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Everything posted by magico13

  1. Hopefully it's good because I won't have another free night for a few more days. Almost done painting. Almost...
  2. I've noticed times where it definitely wasn't behaving properly but it hasn't been a high priority. What has been a high priority is the new game bug. I think I've got it sorted out now, but there's a decent chance I've introduced more problems. Grab the _3.dll build from here if you want to test. (put it in GameData/KerbalConstructionTime/Plugins and delete anything else you have in that folder) Edit: Snuck in "fixes" for the rollback bug and the scrollbar. AKA made it so you can't scrap when rolling out/back (since that wasn't intended) and made the build list 100 pixels wider (500 vs 400)
  3. It's supposed to, but the order of things is messed up and it isn't respecting that I think. I'll try to fix it while I work on the new game bug. The UI really needs another overhaul but that won't be happening any time soon. I might be able to make it resizeable though. Editing times (are supposed to) work like this: take the completed BP of the ship, subtract 1.1 times the change in BP from the edit, and that's the new currently complete BP. In numbers: Ship that is 50% complete and is 200,000 BP has 100,000 BP completed (~28 hours left at 1 BP/s). If you edit and the new BP is 175,000 then the completed is 100,000-1.1*25,000 = 72,500 (41.4% or 35.4 hours at 1 BP/s). If instead the new BP is 225,000 then the completed is still 72,500 but that's only 32.2% and 42.4 hours. Because it's just BP based, replacing parts with similar costs (since BP is cost based by default) can actually result in no reductions in % complete. The sooner you edit the better, since the completed can't go below zero. So worst case scenario it's the same as if you built it new. When the inventory works it gets more complicated, since the BP values get all wonked up by the inventory and things get extra weird with adding new parts from the inventory.
  4. It doesn't have to go under plugins, but that's where it goes normally. It doesn't actually matter as long as you don't have duplicates. I also had uploaded a base .zip in the same directory as the .dlls that can be used
  5. New ksp1.2_2.dll. Drop it in GameData/KerbalConstructionTime/Plugins and DELETE THE OLD ONE I didn't have time to address everything but am hoping to get a bit more time today (unlikely though). Only thing possibly fixed is that the build list and the editor gui have been clamped to the screen. The build list is "strictly" clamped where none of it is allowed to go off screen (except the BL+ window might, I should really roll that into the main BL). The Editor GUI is "softly" clamped in that half of it is allowed to go off screen but not all of it. I started trying to work on getting new games to work properly. The error doesn't popup, but things aren't getting loaded correctly and so you still have to reload the save before it will work. Haven't gotten a chance to look at rollback yet.
  6. Your link to the output_log is not the same as the one used for that snippet, as it contains no errors, but it's alright. Those NREs are alright, I had assumed they were going to happen because they happened in my testing and I put a try-catch around them with logging so I could examine them further. StageRecovery just assumes the rotation is "up" if that happens, otherwise it gets the actual one. And annoyingly I haven't found a way to check for what causes that to throw so I have to use the try-catch. So basically they're not a big deal, but thank you for reporting them
  7. I will once I get everything updated for 1.2. I haven't been home for more than about an hour each day this past week.
  8. Should be taken care of in the dll that ends with ksp1.2_1.dll. The first one (ksp1.2_0.dll) definitely would have broken if used with Contract Configurator, and in fact did.
  9. FYI, it's not just mods that use the toolbar mod. From what I understand it's any mod that uses the loadedAssemblies.SelectMany function for recognizing the presence of other mods (and accessing methods/fields on them through reflection). For KCT and StageRecovery that breaks far more than Toolbar support, it also impacted support for FMRS, RealChute, KSCSwitcher, Kerbal Konstructs, StageRecovery (in KCT), TestFlight, RemoteTech, CrewQueue (though the last three aren't really supported by me anymore though). I realize that the toolbar wrapper is probably going to be the only source of trouble for most mods, but it's worth noting that thi is more than an issue for just toolbar.
  10. I haven't gotten a chance to look at any of this and probably won't until maybe Saturday for a very short time, so hopefully you guys are able to figure out what's causing these issues. If you can please upload logs to a site like dropbox rather than copy-pasting them into the forum it'll make it a lot easier for me to work with since I run them through LogViewer for analysis.
  11. They actually are a KCT thing. They were added in prior to me taking over the mod in January of 2014 and I think I've seen it pop up like once since then. I generally forget it exists. They come up when you're warping and a vessel reports that it's SOI changed, so it stems from a Stock issue of mis-reporting an SOI change. I can just disable that code because Kerbal Alarm Clock can also stop KCT's warp code and if you care about an SOI change you should be using alarms.
  12. Unless you are also using it to recover Kerbals and/or science then you are correct, it won't be that beneficial in a science only career.
  13. FYI, you've placed this in the StageRecovery thread, not the KCT one KCT does use the stock funds system, but I'll have to check how Strategia's strategy is implemented. I would imagine it would use OnVesselRollout, which is definitely still triggered (but the crew may not have been loaded into the vessel by that time). I'll make a note to look into it when I get a chance.
  14. I'm curious if it's just an error on new saves, but when reloading that save it works properly. I'm not sure I'll get a chance to test for a while, but with the ordering of OnLoad and Start being changed in 1.2 I won't be surprised if the "finished" indicator isn't being set, which triggers the "Error" message after a timeout. Basically, that error message pops up whenever a timeout of a few seconds happens and KCT doesn't set a flag to "completed". The intended purpose is that if loading data from the save doesn't succeed then it won't flag it as "completed", triggering the message (back when it was implemented other mods could break loading save data for all other mods). It could also be triggering in this case because OnLoad doesn't happen for a new save since there's no existing file, in which case it should be able to be safely ignored. If that's so, then I'll have to add in a workaround for new saves.
  15. Those links were old/dead since they hadn't been updated for a while and the build server hasn't been fully rebuilt. I just updated it, so feel free to try again. You'll need to also grab the last (full) release from github to use as a base. Edit: Scratch that, I'll just drop it in that folder too E2: done!
  16. Heads up: I'm going to be really busy this week painting all the rooms of the house that my wife and I just bought. When I get a chance, I'll see if I can tackle the things noted below: 1. Launch button. I tried a few things but I haven't discovered how to override the stock behavior yet. I know I can add onto what happens, but I don't know if they'll let me overwrite anymore. 2. Crash when recovering to storage. With the inventory missing for now, recovering to storage is a necessity. @JeffreyCor mentioned that it seemed to work fine for him with the SPH. Please test and let me know if it does(n't) work for you and some info like 32vs64 bit, Windows/Mac/Linux, Win10 vs Win8.1 vs Win7, etc. For me: Win10, 32bit KSP, recover to VAB. I haven't tried SPH.
  17. To be fair they did test and know that the change would break other mods, and they notified the Toolbar Mod since it would break every mod that used the wrapper class (a lot of mods). KCT just happens to use that same reflection code for detecting the presence of several other mods (KSCSwitcher, StageRecovery, Kerbal Konstructs, TestFlight, RemoteTech, and CrewQueue to name a few off the top of my head.) so despite my updating the toolbar wrapper it still caused issues. @Kerbas_ad_astra thankfully went ahead and updated all of those references so that they no longer trigger errors. I don't really blame Contract Configurator, just so long as it isn't a common occurrence to include changes that knowingly break other mods.
  18. He wasn't testing, he was suggesting to have an easily noticeable button if the launch button can't be repurposed.
  19. If you're running Contract Configurator that's why. Contract Configurator did something that broke reflection for every other mod. There's a fix that someone made a pull request for last night, so I'll get that in. Same issue as JeffreyCor, you've got contract configurator and it's breaking KCT and several other mods (though for them the toolbar mod just won't work). Also, the launch button override is totally broken and I haven't found a workaround yet. You have to disable "Override Launch Button". I don't know what they changed, but even removing every callback of the launch button causes it to launch when before that would prevent they're function from firing. I'm posting a new build that should take care of the problems with Contract Configurator. I do want to point out that KCT's barely been tested without other mods, so adding in others will probably create additional problems. I suppose it might help find problems faster, but there's a chance some problems are a result of other mods being messed up. http://magico13.net/files/KSP/KCT_dev (this one ends with ksp1.2_1.dll)
  20. You need MagiCore as well, or at least an updated version. I put one in that folder. Either toss it into GameData/MagiCore/MagiCore.dll or just right into GameData. Doesn't matter too much where it goes.
  21. @ScootsMcGoots If you have access to a loaded Vessel, that will make your life much easier, but it sounds like you won't really since you need a copy. Proto* don't really let you run physics on them, it's been a huge headache for me with StageRecovery. My not so great workaround when I can't use a ProtoPartSnapshot is to grab a partPrefab from the partInfo to get a version of the part that I can use, but it's not fully representative of the actual part. I'm not sure what would be the best thing to do for you, the Proto*s are nice in that they rarely if ever are null, but the full Vessel/Parts allow much more (but are null almost always when unloaded). I've also been pretty absent from the modding scene for a while, so I'm not the most familiar with what's currently available. Good luck! Other unrelated business: Regarding KCT for 1.2: If anyone wants to start testing things, I'm going to periodically drop a build into this folder: http://magico13.net/files/KSP/KCT_dev As of right now (2016.10.22 - 3:52pm EST) basic testing is working with the exception of recovering to storage with file "_ksp1.2_0.dll"
  22. The main things being removed are simulations (KRASH is the recommended mod to use for simulations, this change has been talked about for a while) and something called the "part inventory". Everything else should still be in there (build times, tech unlock times, KSC upgrade times, multiple KSC launchpads, recovering vessels to storage). The part inventory (and the associated part tracker) is a feature where recovered parts can be reused to reduce future build times. The inventory/tracker provides incentive to build reusable/recoverable vessels and to build different vessels that are based on the same parts. Basically, if all of your launchers/payloads shared a common set of parts you could build them faster than if you built a bunch of totally different things. With the inventory/tracker missing it just means all builds of a particular design will take a set amount of time (instead of getting faster each time) and there's no incentive to share parts between designs. The mod still will work just fine, it just removes an important gameplay element. I'm working on a better design for the part inventory that won't require weird tricks to work with other mods (tweakscale and procedural parts were both sort of hacked into the previous system). Also, good news: KCT builds and almost even works. Just tracking down some issues with launching vessels. I'll probably have more problems afterward though. One annoying issue I've found is that I can't override the launch button in the editor anymore, so I'll need to figure out a new way of doing that again. E1: I think they reordered when Start() is called. I'm pretty sure it used to be before loading persistence, and now I think it's afterward. KCT depended on the previous ordering, so I think that is a source of several issues. E2: HAHA! Recovering to storage causes a crash to desktop. That's great. Of all features it would be that one.
  23. Simulations are likely going to be removed this release anyway, so the point is moot. You may want to direct this discussion toward KRASH, since that will be the recommended simulation mod.
  24. StageRecovery uses a custom recovery method that doesn't quite handle contracts correctly, since rely on events that only fire during regular recovery. With how StageRecovery works, it'd probably need a sizeable rewrite to get it to work correctly. I have plans for that, but it's low on the list.
  25. It won't actually be that hard to program, it just has the capability of being annoying for anyone who wants to change a bunch of things since there might be a lot of options (imagine mods with a lot of fuel types and extra biomes and you want to configure them all for some reason).
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