and an already built payload), versus the space shuttle which used the same parts but had tons of refurb done so it was basically brand new.
  13. Or just set the UT back to 0 in the save file and reset the funds back to 10 million or so. Same effect but only requires changing two lines rather than copying a bunch of stuff.
  14. It appears the issue lies within Kerbal Konstructs (specifically due to KK and SR integration). If you're willing to do a bit of troubleshooting, could you remove that and add SR back in and see if you get the same issue? There's an error where you're missing the Kerbal Konstructs config file, which likely means you have no launchsites, which would probably cause some problems. Are you actually using Kerbal Konstructs for anything? Here's the related errors: [WRN 16:11:57.021] File '/home/joseph/Desktop/Kerbal 1.0.5/Stockalike/KSP_linux/KSP_Data/../saves/Career Two/KK.cfg' does not exist [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Searching in RecoveryQueue (0) for dbbbd379-747c-4620-bdd4-b413285c2601 [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Altitude: 35849.1554953253 [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Vt: 200 [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Trying powered recovery [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Stage not controlled. Can't perform powered recovery. [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] DR velocity exceeded (2329.72823096979/2000) Chance of burning up: 0.3297282 [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Found 0 ablator remaining with 0 total. [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Burn chance: 0.3297282 rand: 0.768648941427771 burning? False [LOG 16:11:57.022] [SR] Distance: 539625.9 [EXC 16:11:57.026] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.OnVesselRecovered (.ProtoVessel vessel) KerbalKonstructs.KerbalKonstructs.SRProcessingFinished (.Vessel vessel) StageRecovery.RecoveryProcessingEvent.Fire (.Vessel vessel) StageRecovery.StageRecovery.VesselDestroyEvent (.Vessel v) EventData`1[Vessel].Fire (.Vessel data) Vessel.Die () Part.Die () Part.explode () Part.FixedUpdate ()
  15. Ooh, right in the heart I actually really like FMRS because for the situations in which it was designed, it does a great job. It's a huge PITA when you're just dropping SRBs and don't really want to spend a bunch of time watching them descend on parachutes. That's why I went out of the way to make sure StageRecovery is compatible with it: when FMRS is off SR runs, but when FMRS is on SR won't try to recover anything. That way you can get the best of both worlds. I'd also like to mention that StageRecovery does support powered landings, not just parachute based ones. Sure it's an abstraction of the process and doesn't require physically landing the vessel, but when you're focussed on the main mission and have landed your stage 100 times already it's kind of annoying to have to go back and land it again and again and again. I second the motion to allow FMRS. You can just as easily keep track of costs (I'm pretty sure you still get recovery screens, if not then just keep track of when your funds change) and it requires more physical effort in return for diversified launch vehicles. PS: Don't use FMRS with KCT's simulations. Bad things apparently happen.
  16. If you don't have any remaining upgrade points you'll have to make some changes in the Preset to either give yourself more upgrades or to remove the cost of resetting. More upgrades is easier: open the KCT settings and find the "starting upgrades" section, change the 15,15,45 to 15,15,X where X is the number of upgrades you want to have, then save it. You could just do that rather than resetting if you wanted.
  17. You can reset the upgrades, but it requires you to spend a few upgrades to do so (nonpermanently). That's in the same GUI that you use to spend upgrades.
  18. Neither of those are true (yet). There's discussion about that. Making it be tied to a part isn't too hard, making it work on other planets might require some serious tricks. Right now all it does is restrict recovery to within 100km of KSC, and through the config file you can add additional regions. If/when I get back to this the first step will be adding it to parts. Other planets is much later.
  19. Uh oh, I'll need to "sanitize" that input better in the future. If restarting the game doesn't fix it then you might need to make a small tweak in the save file: search for the string "SimulationTime" (without quotes) and change the value on the right side of the = to "0" (also without quotes). That should fix that issue. Until I can fix the parser, make sure to only use "y d h m s" and numbers or it might break again. If you want to just multiply all the times by an amount you can tweak the Overall Multiplier. If you set it to 2, most things should take twice as long as normal. So if only a few months are passing and you want a few years to go by instead, you could set it to 10 or so. There's going to be a lot of timewarp involved then. If nobody else has a good config for you and you want to tweak more than the Overall Multiplier, check out the Preset documentation and then I can help you come up with some configs. As for your related subject: I think it meshes so well that I'm working with a few other mod authors to create just that. Check out BROKE, linked in my signature. It's still very WIP and I haven't been able to work on it for a while, but one of the other authors has been doing some great work on it recently. I'm also working on a "flight school" mod so you can have your kerbals take classes to earn XP in their downtime.
  20. An attempt to fix that is what caused the other issue, actually. The reason the "recover" parameter doesn't activate is because the kerbal is actually killed and then resurrected which causes the contract to fail. I tried to get around that by "prerecovering" the kerbals prior to them being killed, which had the unfortunate side effect of triggering on landed vessels and setting those kerbals to MIA. The prerecovering mechanic only works in the flight scene though, so if you're trying to use SR for recovery then make sure you don't leave the flight scene.
  21. That issue is solved and fixed in a beta build but I was trying to also solve another issue before releasing that. I'll try to get an updated version out this weekend with that fix in it (unfortunately the other thing is being tougher to solve than I thought), but until then I suggest using the .dll from the link above.
  22. Until things settle down, I've got the modlets hosted on my server at http://magico13.net/files/KSP/Modlets. In general, grab the one with the largest set of numbers
  23. All my files are more dispersed than I thought and I don't have any of the downloads laying around anywhere and don't want to put up possibly outdated ones. I'm downloading the KerbalStuff torrent and will have to extract them out of there, then will put them up later. Unfortunately that means it'll have to wait until tomorrow since it's going to take a while to download all 60 gigs of mods. I've got my mods set to download first, so it might still happen tonight.
  24. I haven't had a moment to sit down and figure out what I'm going to do, but my initial idea is to switch to GitHub. I may or may not switch to the new KerbalStuff replacement, but I don't need to worry nearly as much about GitHub randomly shutting down one day. In the meantime I can make them available from my server as soon as I get home and eat some dinner.
  25. I haven't tried the KCT launchpads with the 64 bit hack, but you might need to adjust the KCT_LaunchPad's a bit. Each KCT_LaunchPad entry should have a "level = " property that you can change to set the level. There's a chance you won't need to make any tweaks for second/third/etc pads and might just have to fix the initial pad. Let me know if that does/doesn't work or if you need any other help.
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