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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Are build times disabled (or is the mod disabled)? That code is supposed to make the main window close if it's open when you enter those buildings but it's doing really weird and annoying things despite what I tell it to do. I might disable it if I can't fix it.
  2. I just did a recompile and forgot to test, so I'm not surprised. I'll get it fixed tonight and will be adding the convert to craft file feature at the same time.
  3. So I'm not able to recreate any issues with the latest version of KSCSwitcher. I'm going to proceed with the release then. Edit: GitHub and Curse have the update. I need to remake the .netkan file and then I will update SpaceDock. Edit2: SpaceDock updated. Netkan submitted to CKAN. Should be up on CKAN pending acceptance of the PR. E3: Most people should be aware of the changes by now, but here's a very brief changelog: v1.3.3.7 (05/09/16) - Update for KSP 1.1.2 - Now requires MagiCore for math and time parsing - Added Part Variables and Module Variables to alter the EffectivePart and ProceduralPart formulas for specific parts/modules - Several bug fixes Tagging @NathanKell so he sees.
  4. Yeah, it's flight to flight. It would be weird but you could use my other mod, Kerbal Construction Time, if you could land them on Kerbin. Alternatively if you give me a few days I could modify the code from that link to let you also convert them back to craft files. I just can't tonight because I need to make a release of Kerbal Construction Time and probably won't have time for both.
  5. The issues I had in the past are unlikely to be related since it was literally years ago at this point. I'll look through the logs posted and see if anything catches my eye. If you don't get it figured out yourself then I'll try to do some testing in the next few days when I get the opportunity. Edit: Well, the issue lies within LaunchGUI.setLaunchSite, so I'd start by figuring out what exactly is triggering the NRE in that method. My guess is the ProgressTracking or the R&D. I haven't looked into TST yet to see if they modify those at all.
  6. Tarsier used to break KCT due to some issues with loading from the persistence file causing all subsequent mods to not get to load their data. That's not an issue anymore after 1.0.5 (NathanKell added some error handling to the loader on KSP's side), but Tarsier is definitely capable of causing troubles.
  7. I'll look into it tonight. Edit: One thing to keep in mind is that Ship Save Splicer doesn't actually turn them back into craft files. The way they're saved is more like how they're saved in the save file. If you want to convert them back into craft files you can use this, though it hasn't been updated recently. I can possibly add that functionality into SSS, but I'd need more than tonight to do that. All SSS does right now is let you transfer individual ships from one save to another.
  8. I want to make sure the bugs with KSCSwitcher are worked out on my side and I have to take some time to rewrite my .netkan file because of MagiCore. I can't do all that tonight since I have to be at work early tomorrow to proctor an exam, so the release will happen tomorrow evening. Sound good?
  9. I've got to make some changes anyway to use the actual site name rather than the internal one, so don't fret too much. It'll have to wait until tomorrow though on my end. That's the kind of thing that I imagined MM would have. I'll look into making Presets MM capable. As a possible workaround can you make a custom module with MM that doesn't do anything, then use the Module Variables? I'm not sure if MM can create "empty" modules or just apply existing ones. KSP probably wouldn't be too happy about a nonexistent module. I don't want to push this release back any more (1.1 has been out for what, almost 3 weeks now). But I'll try to get something added this week if I get the chance. What's the tentative plan for RP-0 release?
  10. Alright, here's something basic that gives you 100 funds per day (configurable) per Kerbal in a Hitchhiker Container. You'll need to reference BROKE, Assembly-CSharp, KSPUtil, UnityEngine, and UnityEngine.UI (all the basics + BROKE). using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BROKE; using UnityEngine; using KSP; namespace SpaceHotel { public class SpaceHotel : IFundingModifier { private double totalIncome = 0; private double perKerbalFunds = 100; public string GetName() { return "Space Hotel"; } public string GetConfigName() { return "SpaceHotel"; } public void OnEnabled() { } public void OnDisabled() { } public bool hasMainGUI() { //no main GUI. Could use one to show any info you wanted, like funds for each station if you tracked that return false; } public void DrawMainGUI() { //if there were a main GUI you would draw it here } public bool hasSettingsGUI() { //It has a settings GUI return true; } public void DrawSettingsGUI() { //draw the setting GUI GUILayout.Label("Settings:"); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Funds per Kerbal per day: "); perKerbalFunds = Double.Parse(GUILayout.TextField(perKerbalFunds.ToString(), 10)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } public void DailyUpdate() { //get the number of Kerbals in HitchHiker containers and multiply by the perKerbalFunds //Add that to the total foreach (ProtoVessel pv in HighLogic.CurrentGame.flightState.protoVessels) //all vessels { if (pv.protoPartSnapshots.Exists(pps => pps.partName == "crewCabin")) { Debug.Log("SpaceHotel: Found crewCabin on "+pv.vesselName); //contains a hitchiker part foreach (ProtoPartSnapshot pps in pv.protoPartSnapshots.FindAll(pps => pps.partName == "crewCabin")) totalIncome += pps.protoModuleCrew.Count * perKerbalFunds; } } Debug.Log("SpaceHotel: QTD = " + totalIncome); } public InvoiceItem ProcessQuarterly() { InvoiceItem invoice = new InvoiceItem(this, totalIncome, 0); totalIncome = 0; return invoice; } public InvoiceItem ProcessYearly() { return new InvoiceItem(this, 0, 0); } public ConfigNode SaveData() { //Save the totalIncome and perKerbalFunds info to the save file ConfigNode settings = new ConfigNode(); settings.AddValue("totalIncome", totalIncome); settings.AddValue("perKerbalFunds", perKerbalFunds); return settings; } public void LoadData(ConfigNode node) { //Load the totalIncome and perKerbalFunds info from the save file double.TryParse(node.GetValue("totalIncome"), out totalIncome); double.TryParse(node.GetValue("perKerbalFunds"), out perKerbalFunds); } public void OnInvoicePaid(object sender, InvoiceItem.InvoicePaidEventArgs args) { } public void OnInvoiceUnpaid(object sender, EventArgs args) { } } } I actually knew about that issue and forgot about it. There's also an issue where the GUI breaks if you aren't using autopay. So many silly bugs! I've got a lot of work to put into this in the next few days to actually get it to a nice and playable state. I also want to rewrite the payment history code. What's in is fine but what I've got planned is a lot more detailed and a little more useful. As I mentioned above, there's still a bunch of work needed before I'd recommend actually using this. But if you've got FMs in mind now's the time to start playing around with creating them!
  11. You need to also install MagiCore. It should already be in the zip file. It goes directly in GameData. Alternatively you can grab it off of CKAN. Currently nothing is MM capable. I don't think it would be too hard to make it MM capable but I haven't actually taken an in-depth look at MM enough to know how easy it would be. It makes sense to at least make the module resetting MM compatible. I never thought about mod authors including their own resets. As I mentioned before, I haven't done much with MM, but I am curious as to how creating the part modifiers with MM would be different than just putting them into the RP-0 Preset directly (not trying to be condescending or anything like that, just curious if MM has some useful feature for making that easier, other than the replacement feature)
  12. Not this update probably, but next one for sure
  13. Absolutely! When the FM is told to calculate income you could ask KSP for the Kerbal roster and do what toy want with it (including figure out who is on what vessel). That's only calculated once a quarter or year though. Instead you might keep a running total when the FM is told a new day has passed and just return that total each quarter. So they income would be based on each individual day, but you wouldn't see the money until the end of the quarter. Obviously you'd need to write a new FM for this. If you want I could come up with a basic one for you that you can expand off of.
  14. I think something changed in KSCSwitcher ever so slightly (my guess is that a previously static variable is no longer static) so KCT's attempts to integrate with it are getting messed up. The fix should be just to figure out what changed and change my code appropriately, but depending on how much changed it could take a while. I won't get a chance to take a look at it for another 3 to 4 hours though.
  15. What parts of Real Solar System are you running? Is it a full RO game? It looks like a full RO + RP-0 game (is RP-0 updated to 1.1 already?). Seems to be an issue related to KSCSwitcher and it's totally possible KCT isn't compatible with the latest KSCSwitcher yet. It's definitely a problem on KCT's side, not KSCSwitcher's. I'll try to get it fixed tonight.
  16. I guess I didn't actually explain the differences anywhere did I? MV is all the appropriate Module_Variables multiplied together, as you mentioned. PV is the Part_Variable which is the same thing but instead of being module based is part based. The Preset might have something like Part_Variables { mk1pod = 0.75 } Which would make the first command pod take less time than normal. Basically PV is for modifying specific parts and MV is for modifying specific modules. I've seen that happen when there's an error during the deletion. I've got a planned fix but haven't gotten it implemented yet.
  17. Expect bugs. I haven't gotten past the "can it make it through a single quarter" phase of testing yet. I'm hoping to do some more work on it this week and next weekend especially. I'm dying to start a new career with this (and my basic Life Support mod that I was working on a few months ago).
  18. I've made a new release available for KSP 1.1. It's got a bunch of changes by @jkortech and I haven't gotten to test everything. I really want to start a new career with this mod as the primary source of funds, so expect changes and new FMs in the next few weeks. Skins have been temporarily disabled as the GUI changes in 1.1 have broken things.
  19. New Pre-release. I think it'll be the last one before the full release (semi-intentionally this is PR6 and the next would be PR7, which makes the version number for release ). Fixed some of the GUI issues reported here. Biggest change is adding what I call Part Variables to the Preset spec. These let you change the Effective Cost formulas based on specific parts or specific modules. Example usage would be making command pods take longer through: Module_Variables { ModuleCommand = 10 } and adding the following to the EffectiveCostFormula: *[MV] The default Preset has some skeleton code for the Part Variables already in it as a reference.
  20. It was only part of the reason. The other was finding the time and getting at least one useful thing in. In this case, the useful thing is that you can now modify the effective cost formula on a per part or per module basis. So if you want everything with ModuleCommand to take longer then you can do that, or if a specific part is weirdly priced and doesn't fit the formula well then you can fix it. Edit: Hopefully final pre-release now available. Want to get at least one external test of the Part Variables functionality before release. Some more explanation of that feature here.
  21. I know why this started, but haven't had success getting it to stop, which is one of the main reasons I haven't done the release yet. Basically I added some code to close the GUI when you enter the R&D center, Astronaut Complex, and the other non-scene change buildings, but then that messed up the button state as it thought it was active when it was hidden. So instead I made it also turn the button off. Now for whatever reason it's stuck in a weird state where if you hover over the button it brings the window up and when moving off the button it stays open (when it should close). A single click closes the window when it should be keeping it open. I've looked through the code multiple times and can't figure out how that's happening, so I need to sit down and mess around with it for a while until I get something that works correctly but I haven't had enough free time to do that yet (and with the final for the class I TA being Monday morning, I keep getting nonstop questions via email that I have to answer and I'm going to lose most of tomorrow to office hours and other obligations). Basically, it's a problem I know about and it's half the reason I haven't done the release yet. I haven't heard of logs being deleted before. They should be in Kerbal Space Program\KSP_Data\output_log.txt or Kerbal Space Program\KSP_x64_Data\output_log.txt depending on if you're running 32 bit or 64 bit (assuming you're on windows, if you aren't then check this post)
  22. I'll need logs for that one. Haven't seen that myself and noone else has reported it.
  23. Add points into the second R&D rate which should be called Development. The Getting Started Guide goes over all the different upgrades. Research gives you science for building ships (the science you get from performing hands-on research work with the parts) and development is for developing new technologies (unlocking nodes). Your second log is the same as your first one. The CTD appears to be fairly random. I've had CTDs with nearly Stock versions of 1.1 64bit and I have barely played it. I think 1.1 is just kind of inherently buggy. I can't really help with the first one without a log from it. Sounds like a mod got bugged when the scene was loading. I noticed several errors logged in the second log, like DangerAlerts not being able to find its icon and Vanguard Technologies not being built for this version of KSP and thus not loading. DecayManager has a bunch of errors when the flight scene starts loading, but they go away after it gets a little further along. With as many mods as you have, though, there are a lot of possible sources of issues.
  24. I fixed the out of date Field Experience. I also checked all the other modlets and am 98% sure that was the only one I messed up. Sorry about that
  25. FMRS: Flight Manager for Reusable Stages. It's similar in purpose to StageRecovery but requires/lets you fly the stages down manually. I personally love how it works and strive to ensure that StageRecovery remains compatible with it.
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